Advertisement: International Silver Company - "Americas most distinguished and best selling designs in sterling and silverplate" [showing 31 flatware patterns by ISC, divisions and brands including 1847 Rogers Bros., International Sterling, Holmes & Edwards, and Wm. Advertisement: "An ideal Christmas Gift; Genuine 1847 Rogers [/ International Silver Co.] Table Ware " [with abstract illustration of silverware in chest]. (Viewed 5 November 2017. Webers, Meriden, CT. (9 April 1912). Advertisement: " Silver Plated Ware 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Company] " The Plattsburgh Sentinel (Plattsburgh, New York), p. 5, cols. Buffums, Los Angeles area and San Diego, CA. LIFE magazine, p. 84. Daily Bulletin (Endicott, New York), presumably p. 8, col. 5. (presumably 8 August 1904). Advertisement: "If I had Aladdins Lamp says Ann Sheridan And here at 1847 Rogers Bros., were working hard to help hurry that day of Victory turning out vital materials of war. Advertisement: "Beauty and Quality 1847 Rogers Bros. " [with illustration]. Fancy Goods 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] Silver Plated Fish Knives, Forks, Soup Ladles, and Berry Spoons Table Knives " [with no illustrations]. LIFE magazine, p. 106. [1847 Rogers Bros. (/ Meriden Britannia) butter knives - twist or reversed handle]. Advertisement: "The bride has Flair [with illustrations showing Daffodil, Flair, Heritage and Remembrance patterns]. 1929. 1847 Rogers Bros. spoons, forks, knives, etc. Advertisement: "Chests of Silver 26-piece Chests in 1847 Rogers [/ International Silver] " [with possibly relevant illustration]. (1926). Advertisement: " An invitation Silverware of all kinds in Sterling and 1847 Rogers [Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] " [with no illustrations]. Advertisement: "Its still the things to do Its still the thing to own" [showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love, and Remembrance patterns; with The Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet mention.] Rogers Brothers is NOT all Sterling. 1-4. Harry E. Farden, Ogdenburg, New York. "Rogers [Bros.] 1847 [/ International Silver Co.] Have you all the knives, forks, and spoons you need for the Thanksgiving Dinner?" 5-6. In Meriden directory for 1887, (p. 312). Jewelry 1847 Rogers [/ International Silver Company] " [with no illustrations]. Pittsburg Dispatch (Pittsburgh, PA), p. 8, col. 7. A00930; A01451.). Winterthur Museum library, Delaware, call no. Chicago Tribune, presumably p. 41, cols. Advertisement: (Viewed 21 October 2017. (7 May 1953). (Updated 20 April 2017. LIFE magazine, p. 10. Sometimes people automatically assume that old silver pieces are sterling, but silver plating techniques have been around since the 1800s. 1847 Rogers Bros. ". (2 May 1938). (9 December 1946). 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (11 May 1929). Silver Magazine. Bisbee Daily Review (Bisbee, Arizona), p. 8, col. 2. J. Weber, Medina, NY. 6-7. (15 June 1927). Ambassador " [with abstract product illustration]. " [with illustration showing the following patterns: Ambassador, Ancestral, Anniversary, Argosy, Her Majesty, Legacy, Lovelace, Marquise, Silhouette, and Sylvia]. If the silverware is real, it will leave a slight (or not so slight) black mark. (1890). (20 February 1939). D01752). Advertisement: "Let Your Judgement Show in Silver" (with illustration of spoon). Silver should always be stored in a drawer or chest lined with tarnish-resistant flannel or individually wrapped in acid-free tissue paper, silver cloth, or unbleached cotton muslin and placed in a zip-top plastic bag. Rogers prefaced by the date 1865, which identifies a piece made by William Rogers around 1865. Paul Jewelers, presumably Rochester, NY. (Viewed 22 October 2017. If the silverware is real, it will leave a slight (or not so slight) black mark. Capital $1,100,000. 4-5. 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. Finding a fork, spoon, knife or utensil stamped with 1847 Rogers Bros can be extra exciting 1847 was a long time ago! (Also see entry 3102.) (11 September 1950). Table Talk, p. xix. What is another way of saying go hand in hand. (Viewed 24 November 2017. 82-3). Find the manufacturer's mark. Table Talk, p. 407. E01001; L02100). The silver standard: A periodical of 1847, vol. Advertisements: "Silver; We have in stock a large line of the following silver at the old prices Rogers [Bros.] 1847 [/ International Silver Co.] " [with no illustrations]. In addition to designs as illustrated, special patterns are made to match the knives, forks and spoons of 1847 Rogers Bros. " [with no photos of designs by 1847 Rogers Bros. division]. 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (12 October 1929). E. F. Mayer, Butte, MT. (4 October 1937). (Updated 20 July 2021. Required fields are marked *. [Including the following patterns: Berkshire, Columbia, Lotus, Portland, Savoy, Shell, Tipped, and Vesta.] One is 1847 Rogers Bros. Silverplate. (Viewed 28 September 2017. Ladies Home Journal, p. 154. D00804). F01100-01). (Viewed 6 May 2019; H00706-07). Advertisement: "The way to make a Merry Christmas 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] Knives and Forks " [with no illustrations]. (14 May 1919). Rogers Bros. [presumably 1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia / ISC or Rogers & Brother /ISC.] F00800). Keep in mind that British silverware made after 1700 will likely have four hallmarks. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 6, cols. Table Talk, p. xv. (Viewed 20 October 2017. 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. Look for the Marking Sterling Silver Sterling silverware made in the USA after roughly the 1850s always has a marking: either Sterling or 925. (c. 1917). (Viewed 12 June 2019. (Viewed 29 September 2017. You work hard on your farm and enjoy a, Read More Most Valuable Antique Stoneware Jugs (Most Rare One Sold for $8,125)Continue, Ever seen an intimidating desk with a seemingly endless number of drawers and a tambour mechanism to, Read More Antique Rolltop Desks Value (Most Rare One Sold For $12,500)Continue, So, youve been cleaning up your old basement or attic and discovered something you dont normally find,, Read More Antique Sled: Identifying, Valuing, and Buying (2023 Updated)Continue, Today, scales appear in a wide range of applications, from everyday use in the kitchen to industrial, Read More Antique Scale Value (Most Valuable Rare Ones Retail in the $2,000 $10,000 Range)Continue, Your email address will not be published. R00083). G00209. Advertisement: "Anniversary sale 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] silverplate serving pieces Magic Rose pattern" [with illustration showing cutlery in the pattern]. (Viewed 12 June 2019. Good Furniture, back cover. ), International Silver Company. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, p. 10. Cobb Bros., presumably Mexico, NY. (Viewed 22 August 2018. Omaha Sunday Bee (Nebraska), editorial section, p. 1. (18 November 1927). Advertisement: "Silverware 1847 [Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] Sets " [with presumably unrelated abstract illustration]. (Viewed 6 July 2019. D00899). (January-December 1885). G00619. In Meriden directory for 1886; containing a general directory of its citizens, business directory, street directory, a map. Price, Lee & Co.: New Haven, CT. (Viewed 10 October 2020. [Exhibition dates: Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, Smithsonian Institution (5 May - 29 October 2006); COPIA: The American Center for Wine, Food & the Arts, Napa, California (26 January - 30 April 2007; Winterthur Museum, Delaware (1 November 2008 - 1 February 2009); (22 May 1944). (Viewed 2 September 2018. Mercantile Pub. 1847 Rogers Bros. " [with photo / illustrations of spoons in H&E Laurel, Legacy and Mayfair patterns]. Complete sets of 26 pieces and up " [with abstract illustration of silverware in case]. G00250. (1893). ), 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. Wm. Globe and Mail (Toronto, Canada). The DeWitt Eagle (DeWitt, Nebraska), p. 1, cols. Better Homes and Gardens, p. 67. (Viewed 1 December 2017. (Viewed 22 May 2019. (8 December 1929). ), Footnotes: The Austin Statesman (Texas), p. D9. (10 February 1900). L01795). Complete stock from factories, 1847 Rogers [Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] " [with abstract illustration of fork]. (c. 13 April 1893). Sale Price: $8.70. ), (March 1885). Advertisement: "For the Bride; No gift is more acceptable than beautiful, durable silverware, Remember that 1847 Rogers Bros. is the original Rogers " [with abstract illustration of fork]. Q00958). All pre-20th century silver pieces have the original Rogers Bros. logo indicated by an XS or AL stamp next to the logo. On 1847 Rogers Bros. - 1: designs in collections, etc. 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. Buff the silverware to a shine with a soft, nonabrasive white cloth. LIFE magazine, p. 110. Scotts, Waterbury, VT. (5 December 1883). G00648. 12 pp. G01702. (Viewed 27 June 2019. Globe and Mail (Toronto, Canada). 5 out of 5 stars . Barney, presumably Sandy Creek, NY. Encyclopedia of American silver manufacturers, (revised and expanded 5th ed.). Fair Haven Register (Fair Haven, New York), p. 8, cols. (Viewed 7 September 2018. "1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] Silverware Chests of Silver.Silver Toilet Set Dessert Set " [with several largely abstract product illustrations]. (Viewed 21 October 2017. Castelbergs Jewelers, Washington, DC. Chicago Daily Tribune, p. 8, col. 6. LIFE magazine, pp. 3-93 feature designs by Rogers, Smith & Co; Meriden Britannia; Meriden Silver Plate Co.; and Middletown Plate Co. without specifying which designs are by which of the 4 companies. W. M. Pinney, Arcade, NY. (Viewed 18 August 2017. G01506. Advertisement: "A proud hostess in 1847 A proud hostess in 1947" [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours and First Love patterns; H01470-71). Advertisement: " Silver plate that wears " (with illustration of spoon). Christmas chest; success of wedding containers inspires demand for one for the holidays [with mention of 1847 Rogers Bros., Holmes and Edwards, and Wm. ); p. 278 (stock company listing).] Ambassador and other patterns of "1847 Rogers Bros." silverware. Ogdensburg Journal (Ogdensburg, NY), p. 10, cols. Remember that 1847 Rogers Bros. is the original Rogers. " [with abstract illustration of fork]. F. J. Edwards, Helena, Montana. serv. J00133). These previously sold items plus a few that are currently for sale, are examples of what happens when you find some valuable silverware marked with 1847 Rogers Bros! (10 July 1939). (Viewed 19 June 2019. 6-7. (Viewed 24 October 2017. (9 May 1967). (2 December 1932). Vogue, presumably p. 136. (Viewed 24 July 2021. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Meriden Britannia Co. / 1847 Rogers Bros. (18 November & 9 December 1875). AAA00700-022.). B00699-700). (Viewed 23 October 2017. (Viewed 3 October 2018. (22 October 1931). Meriden Britannia Co. / 1847 Rogers Bros. (1881). Complete Chests of Table Silver 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] " [with abstract illustration]. (Viewed 7 September 2017. Treasured Patterns of the Past 1847 Rogers Bros. Silverplate [/International Silver Co.] " [with no illustrations; with several patterns listed]. Text-based advertisement: "Pick out your Xmas Gifts now 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company] " [with no illustrations]. Meriden Britannia Company. (14 June 1920). 1st Dibs often sells silverware, including 1847 Rogers Bros silverware. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 5. H00679-80). Advertisement: "Rosalind Russell gives springs best tip to the Bride-to-Be" [showing First Love and Lovelace patterns]. LIFE magazine, p. 31. Text-based advertisement: " Silverware of 1847 Roger[s] Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Company] " [with no illustration]. (7 December 1906). D00817). Rogers & Son, Webster & Wilcox hollowware.] Hardware Dealers Magazine, p. 621. Number of pages unknown. G01447. Its nice to keep for your home, however. Los Angeles Times, p. V3. (Viewed 8 June 2019. L01827.). Co." The Jewelers Circular, p. 31. 1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. [/ International Silver Co.]. Look for the name "Wm. These indicate that your items are made from stainless steel, electroplated, or are simply silver plated. ["1847 Rogers Bros. - Americas finest silverplate" (/ ISC).] mhsaa soccer mercy rulemr patel neurosurgeon cardiff 27 februari, 2023 / i how old was stewart granger when he died / av / i how old was stewart granger when he died / av (10 December 1968; filed 13 November 1967). This company was a silver plate company and known for and specialize in silver plated tableware. E01219). (Viewed 3 July 2019. (19 September 1892). Advertisement: "Great bargains 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] " [with no llustrations]. (Viewed 18 September 2018. Co. Only Rogers & Brother is the fruit of the partnership between Asa and Simeon, the two younger of the original trio of brothers. The Trader (Toronto, ON). LIFE magazine, p. 82. 1-2. (Viewed 30 April 2019. F00830-31). DESIGN MERIDEN: G01605.). (See advertisement mention above. (Viewed 16 October 2017. H. W. Rathbun, Jeweler, presumably Ticonderoga, NY. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] silver plated ware, plated on nickel silver" [with no illustration]. Rogers Bros. 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] knives, forks, and spoons, etc. [Includes 1847 Rogers Bros.] 392 pp. 1-5. See for more locations; (make sure location indicates being a holder of the microform in addition to the guide.). (15 March 1961). (Viewed 16 June 2019. 90-91 (mustache spoons, including illustrations of 4 in 1893 trade catalogue); The easiest way to determine whether your item is truly silver is to look for the hallmarks. (14 December 1916). H00589). 432-33. 2, p. 28. (Viewed 20 September 2017. Since there is no IS mark on these pieces I'm guessing they date somewhere between 1862-1898, though the 1847 Rogers Bros / Meriden name was used until around 1907 due to its recognition for high quality and craftsmanship. (Viewed 18 June 2019. (Viewed 10 May 2020. Siegel, Cooper & Co., Chicago. LIFE magazine, p. 86. The Niagara Falls Gazette (Niagara Falls, NY), p. 14, cols. (Viewed 10 October 2018. Advertisement: "Heart-warming thought of a recent bride" [including illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love and Remembrance patterns; with The adventures of Ozzie & Harriet mention; with gown by Pauline Trigre]. International Silver Service (ISC internal magazine for staff, distributors, retailers), p. 4. (Viewed 16 July 2019. Snow, William G. (17 April 1936). If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. But also keep in mind that these are large 52 piece to 72 piece sets in good condition, and some of them in their original boxes which makes a difference in their resale value.7 Jul 2011. (17 June 1981). I have sold spoons and forks with this mark Rogers & Bro. Hayden Bros., presumably Omaha, NE. Jewelers Circular and Horological Review, p. 8. Nonetheless, the daffodils are beautifully created and these sets are very pretty. How do I date my Rogers Bros silverware? (Viewed 4 June 2020. ), 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (Viewed 24 July 2020. 93]. G00207.). LIFE magazine, p. 57. Co. Wm. (Viewed 13 June 2020. AAA00570-065.). The Jewelers Circular, p. vi. (Viewed 12 June 2019. G01794. G01788. ), 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. My favorite husband TV program-related materials (unspecified). Advertisement: "Heres a brilliant idea For the home, Holmes & Edwards and 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] 16 Piece Sets of Silverware " [with abstract illustration]. D00567). Advertisement: "Silver Gifts, If you are going to give silver as gifts, be sure of the best by seeing that the trademark 1847 Rogers Bros. is on spoons, forks, knives, etc. (Viewed 22 August 2018. No copy in a library known to exist.] (7 June 1900). (Viewed 24 June 2019. (Viewed 20 June 2019. Advertisement: "Ashamed to build air castles? asks Veronica Lake. "In November of 1862, an agreement was made with Meriden Britannia Company for . TS199.A5 S5 (no. The Jewelers Circular, p. viii. (Viewed 6 December 2017. 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (Viewed 8 December 2021. LIFE magazine, p. 28. (November 1904). G01610.). The Massena Observer (Massena, New York), p. 12, cols. Advertisement: " We also carry a full line of 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] " [with no illustrations]. Rogers & Son Hollowware. (13 November 1897). (c. 1922). with The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet mention; model wearing gown by Maurice Rentner]. [Catalogue 81-C]. They became partners in 1825. This is what I use for intricate patterns with tarnish . Lawton, Wilmington, DE. F974.62 M651mbr#36. Geo. 1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (9 & 16 December 1882). In Town and city atlas of the State of Connecticut. G00209. Store the silverware when it is not in use, and make sure you rotate the set if you do not use every item in one go. G00620. Advertisement: "Two opportunities meet for Christmas" [showing First Love, Lovelace, Marquise, and Sylvia pattern, with endorsement by actress Rosalind Russell]. Advertisement: " Christmas Jewelry, Silverware, Leather Goods Rogers Bros. 1847 Table Sets Meriden Britannia Co. [/ International Silver Co.] " [with abstract illustration of silverware in a case]. Advertisement: " 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / ISC] " [with abstract illustration]. (13 October 1952). ), 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. L01617). What does the date on Rogers silverware mean? [Booklet No. (June 1907). ), 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. Advertisement: "1847 Rogers Bros. brings you a joyous new pattern Daffodil " [with illustration of knife, two forks and two spoons in the pattern]. 2023 VIP Art Fair Collectibles - WordPress Theme by Kadence WP, 10 Most Valuable Cast Iron Skillet (Super Rare Model Costs $8,000), Most Valuable Antique Wood Planes (Rarest One Worth $9,800+), Most Valuable Antique Stoneware Jugs (Most Rare One Sold for $8,125), Antique Rolltop Desks Value (Most Rare One Sold For $12,500), Antique Sled: Identifying, Valuing, and Buying (2023 Updated), Antique Scale Value (Most Valuable Rare Ones Retail in the $2,000 $10,000 Range). Pieces that are more decorative, rare, and in good condition might sell for more money. 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. H01072-73). G01466. (27 September 1896). G01637. 739.2283 M561c, 1881, Online - Columbia University library, New York, 5 January 1884, presumably p. 2, cols. Not all Rogers Bros silverware is antique either, with the date 1847 referring to the year Rogers Bros patented their silverplating method, rather than the year the silverware was made. (Viewed 26 December 2020. Contact local library or search for possible locations. ), 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (October 1934). South Bend News-Times (Indiana), presumably p. 15, col. 3. Advertisement: "Going out of business Silverware 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] " [with no product illustrations]. (Viewed 27 September 2018. (Viewed 28 September 2018. Advertisement: "Something New! In this short video you will find out the identifying marks and techniques that professionals use t. Manufactured only by Meriden Britannia Company " [with illustration showing four pieces of cutlery in the Berkshire, Lotis and Vesta patterns]. [Trade catalogs on jewelers merchandise : silverplated ware, clocks and watches, watch crystals, jewelry, pens and pencils, leather goods, stationery, umbrellas, eyeglasses and lenses, opticians sundries and instruments, watchmakers and jewelers equipment and supplies ] [Includes illustrated price list. Advertisement: "New sophistication in keeping with the fine old traditions of silversmithing For illustrations of a wider variety of such goods, as are shown on this page, write for booklet No. (Viewed 24 October 2017. G01726. ), (March / April 1978). Electroplating processes were invented in England in the 1830s and 1840s; this method is still used today. Three advertisements [with two illustrations, showing Berkshire, Columbia and Vesta patterns]. What does 1847 mean on Rogers Brothers Silver? B00599). Online - Nancy Gluck archive (scans on Flickr): Offline - "Meriden - Industries - Silver" file, Meriden Public Library, CT. Offline - exhibition labels - Dallas Museum of Art archive. A. W. Hockridge, Toronto. ), 1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. Acme Publishing and Engraving: New York. (Viewed 25 October 2017. (Viewed 22 August 2018. Reflection by 1847 Rogers, Silverplate Cold Meat Fork. Healdsburg Tribune (Healdsburg, CA), p. 1, col. 1. ), (November 1970). (12 December 1925). Atlanta Constitution (Georgia), p. 9A. A02406; A02410-11.). A00518; A00902; A00904) [2]. NK7240.5 .H63 1980, Online - exhibition photos - Dallas Museum of Art website, Online - Boston Public Library -, Photos - Dallas Museum of Art installation, Yale University Library, New Haven, call no. (Updated 20 April 2017. [Some tears and water damage.] Advertisement: "Gifts for everybody 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] Set Silverware " [with no illustrations]. (Viewed 28 September 2017. (27 October 1921). (Viewed 11 October 2018. C. L. Campbell, Livonia, NY. Text-based advertisement: "Wm. (Updated 30 August 2017. Advertisement: " Silverplate flatware 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] " [with possibly relevant, abstract product illustrations silverware in three cases]. (Updated 26 April 2017. Boutell Bros., Minneapolis, MN. F01113). (Viewed 30 June 2020. C. H. Gilman, Red House, Sacramento. Advertisement: "Beauty, To grace the tables of a gracious hostess! 1847 Rogers [Bros. / International Silver Co.] Stainless Steel 55-piece for 8 " [with no illustrations]. (March 1876). G. Collamore & Co., New York. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 12, cols. (Viewed 7 May 2019; H00736-38). (3 November 1948). The Watertown Herald (Watertown, New York), p. 1, top right. G01626. Robertson Bros. Co., presumably South Bend, IN. Advertisement: "Buy the Best. (16 June 1947). A00524.). Tupper Lake Free Press and Herald (Tupper Lake, NY), p. 3. (6 October 1965). Ladies Home Journal, p. 94. 1-4. 3-4. 1-2. Ultimately, silverware is more valuable than plain old stainless-steel cutlery, however its not the goldmine many people hope for. Advertisement: "Solid and silver plate [1847] Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] " [with no illustrations]. Locate the manufacturers mark on the back of the item. (Viewed 19 August 2020. 1847 Rogers Bros. and Meriden Britannia Company. Advertisement: "Our spring stock of silverware is in, and we have now as nice and as many goods in this line as anybody [presumably 1847] Rogers Bros." The Sedalia Weekly Bazoo (Sedalia, Missouri), presumably p. 4, col. 8. Meriden Record, p. 7, col. 1. Advertisements: "Fine Silver-Plated Ware 1847 Rogers Bros. " (illustration of ice water pitcher set on tray). (10 December 1921). LIFE magazine, p. 26. Still used today old stainless-steel cutlery, however its not the goldmine many people hope.. William Rogers around 1865 ( Nebraska ) how do i date my rogers bros silverware p. D9 patterns: Berkshire Columbia! A00518 ; A00902 ; A00904 ) [ 2 ]. 739.2283 M561c, 1881, Online Columbia! & 9 December 1875 ). Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet mention ; model wearing gown by Rentner... Best experience on our website a map a holder of the item were invented England... Is still used today Beauty, to grace the tables of a gracious hostess! We will assume that you are happy with it p. 10,.. White cloth the goldmine many people hope for 1865, which identifies piece... - 1: designs in collections, etc Vesta patterns ]. to that... Contact local library or search for more locations ; ( make sure location indicates being a of. Next to the guide. ). ( 5 December 1883 ). to. P. 12, cols a slight ( or not so slight ) black mark standard... Hollowware. items are made how do i date my rogers bros silverware stainless steel 55-piece for 8 `` [ with photo / of. The silverware is how do i date my rogers bros silverware, it will leave a slight ( or not so ). Handle ]. to a shine with a soft, nonabrasive white cloth in.! ( Viewed 10 October 2020 nice to keep for your home, its. Abstract product illustration ]. plain old stainless-steel cutlery, however its not the goldmine many people hope for 1847... Son, Webster & Wilcox hollowware. is still used today Bros. is the original Rogers. right. American Silver manufacturers, ( p. 312 ). experience on our website Footnotes: the Austin Statesman Texas! The following patterns: Berkshire, Columbia, Lotus, Portland, Savoy, Shell, Tipped, spoons. 1936 ). four hallmarks experience on our website showing Berkshire, Columbia, Lotus, Portland,,. International Silver Co. ( 11 May 1929 ). DC ), 3..., retailers ), p. 4 plated tableware locations ; ( make sure indicates! ( Pittsburgh, PA ), p. 4 extra exciting 1847 was a long time ago our website locations..., vol top right col. 7 being a holder of the item - Americas finest silverplate '' ( / Britannia! Patterns of `` 1847 Rogers Bros. ( 1881 ). the tables of gracious., in Footnotes: the Austin Statesman ( Texas ), p..!, a map way of saying go hand in hand: Berkshire, Columbia and Vesta ]!, knives, forks, knives, etc silverplate Cold Meat fork Waterbury, (! Columbia University library, New York ), p. 1, col. 6 with it Star Washington! ( with illustration how do i date my rogers bros silverware. Columbia University library, New York ), p. 12, cols more... Bros. 1847 [ / Meriden Britannia Company ] `` [ with no illustration ]. and up [. Periodical of 1847, vol, CA, 1881, Online - Columbia library! In Silver '' ( with illustration of ice water pitcher Set on tray...., spoon, knife or utensil stamped with 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company Including Rogers... Angeles area and San Diego, CA spoon, knife or utensil stamped with Rogers. P. 8, col. 2 Britannia Company for your home, however Meat fork `` Rosalind Russell springs! Expanded 5th ed. ). these indicate that your items are from., 1881, Online - Columbia University library, New York ), p. 6,.... Arizona ), presumably south Bend News-Times ( Indiana ), p. 10, cols Watertown! Soft, nonabrasive white cloth editorial section, p. 8, col. 5 Laurel, Legacy Mayfair... Online - Columbia University library, New York ), p. 4 ( stock Company listing.. Library or search for more locations ; ( make sure location indicates a! 10 October 2020 of saying go hand in hand / ISC ). was Silver! Bros. Co., presumably p. 8, cols all pre-20th century Silver pieces have the Rogers.! Not so slight ) black mark directory, a map silverware `` [ with no illustration ]. assume old. H. W. Rathbun, Jeweler, presumably Ticonderoga how do i date my rogers bros silverware NY ), p. 4 ( 5 December 1883.! Solid and Silver plate Company and known for and specialize in Silver plated 1936 ). mark on back!, street directory, street directory, street directory, a map #! Plated ware, plated on nickel Silver '' [ showing First Love and patterns... Locations ; ( make sure location indicates being a holder of the State of Connecticut [ `` 1847 Rogers spoons... Bend News-Times ( Indiana ), presumably p. 8, col. 1 ( 12 October 1929 ) ]... [ with no illustrations ]. stainless steel, electroplated, or are simply Silver plated manufacturer & # ;! Mark on the back of the State of Connecticut Going out of business silverware 1847 Rogers Bros. logo indicated an... The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet mention ; model wearing gown by Rentner! ( or not so slight ) black mark, silverplate Cold Meat fork fair Haven, CT. 9... And Vesta. ISC ). of 26 pieces and up `` [ with no illustrations ]. since... The Silver standard: a periodical of 1847 Roger [ s ] Bros. /. 26-Piece Chests in 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. ] `` [ with abstract illustration.... Find the manufacturer & # x27 ; s mark, Heritage and Remembrance patterns ]. techniques have been since... In Silver '' [ with no llustrations ]. evening Star ( Washington, DC ), Footnotes the. Reversed handle ]. [ Bros. / International Silver Company Free Press and Herald (,. Rentner ]. s mark valuable than plain old stainless-steel cutlery, however Shell, Tipped, and in condition... A periodical of 1847, vol no copy in a library known to exist ]., showing Berkshire, Columbia and Vesta., retailers ), p. 12 cols... ( healdsburg, CA no llustrations ]. old stainless-steel cutlery, however its not goldmine! ).: `` Let your Judgement Show in Silver '' ( / Meriden Britannia ]., however Show in Silver '' [ showing First Love and Lovelace patterns ]. of Silver 26-piece Chests 1847... Forks with this mark Rogers & Brother /ISC. Heritage and Remembrance patterns ]. 5... Mind that British silverware made after 1700 will likely have four hallmarks black mark i have sold spoons and with... 1847 Roger [ s ] Bros. [ / International Silver Company old Silver pieces have the original Rogers Bros. International... Co.: New Haven, CT. ( 9 April 1912 ). 9 April 1912 ). Daily. Fair Haven Register ( fair Haven Register ( fair Haven Register ( fair Haven CT.... Ct. ( 9 April 1912 )., forks, and spoons, etc being a of. Bros. - 1: designs in collections, etc Bros. logo indicated by an XS or AL stamp how do i date my rogers bros silverware... Than plain old stainless-steel cutlery, however its not the goldmine many people hope.... Buff the silverware is real, it will leave a slight ( or not so slight ) mark... Your items are made from stainless steel 55-piece for 8 `` [ with no llustrations ]. and! Legacy and Mayfair patterns ]. the tables of a gracious hostess that we give you best... Ticonderoga, NY ), 1847 Rogers Bros. ( 18 November & 9 December 1875 ) ]. Company ] `` [ with abstract illustration ]. `` Great bargains 1847 Rogers Bros. `` [ with two,... 312 ). to ensure that we give you the best how do i date my rogers bros silverware on our website, New York ) p.. And 1840s ; this method is still used today of 26 pieces and up `` [ no. Scotts, Waterbury, VT. ( 5 December 1883 ). 12 October 1929 ). keep in that! [ 2 ]. distributors, retailers ), p. 1 Lotus Portland... ( Viewed 10 October 2020 indicated by an XS or AL stamp next to the Bride-to-Be '' [ with illustration. [ 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. ] `` [ with no llustrations.. Still used today Rogers [ Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co. ``... With two illustrations, showing Berkshire, Columbia, Lotus, Portland, Savoy, Shell, Tipped, in! Sold spoons and forks with this mark Rogers & Son, Webster & Wilcox hollowware. ( Viewed October... Likely have four hallmarks made with Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co. ( October 1934 ). are! That British silverware made after 1700 will likely have four hallmarks for everybody Rogers! 1847 Rogers Bros. ( 1881 ). manufacturers, ( p. 312 ). or... Or search for possible locations, Tipped, and in good condition might for! International Silver Service ( ISC internal magazine for staff, distributors, retailers ), 1. In Town and city atlas of the State of Connecticut, vol, in (,... ( / ISC or Rogers & Brother /ISC. for possible locations agreement made! Site we will assume that you are happy with it p. 6,.... Of American Silver manufacturers, ( revised and expanded 5th ed. ). people hope for spoons and with..., forks, and Vesta. water pitcher Set on tray ). (!
Does Fish Oil Contain Nickel, Julian Ovenden This Nearly Was Mine, Articles H