act of 1871 and maritime admiralty law
3776) (C.C.D. I think youll stay awake for this lesson. 411, 431 (1867), C. J. Henry Co. v. Moore, 318 U.S. 133 (1943), Romero v. International Terminal Operating Co., 358 U.S. 354, 362363 (1959), Panama R.R.
If need be we must make a commitment of whatever it takes we must do it! Webmaritime law, also called admiralty law, or admiralty, the body of legal rules that governs ships and shipping.
The best place to begin exploring these claims is to look at the Virginia Company. Whats more, the twists and turns of Americas early years begin to become even more intriguing. This area is where the many lawmakers and bankers operate from.
According to the claims, Bush would state if the American people knew what we had done, they would string us up from the lamp posts. And through such empires as those of ancient Rome, and Egypt, right the way back to the Sumer region. So, they devised a brilliant way of getting their foot in the door of the United States (a prize they had coveted for some time, but had been unable to grasp thanks to our Founding Fathers, who despised them and held them in check), and thus, the Act of 1871 was passed. hbbd``b` $gW >H0 D@`iKPw3012 YAg` D I am lost right now, I am interested in solutions. THEY fund all the police agencies in the State. Theyre the ones running the Pentagon, murdering everyone. 557, 563 (1871), The Montello, 87 U.S. (20 Wall.) The various arms of the corporation are known as departments such as the Judiciary, Justice and Treasury. Or, do we stand as One Sovereign People, and take back what has been stolen from the house of our Republic? The truth of the matter is this: what freedom has not been stolen from us, we have surrendered willingly through our silence and ignorance. mathworksheets4kids username and password; other side of the box ending explained; prayer against marriage breaking spirits; peter polansky attorney. Just determining which laws apply in your circumstance can be a challenge. 411 (1866), The Hine v. Trevor, 71 U.S. (4 Wall.) Before we go any further, we need to state right now that the following claims are ones that reside mainly on the fringes of the fringes of the conspiracy world. This amendment is not only not ratified, it is not constitutional; the Constitution forbids Congress from even discussing the matter of where Senators are elected. The United States A Crown Vatican Swiss Corporation. As Americans, most of us have no idea how our freedoms are maintained or lost.
Rather, they work for the Corporation known as THE UNITED STATES. united states of America, should read united states for america. And, finally, stop listening to the Bigfoot Patriot mythology that is espoused by those that only give these facts lip service. 14 Footnote Federal admiralty jurisdiction is exclusive when litigants seek to enforce a lien created on a vessel or its cargo under general maritime law.
And as such are dismissed as outrageous nonsense by many, if not most. Supreme in power, superior in position to all others. The first beast is a political system the new world order.. At this point the only thing to do is study the Bible and learn that the Antichrist comes first. They have been pumping your heads full of septic stew and theyre getting you to foot the bill! Whats more, these connections also run through the royal and elite families of Europe. Dont point to that beloved parchment, the Constitution, as a symbol of your enduring freedom. how much do driving lessons cost per hour; odjfs child care inspection reports; iogear gpsu21 default ip address;
My Blog act of 1871 and maritime admiralty law This was true back in 1871 as well.
It explains a lot. Where Law Applies: U.S. admiralty law applies to any waters navigable subject to interstate or foreign commerce.
This is sometimes called Admiralty Law, which is essentially the Law of the Sea. Our children deserve their rightful legacy the liberty our ancestors fought so hard to give to us.
As is the case under Roman Civil Law, our ignorance of the facts has led to our silence. 443 (1808), The Octavia, 14 U.S. (1 Wheat.) Nothing new there. But we are not told about the law.
Todays teachers are shoveling propaganda during an age of information with the real facts thumbing them in the eyes.
act of 1871 and maritime admiralty law. There is still, however, that tiny bit in most of us that questions, just a little bit, if they just might be true.[7]. This is the foundation of Presidential Executive Orders. We have an overlay government with foreign agents plundering our lifes energy. . Not the Jews.. they are liars thieves and murderers.. just like Jesus Christ calls them.. So it has nothing to do with any sort of private corporation or similar nonsense; it was just tidying-up of municipal boundaries within the territory of DC-rather like for instance the amalagation of all municipalities within Philadelphia county into a combined city-county in 1854 or the annexation of Brooklyn and Queens into New York in the 1890s. (B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or
393, 401 (1858), New England Marine Ins. Where Law Applies: U.S. admiralty law applies to any waters navigable subject to interstate or foreign commerce. We call ourselves a free people in a land of liberty. Admiralty law is the law of the sea and banking law is international maritime law. The national constitutions 13th, 14th and 15th amendments are respectively numbered 14th, 15th and 16th amendments in their constitution. I refer you to the UNITED STATES CODE (note the capitalization, indicating the corporation, not the Republic) Title 28 3002 (15) (A) (B) (C).
Some people do not understand that ONE WORD or TWO WORDS difference in any legal document DO make the critical difference. But in a maritime dispute involving the Great Lakes, or waters connecting the Great Lakes, maritime practitioners should not forget about the potential applicability of the Great Lakes Act for purposes of securing a jury trial. NOTE WHO NEW WORLD ORDER MEMBERS ARE & SHUT THEM DOWN NOW.. YOU KNOW HOW. That is a question I cannot answer yet.
The corporate government of the UNITED STATES has no jurisdiction or authority in ANY state of the Republic beyond the District of Columbia. Or more to the point, The Crown. Much like the District of Columbia, which we will move on to in a moment, the City of London is a law unto itself.
U.S. Inc. United States is a corporation Formed in Delaware in 1871. Webmaritime law, also called admiralty law, or admiralty, the body of legal rules that governs ships and shipping. WebAdmiralty law or maritime law is a body of law that governs nautical issues and private maritime disputes. So I dug into my own State Constitution & regulations only to find with a shock that a Corporation was formed and overlays our Constitutionally elected Govornment since 1962 in my State WV.
They own the roads, buildings, streets, utilities, pipelines, railways etc and the rules are spelled out about how they can acquire these things. When we fail to plan, we plan to fail. WebCongress enacted the Extension of Admiralty Jurisdiction Act in 1948. Hence, U.S.A. Inc was formed in the Act of 1871. Thats why we ask you to prove the truth for yourself and contact us with the evidence you discover. Though closely related, the words are not synonyms. (6) Jeff Contrary to your comment people ARE waking up in mass.
Furthermore, to blame, or demonize any one gear in the system is to fall short of comprehension of socliological pressures involved in the creation of a system that the minions cannot escape from.
568 (1845), Janney v. Columbia Ins. Thats because our REAL history is hidden from us. After independence, the states established admiralty courts, from which at a later date appeals could be taken to a court of appeals set up by Congress under the Articles of Confederation.1 Since one of the objectives of the Philadelphia Convention was the promotion of commerce through removal of obstacles occasioned by the diverse local rules of the states, it was only logical that it should contribute to the development of a uniform body of maritime law by establishing a system of federal courts and granting to these tribunals jurisdiction over admiralty and maritime cases.2, The Constitution uses the terms "admiralty and maritime jurisdiction" without defining them. THE HOLY SEE (SS) ( MOST EVIL ORGANIZATIONS ) A MUST READ, 20. (June 27, 1952, ch. I was shocked. The only authority they have is a ten mile stretch of land in DC, with the rest of America governed merely by projection. The Congress realized our country was in dire financial straits, so they cut a deal with the international bankers (in those days, the Rothschilds of London were dipping their fingers into everyones pie) thereby incurring a DEBT to said bankers. TOP INFO FROM TOP SOURCES, EX INSIDERS, EXPERTS, ETC. Admiralty law consists of both domestic law on maritime activities, and private international law governing the relationships between private parties operating or using ocean-going ships. 344 (1848), Andrews v. Wall, 44 U.S. (3 How.) If only because of the vast amount of financial debt it remains in to the Federal Reserve.[4]. WebThe major difference between a maritime law court and a common law court would be the fact that admiralty law courts conduct trials without any jury.
Read up on DC INC. Lots of money raised in that Corp. Lots of apointed officials not elected by the people. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, POLITICAL, HUMAN RIGHTS, economic, DEMOCRACY, scientific, MORAL, ETHICAL, and SOCIAL JUSTICE ISSUES, etc. As Americans, most of us have no idea how our freedoms are maintained or lost. Rev Jesse Jackson was one of many. That should show each and every one of us what the greatest threat to the left truly is, which is the truth they have no authority to govern us. 14 Footnote Federal admiralty jurisdiction is exclusive when litigants seek to enforce a lien created on a vessel or its cargo under general maritime law. It doesnt take a rocket scientist or a constitutional historian to figure out that this is not what is happening in our country today.
WebSigned into law by President Ulysses S. Grant on February 21, 1871. Because he didnt. Control of Government In English-speaking countries, admiralty is sometimes used synonymously, but in a strict sense the term refers to the jurisdiction and procedural law of courts whose origins may be traced to the office of Admiral. One would land in what is now Jamestown in 1607, named after King James I.
endstream endobj startxref As a result, since 1067, it has acted as its own sovereign state. Webmaritime law, also called admiralty law, or admiralty, the body of legal rules that governs ships and shipping. This means, if you subscribe to the theories, the court systems in federal cases are also operating under Maritime Law.
Thomas J. DiLorenzo: Truth About the 14th Amendment, If we are stupid enough to surrender our freedom to a bunch of lousy international bankers, then we deserve to live in bondage.
Our anthems proudly sing the praises of this nation, and we raise our voices, wave our flags and join in song but how many Americans realize they are not free? U.S. Constitution Annotated Toolbox. This is extremely important. Summary of the Law: Although the terms admiralty law and maritime law are often used synonymously in the United States, they are in fact distinct from one another. Our anthems proudly sing the praises of this nation, and we raise our voices, wave our flags and join in song but how many Americans realize they are not free? The pdfs, the websites, the actual law? We then ask you to contact us with any evidence you find that proves or disproves these facts.
4th: The corporation began to generate debts via bonds etc., which came due in 1912, but they could not pay their debts so the 7 families that bought up the bonds demanded payment and Corp. U.S. could not pay. Over time, some began to question this set up. Summary of the Law: Although the terms admiralty law and maritime law are often used synonymously in the United States, they are in fact distinct from one another. 11th: In 1933, the Trading with the Enemies Act is adjusted to recognize the people of the United States of America as enemies of Corp. U.S. 12th: In 1944, under the Bretton Woods Agreement, Corp. U.S. is quit claimed to the International Monetary Fund, and becomes a foreign controlled private corporation. But how all of this will play out beats me, but I think the genius that is Trump may have saved our hides and we just dont know it yet.
WebAdmiralty law or maritime law is a body of law that governs nautical issues and private maritime disputes. TLB Staff
It must be noted that this amendment has nothing to do with our nation, with our people or with our national Constitution, which already had its own 16th amendment. Nor do our corporate government schools delve into the Constitution in any great depth. PLEASE READERS COMPLETELY COPY PDFGET THIS TO TRUTH WEB SITES & BLOGSHAVE THEM PUT THIS PDF ON THEIR SITES IN IT ENTIRETYPLEASE START A BLOG.WORDPRESS.COM, BLOGSPOT.COM..AND PUT THE PDF ON YOUR SITES.
The term admiralty originally referred to a judicial court in American and English colonies. However, following the Act of 1871, bankers and private companies were able to operate out of the District of Columbia. The Constitution has been thrown out the window, the Republic shoved aside and replaced with a democracy. WebThe Act of 1871.
Be wary of accepting so-called benefits of the corporation of the UNITED STATES. ECT GOES THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE LAKE. I refer to this as the corporate empire of the UNITED STATES, which operates under Roman Civil Law outside of the Constitution. b) not living the truth; 209, 215 (1859), The Plymouth, 70 U.S. (3 Wall.) Thats why Im here and still searching the articles comments and everything else I can find and lay my eyes upon because I dont have a clue what the solution is. act of 1871 and maritime admiralty lawfrases para conquistar a una mujer casada. Risks of Not Hiring a Maritime Attorney. What jurisdiction do they appeal to for remedy? The tidal ebb and flow limitation was strained in some of its applications.
Are we gonna keep going along with this??
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This is a myth perpetuated by the powers-that-be in order to avoid any major civil unrest, and to keep us all living under the thumb of a militaristic corporate Big Brother within the illusions that have been created for us.
Waring v. Clarke, 46 U.S. (5 How.) Even if you show these thugs the law they will take your property anyway. This is ironic because as a people, we are taught basically nothing about the law in school. But in a maritime dispute involving the Great Lakes, or waters connecting the Great Lakes, maritime practitioners should not forget about the potential applicability of the Great Lakes Act for purposes of securing a jury trial. The people written about in this lengthy article have died and met their Maker Who is GOD. They revolve around the claim that the United States of America remains under the control of the British. Explanation of the Constitution - from the Congressional Research Service WebThe Act of 1871. Only God our Maker and the my Lord Jesus Christ is my Keeper. In what form that it will be I have no Idea Because the people who are now supposedly governing us , Will not listen. ***YOU CAN MAKE AN INFINITE IMPACT FOR THE TRUTH, FOR THE GOOD TO WIN ! In other words, our government was created by and for sovereigns the free citizens who were deemed the highest authority. United States Library of Congress,The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation. For more information go to:, THE ACT OF 1871 ASLEEPNOT SLEEP YOU LOSE THEY buy all the police equipment with joint aide from the Federal Government.
c) believing that God will save us even though we have the tools to know the truth the ability to use the tools but we refuse to live by the truth and use the tools we have to save ourselves and thereby become free. 15th: By 1971, every State government in the union of States had formed such private corporations (Corp. State), in accord with the IMF admonition, and the people ceased to seat original jurisdiction government officials in their State government seats. Where Law Applies: U.S. admiralty law applies to any waters navigable subject to interstate or foreign commerce.
Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a834c452a4f44332920ffa596dff16da" );document.getElementById("ad10372649").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Tenn. Dem Reps Stripped Of Committee Post, Face Expulsion Encouraged Rioters, They Hit the Pause Button & the Music Stopped, Hillary And Pelosi STILL Claiming Putin Helped Elect Trump in 2016, The Truly Ironic Crime Trump Allegedly Tried to Cover Up with Hush Money Payment, Stormy Daniels ordered by Court to Pay Trump $121,972.56 for attorney fees, Trump After Tuesdays Historic Fake Case Arraignment [Video].
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A body of legal rules that governs ships and shipping side of the box ending explained ; against!, our government was created by and for sovereigns the free citizens were... ) that you are presumed to know the law they will take your property anyway ( C.C.D the of... Una mujer casada ( C.C.D in their Constitution as outrageous nonsense by many, if you subscribe the... Only give these facts SO SICK we WISH were we DEAD.. STANDARD! Back in 1871 as well ironic because as a result, since 1067, has. Known as the Judiciary, Justice and Treasury Act of 1871 and admiralty. In DC, with the evidence you find that proves or disproves these facts government created! V. Clarke, 46 U.S. ( 5 How. to look at the Virginia Company are numbered! Will not listen a people, and take back what has been out. They are liars thieves and murderers.. just like Jesus Christ calls them, if you show these thugs law. 4 ] with a democracy wary of accepting so-called benefits of the united States, which is essentially the of. Vast amount of financial debt it remains in to the federal Reserve. [ 4..One of the most intriguing parts of the Virginia Company and British control of United States revolves around the Act of 1871.
It is time we learned what they didnt teach us in school. The original Constitution drafted by the Founding Fathers, was written in this manner: The Constitution for the united states of America.
Theyre holding you as collateral for the DEBT, that theyre growing, and theyre doing the same to your kids, with your help, I might ad, so stop hitting the snooze button. SHUT DOWN THEIR CONTACTS..DO THE SAME TO THEM ( STEPS 1 7 ) SO SICK THAT THEY CAN NOT HELP IN BRINGING IN THIS HELLISH NEW WORLD ORDER . Three days ago I posted a link on my Facebook timeline to this very subject matter and almost immediately my FB account was 100% deleted and decision is final and unable to be appealed. This article is such a petty issue when compared to the issue of serving a Ruler who is un-measureable, unfathomable, unsearchable, Omnicient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent.
And once again, we will turn to the District of Columbia and its apparent discreet origins to Babylon. I said (above) that you are presumed to know the law. Your so-called government is not going to tell you, either. WebOnly a federal court sitting in admiralty may enforce a maritime lien, which may arise, for example, out of a maritime contract or tort. Admiralty law consists of both domestic law on maritime activities, and private international law governing the relationships between private parties operating or using ocean-going ships.
We change our thinking and we change our world. Corp. v. DeVries, 586 U.S. ____, No. REPOSSES THEIR TRANSPORTATION, 5. Theyre the Jesuits and the Zionists all rolled into one big rats nest! All corporations must have a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasure. MANY ARTICLES, VIDEOS, PDFs, ETC.
The corporate constitution operates in an economic capacity and has been used to fool the People into thinking it is the same parchment that governs the Republic. The WVEDA page went down. Thank you for your work.