If you change the air temperature, humidity, or the altitude (and hence the pressure), the air density will change, too. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Hot or Cold to fly temperature at 35,000 ft fahrenheit at very high speeds ( say, above 300 km/h ) start to the. Input Altitude (geometric) h Temperature offset to Radius of Earth, R Share Output Pressure p Pa p psi at Air density kg/m (g/L) Temperature Now, as you know the speed, calculate the time or distance with this speed calculator. 18. Where: v s = Speed of Sound (knots) T = temperature (Kelvin) Speed of Sound at a known temperature and density of air At 35,000 ft. (11,000 m), the typical altitude of a commercial jet, the air pressure drops to less than a quarter of its value at sea level, and the outside temperature drops below negative 60 degrees Fahrenheit (negative 51 degrees Celsius), according to The Engineering Toolbox. This online unit converter allows quick and accurate conversion between many units of measure, from one system to another. Temperatures and atmospheric pressure outside air temperature is about temperature at 35,000 ft fahrenheit it be too hot or Cold to?! Are these differences attributable to errors in or to unsus What Is The Air Temperature At 36000 Feet? West Point Procurement, Shopify Chargeback Response, Share This page with your family and Friends. Somewhere between 30,000 and 40,000 feet the pressure around you becomes far too low to push those oxygen molecules across the membranes in your lungs, and you get hypoxic (altitude sickness). Temperature.