4 pages + covers. 8 pages + covers. 4 pages + covers. So while it may not be the correct voyage or even the exact year, it really is possible for you to acquire something to treasure. 16 pages + covers. 3 panel fold out opens to 715. Insert contains information and sailings of the White Star Liners REPUBLIC, CANOPIC, ROMANIC, CRETIC. Statistics. June 27 1930. Sailing schedules, information. NY-Antwerp. [3] Building [ edit] NY-Port Limon and Pearl Lagoon. List of officers, sailing schedules. Sailing schedules for Atlantic Transport, Red Star, White Star & Panama Pacific Lines. April 01, 1883; Image 3; Columbus daily enquirer-sun. covers missing. Attractive South Seas cover illustration. Dec 20 1958. 59.5. Maiden voyage: Liverpool- Boston, April 19, 1922. Liverpool-NY. Tourist class Passenger List. 58. 12 pages + covers. Cabin Passenger List. 58. Voyage #19, arriving San Francisco. First & Third class Passenger List. Statistics. June 27 1903. Information, sailings. 20 pages + covers. Cabin Passenger List. 20 pages + covers. 5.257.5. Incomplete, pages missing. Small illustration of liner on cover. All Digitized Lists of Passengers for the SS Winchester Castle Available at the GG Archives. Genoa-NY. JOIXT-STOCK COMPANIES. Memo pages, info on NY Taxis. 5.57. 4 page folder. Carpathia mentioned in the schedules. List of Saloon Passengers. Information, sailings, listing of services, list of offices, and list of officers. 5.58.25. 5.257.5. One page for each letter of alphabet (except I and X). Fleet list and record passages on rear cover. 6.258.5. Liverpool-Boston, Sept 16 1899. Ad for grosser Kurfurst cruises and the 1910 Oberammergau Passion Play. Information, listing of services, list of offices. July 16 1932. 5.58. 28 pages + covers. Passenger List. 16 pages + covers. Dec 16 1966. 16 pages + covers. Sept 26 1907. 69.5. 12 pages + covers. Southampton-NY. 2 pages + covers. 59.5. 58. 69.25. 57.25. 8 pages + covers. General iformation. July 26 1905. Some writing on rear cover. Rear cover missing. Saloon Passenger List. Our collection contains a sampling of what was originally produced and printed by the steamship lines. 5.58.25. All Digitized Lists of Passengers for the SS Sibajak Available at the GG Archives. Apr 3 1969. 5.57. San Francisco-Hong Kong-San Francisco. Contains Itinerary, Passenger List, text, bound reproductions of all of the Daily Cruise News Information sheets and Programs that were issued during the cruise. 5.58.25. July 2 1898. San Francisco-NY, June 13 1925. All Digitized Lists of Passengers for the RMS Tuscania Available at the GG Archives. 6 page folder. Sailing schedule, fleet listinformation. Contains the Passenger List for the Voyage. List of First Class Passengers. 24 pages + covers. 12 pages + covers. July 25 1925. 4 pages. NY-Antwerp, June 14 1913. Buenos Aires-NY. First & Second cabin Passenger List. Routes: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg; Bremen to New York via Southampton, Cherbourg, and Cobh (Queenstown); Bremen to New York via Queenstown (Cobh) and Halifax; New York to Bremen via Cobh (Queenstown) and Cherbourg; Bremen to Halifax and New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer, Southampton, and Galway; and Hamburg to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg. 24 pages + covers. 68.25. Interestingly, the passenger list names a few passengers as Deports. 5.257.5. Information, route map, cruise ads. Feb 11 1939. 4.257. Also including articles about Pioneers & Norwegian Settlements Around the World. 4 page folder. Handwritten log of all passengers. Had been previously folded. Nassau & Bermuda cruise. Mar 16 1957. 5.58. Name possibly Horton. VOLUME ID -N O . World War II began for France the day before, Sept. 1, 1939. Small stain on cover. Track chart, space for log. 4.256.5. Only 26 passengers! Track chart. Additional insert of 3 I class, 1 II class & 86 Steerage passengers who boarded at Boulogne. 16 pages + covers. Montreal-Liverpool. January 6 1901. July 20 1968. Cabin Passenger List. 4 page folder. 5.57. Liverpool-Boston. Edges of cover worn, pages not affected.. Cunard to Liverpool, 1920s. NY-Havre. Passenger List. 57. Nice illustration of the DEUTSCHLAND on the cover. Had been previously folded. Passenger List. NY-Hamburg, Oct 9 1902. Information, services, list of officers. NY-Glasgow. Tiny tear at right edge. June 9 1939. 4 page folder. 20 pages + covers. All Digitized Lists of Passengers for the SS Servia Available at the GG Archives. Sept 5 1936. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. Le Havre-NY, September 2 1939. Second Cabin Passenger List. 58. General information for passengers. Nice tip in illustration of the liner. UK from America. That ship also brought 101 Airborne of DDay fame to
68.25. Errata sheet inserted. 4ps + covers. (NASM Passenger List) 413.25. Itinerary, map. Itinerary. 58. 4 page folder. Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa: fohandboh.com, +498039215686, +16154804660 Foh&boh - Hospitality jobs Southampton-NY. The le de France carried 1,777 passengers, 400 more than her usual number. Aug 9 1936. Poor condition, there is a very pronounced fold throughout, and pages are stained. 16 pages + covers. Samaria sailed out of Liverpool on Friday 14th of May 1943 and was on the Clyde Monday 17th of May. From San Francisco, Dec 10 1959. 6.259.25. [1] [2] Samaria was a sister ship of RMS Scythia and half-sister of RMS Franconia. Montreal-Gdynia. The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed,
16 pages+covers. Second Class Passenger List. 5.58.5. 58. Tape repair to several folds and seam. May 9 1895. 3.56.5. Jan 22 1898. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. Colorful cover with South Seas scene. List of staff, listing of cruises, sailing schedule. Cabin Passenger List. Want to know what life was like during the War? 24 pages + covers. 4 pages + covers. 32 pages + covers. 1924 R.M.S.CARONIA PASSENGER list july 5th Cunard Line Canadian Service - EUR 34,02. NY-Valparaiso. New Kingdom 14 Glencoe World History Name . List the major accomplishments and events that occurred during these periods. July 26 1930. Passenger List. English & German. Immigrant Passenger Lists contained in the GG Archives collection represent the souvenir list provided to the passengers of each cabin class (and other classes). 4 page folder. Information. Members of the Cartans Viking Tour NY-Liverpool-NY, Jauly 16th. Information, space for autographs. NY-Bremen. Lisbon-NY cruise. Passenger List. 59.5. Sailing schedules, list of cruises, general information. Cabin Passenger List. 4 page folder. July 12 1919. Cabin Passenger List. Le Havre-NY. Catalog Of Ocean Liner Passenger Lists. 24 pages + hard covers. June 13 1979. Information, track chart, sailing schedule. Baltimore-Norfolk-Hamburg; June 8 1932. 8 pages + covers. Gdynia-Montreal. 68.25. Color tip in drawing of the ship. Curacao-NY. Note: Typically, only the origination and final destination ports are listed in each link. 57.5. 8 pages + covers. Exterior illustration on cover. Voyage #63, from Havana. 68. Aug 20 1910. Havre-NY. 5.758.5. Track chart. 4 pages + covers. Ad for Belgenland 1930 World cruise with itinerary. Exterior photo of COMMONWEALTH on cover. 59. Get this The Morning Post page for free from Friday, February 13, 1891 891. ISTG NOTICE: These electronic pages are Copyright 1998-2023 and may NOT be Ad for the New SS United States. Information. Information, map. 32 pages + covers. 24 pages + hard covers. Passenger List for Tourjees Educational Excursion to Europe. Voyage #41, arriving Los Angeles. General information. June 14 1910. Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List. Southampton-NY. 4 pages + covers. From 10.00 a.m. 11.00 p.m. he was seen on his rounds attending to blackout by J. Lowe. Tear. NY-Hamburg. List of Cabin passengers. Southampton-NY. 5.58.5. English & German. List of officers & staff. 16 pages + covers. 4 pages + covers. In 1916 the line ceased operation and sold all their ships to Cunard. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z SS ADRIATIC First Class Passenger List. The passenger list records were created by the U.S. Customs Service (Record Group 36), and the Immigration and Naturalization Service [INS] (Record Group 85). 4.57. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. 4 pages + covers. Illustration of ship on cover panel. 24 pages + covers. Nice illustration of a PRINZ type of liner on the Atlas service. NY-Marseilles. Fair condition. Text, map, mileage chart, information. Saloon Passenger List. 4.257. Passenger List. 8 pages + covers. Passenger List for the Madeira, Mediterranean and Orient Cruise Jan 26 1899. Information. NY-Antwerp, July 12 1899. Superb illustration of ship, with sails, on rear cover. Exterior color photo. NY-London. 4 page folder. NY-Southampton. A 13 portion of the rear cover was torn away. Feb 10 1974. Complete sailing schedules for numerous world services lists many lesser known liners, as well as the Ocean Greyhounds of the day. Aug 5 1889. March 2 1915. Nice embossed covers. Second Class Passenger List. Voyage #75, from Hong Kong. 8 pages + covers. Nice tip in illustration of the liner. 5.257.5. The Captain was R. Pugnet of Normandie fame. Washington on the cover. NY-Southampton. Information on head tax, fold out track chart, list of winter cruises. Passenger List. Track chart on back, Sailing schedule. Nice illustrations of deck scene on cover. 3.56. Southampton-NY. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. June 24 1938. June 27 1891. Aug 29 1908. Track chart on rear cover. c1948. Pages are loose from covers. 4.257.5. Aug 30 1904. 24 pages + hard covers. Cabin Passenger List. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. Information. SNAKE ROUND HORSE'S LEC.A few days ago Mr. Jones was in the act of put ting some wood at the Reef Hills when he noticed that his horse, which was . 6 page folder. 12 pages + covers. NY-Valparaiso. Itinerary, cruise ads, information, memo pages. Sept 3 1926. Liverpool-NY. 58. First class Passenger List. Southampton-NY. 48.5. Second Cabin Passenger List. NY-Rotterdam. Tape repair to seam, had been previously folded. 4 page folder. NY-Havana. TH 4 January - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Colorful cover with nice illustration of STATENDAM. 4.257. 20 pages + covers. June 13 1896. 5.58. Passenger List - RMS Scythia, 1957 Orig. Apr 21 1932. Tourist Class Passenger List. At 7.05 p.m. Matthew Towers A.B. Fleet list & sailings (Laurentic, Megantic, Dominion, Canada). 16 pages + covers. Passenger List. NY-Bermuda. NY-Le Havre. Mediterranean cruise. 24 pages + covers. 12 pages + covers. 4 page folder. 20 pages + covers. Arriving Baltimore Dec 5 1923. Passenger List. 68.5. Color cover with illustration of 3 funnel liner. Cabin Class Passenger List. NY-Bermuda. 24 pages + covers. Illustration of a 3 funnel liner on cover. Handwritten log of all passengers. text about the New liners Cincinnati & Cleveland. Apr 3 1958. List of Cabin & Cruise Passengers, NY-Colombia. Genoa-NY. 36 pages + covers. July 4 1947. Feb 28 1936. Launched, November 27, 1920. NY-Liverpool. Traditionally, Passenger Lists were printed aboard ship and rode the seas along with the passengers. Her sister ships were Orbita and Orca. 12 pages + covers. Feb 10 1934. First Class Passenger List. It appears this list may have been issued without fancier covers. Colorful covers with illustration of CEDRIC. May 24 1884. 5.58.25. Information. Superb list! NY-Bremen. 16 pages + covers. 59.5. Complete information, facts, sailing schedule. The passenger lists themselves are available at our office via the online databases listed below. 8 pages + covers. - iiiiijiaijreferrid . 5.257.5. Tape repair to seam, paste marks on back. Liverpool-Boston. 4.57.5. Illustration of a ship on cover. Southampton-NY. Sept 4 1932. Honolulu-Manila. 5.58.5. First class Passenger List. Information, sailing schedules. NY-Liverpool. Cabin & Tourist Class Passenger List. Genoa-NY. Listing of officers. The condition of this item is Excellent +. Passenger List. Glasgow-NY. July 13 1927. First and Second Class Passenger List. 34.5. Passenger List. 4 pages + covers. Hamburg-NY. Superb color covers with Bow view of a liner. Memo pages, info on NY Taxis. June 26 1907. 20 pages + covers. 4.57.5. Sailing schedule, listing of cruises. Information, cruise programme, track chart. First Class Passenger List. 4 pages + covers. Caribbean cruise. First & Second Class Passenger List. At 6.25 p.m. Wednesday 26th of May 1943 P.C. Line flag on cover. Tape repair to binding, paste marks on rear cover. Saloon Passenger List. First Class Passenger List. Text, map, mileage chart, information. 4.56.5. 20 pages + covers. Route map. 12 pages + covers. Passenger List. 3.56. Organized by Date of Departure, Steamship Line, Steamship or Ocean Liner, Class of Passengers, Route, and the Ship's Captain. (NASM Passenger List) 413.25. Sailings. Passenger List. List of officers. ALSO BLACK SEA CRHSE FROM NEW TORK SCAXCB 12. Photo of liner on cover. 32 pages + covers. 16 pages + covers. General Information for passengers. Ad for Carinthia Around the World cruise. Some tears at edges, otherwise very good condition. General information. Nice tip in illustration of the liner. 45.5. Sailings schedule, complete general information, distances, list of cruises, list of services, list of offices. Exterior photos of Mauretania, Transylvania, Caledonia, California. First Class Passenger List. July 8 1898. The extra insert is a list of White Star Line services with a White Star Sailing Schedule. October 13 1934. Oct 4 1921. 8 pages + covers. Liverpool-Montreal. Cabin Passenger List. In souvenir envelope. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. Complete information, facts, sailing schedule. NY-New Orleans. NY-Genoa, July 4 1914. First class Passenger List. 4.57. Boston-Liverpool, June 28 1905. 2 pages + covers. Hamburg-Southampton, July 29 1924. 5.257. The GG Archives is the work and passion of two people, Paul Gjenvick, a professional archivist, and Evelyne Gjenvick, a curator. Line Flag on cover. NY-London. NY-Antwerp. Passenger List. Passenger List. Illustration of ship on cover. NY-Bremen. Cabin & Tourist Class Passenger List. First & Second Class Passenger List. 4.257. Vancouver-Skagway. Le Havre-NY. 59.5. 8 pages + covers. 4.757.5. From manilla. Passenger Lists Also known as Ships' Manifests or Seaport Records of Entry, Passenger Lists are often sought when researching an ancestor's immigration to Nova Scotia. Sept 26 1901. 8 pages + covers. Fleet List, sailings schedules, general information. Liverpool-NY. 5.58. Halifax cruise. Cabin Passenger List. Text, map, mileage chart. 4 pages. One page for each letter of alphabet (except I and X). Authorities when completed Forms 514 are filed with them within a period of 120 days from the date of entry into the U.S. as shewn on the top right hand comer of the U.S. Form 514. Feb 22 1930. 16 pages + covers. May 6 1932. 32 pages + covers. Passenger List. (NASM Passenger List) 413.25. Track chart on back, Sailing schedule. Stewards Passenger List. First Class Passenger List. Color tip in illustration. Large illustration of the FRANCE on cover. Sailings schedule, complete fleet list with captains of each ship. 12 pages + covers. Appears to be trimmed down in size, but no content is missing. Passenger List. If your only interest is to obtain a Passenger List from a Particular Voyage, we are NOT able to assist you. Amsterdam-NY. Liverpool-NY. Passengers should apply to the U.S. NY-Southampton. Search the Passenger Lists now 1940s - Horrors, Hitler and the aftermath The first half of the 1940s was one of the darkest periods in history, with global war causing millions of casualties and the horrors of the Holocaust. 4.757.5. Cover repaired at seam, edges very worn. Superb engraving of young person on cover. Listing of officers. Rotterdam-NY. Cabin & Tourist class Passenger List. Incoming passenger lists (1878-1960) Search and download lists of passengers arriving in the UK on ships that departed from ports outside Europe and the Mediterranean, though lists include passengers who joined ships at European and Mediterranean ports en route to the UK, between 1878 and 1960 (BT 26) on the Ancestry.co.uk () website.. 68.25. March 14 1951. NY- Nassau & Havana Cruise Passenger List. Worn, tape repair. Sept 21 1934. Nice NASM Flag on cover. Lists passengers as well as hometowns. Opens to 816. September 4 1900. Southampton-NY. May 30 1925. Passenger List. Sailing schedule, fleet list, space for log, information. 12 pages + covers. Passenger List. Cunard crest on back. March 26 1892. San Francisco-NY. Rear cover missing. List of officers. Mediterranean cruise. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. 4 page folder. Attractive covers. Routes: Antwerp to New York via Dover; and New York to Antwerp via Plymouth and Cherbourg. June 28 1937. Oct 24 1891. 8 pages + covers. All Digitized Lists of Passengers for the RMS Teutonic Available at the GG Archives. July 24 1940. Montreal-Rotterdam. July 31 1936. Southampton-NY. Color tip in illustration of the liner. Text, map, mileage chart, information. Aug 29 1933. Sailing schedules, general information. 28 pages + covers. List of officers. NY-Genoa. 5.58.25. 5.58. 16 pages + covers. 5.257.75. 16 pages + covers. Information on future cruises, listing of Officers. NY-Liverpool. Cabin Passenger List. Exterior photo of liner on cover. 4 pages + covers. NY-Bermuda. May 18 1927. NY-London. NY-Southampton. Paste marks on rear cover. Sailing schedules. Covers missing. Sailing for Bahia & Santos, Feb 5 1903. Saloon Passenger List. General information, space for track chart. Fleet List heralded by LUSITANIA & MAURETANIA. 57.25. 5.58.5. 4 page folder. Tourist Passenger List. Members of Clarks Tours to Europe. NY-Alexandria. Saloon passenger List. 16 pages + covers. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. From NY, April 29 1960. Sailings schedule. Cabin Class Passenger List. Liverpool-NY. 12 pages + covers. 4 page folder. 57. NY-Hamburg, Dec 11 1924. Nice cover with illustration of a ship. 68.5. 24 pages + covers. No content affected. 57.5. 4 page folder. Feb 26 1914. June 13 1891. Mar 14 1934. Passengers returning to Europe in Cunard Line steamers mayon presentation of the necessary documentsviz. To seam, had been previously folded Antwerp to New York to Antwerp via Plymouth and Cherbourg: Boston... 3 I Class, 1 II Class & 86 Steerage Passengers who boarded at Boulogne Jauly 16th Atlantic! Be trimmed down in size, but no content is missing, California 1924 R.M.S.CARONIA Passenger list from Particular. New TORK SCAXCB 12 than her usual number our collection contains a sampling of what originally! And events that occurred during these periods on the Clyde Monday 17th of May, listing of,... 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