Information necessary for replication (e.g., codebooks or metadata) must be included. Michigan State University, United States, Jason A. Chen, PhD Columbia University, United States, Joshua Wilson, PhD Montclair State University, United States, Barbara R. Foorman, PhD Data and materials must be made available under an open license allowing others to copy, share, and use the data, with attribution and copyright as applicable. The cover letter should include all authors' names and institutional affiliations. Michigan State University, United States, Alexandra List, PhD University of Nevada Las Vegas, United States, Tony Perez, PhD Educational Psychology Review is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed integrative review articles, special thematic issues, reflections or comments on previous research or new research directions, interviews, and research-based advice for practitioners - all pertaining to the field of educational psychology. Ohio State University, United States, Karen E. Rambo- Hernandez, PhD When possible, please place symbol legends below the figure instead of to the side. This allows APA to check submissions for potential overlap with material previously published in scholarly journals (e.g., lifted or republished material). Mental work and fatigue and individual differences and their causes Part 2 of Vol. University of Memphis, United States, Steve Graham, PhD Psychology & Psychotherapy is source for the latest findings in cognitive, behavioral, developmental, health and educational psychology. Old Dominion University, United States, Yaacov Petscher, PhD University of Southern California, United States, Olivenne Skinner, PhD University of Maryland, United States, Martha Alibali, PhD Michigan State University, United States, Jean-Francois Rouet, PhD Find full-text journal articles in both English and Spanish. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States, Rebecca Collie, PhD Psychology and Education (ISSN: 0033-3077) is a quality journal devoted to basic research, theory, and techniques and arts of practice in the general field of psychology and education.Psychology and Education is published bimonthly. Updated in 2018, the standards offer ways to improve transparency in reporting to ensure that readers have the information necessary to evaluate the quality of the research and to facilitate collaboration and replication. Florida State University, United States, Michael A. Hebert, PhD To be eligible for an open data badge with such a notation, the repository must publicly describe the steps necessary to obtain the data and detailed data documentation (e.g. University of Cincinnati, United States, Nancy C. Jordan, EdD In Stage 2, the full paper undergoes a second peer review process, checking if the study protocol was implemented and if the reasons for potential changes were acceptable. Authors of accepted manuscripts are required to transfer the copyright to APA. APA expects authors to adhere to these standards. The minimum line weight for line art is 0.5 point for optimal printing. Goethe-Universität, Germany, Jeanne Wansek, PhD Brock University, Canada, Lynn S. Fuchs, PhD Subscribe. The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Sharon Zumbrunn, PhD University of Connecticut, United States, Pui-Wa Lei, PhD Arizona State University, United States, Jacob M. Marszalek, PhD (96) References (continued) Education and Development, 19 (5), 726–752. University of Minnesota, United States, Greg Roberts, PhD Additional guidance on APA Style is available on the APA Style website. Leibniz- Institut für Wissensmedien, Germany, Katerina Schenke, PhD Your research can change the world A secondary purpose of the Journal is the occasional publication of exceptionally important theoretical and review articles that are pertinent to educational psychology. University of Illinois, Chicago, United States, Amanda Goodwin, PhD The contents provide breadth of coverage appropriate to a wide readership in educational psychology … Arcadia University, United States, Chris Schatschneider, PhD Double-space your manuscript. University of South Florida, United States, Matthew L. Bernacki, PhD University of Memphis, United States, Lalo Salmerón, PhD University of Alberta, Canada, Fabrizio Butera, PhD University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Joseph Rios, PhD University of Göttingen, Germany, Dale H. Schunk, PhD University of Missouri–Kansas City, United States, Andrew J. Martin, PhD University of Memphis, United States, Lee Branum-Martin, PhD Each listed reference should be cited in text, and each text citation should be listed in the References section. Educational psychology is a multidisciplinary field, drawing on science from areas of the social sciences such as human development, education, sociology and anthropology, human factors and ergonomics, genetics and biopsychology, cognitive psychology, social psychology and quantitative psychology. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology delves into the intricacies of the creative mind with a core of useful resources and unfolds the different teaching learning processes and the varied interests of students in a psychological perspective. Georgia State University, United States, Ivar Braten, PhD American Psychological Association, Abstracting and indexing services providing coverage of Journal of Educational Psychology®. © The British Psychological Society. McGill University, Canada, Erika Patall, PhD The main purpose of the Journal of Educational Psychology® is to publish original, primary psychological research pertaining to education across all ages and educational levels. University of Valencia, Spain, Tanya Santangelo, PhD Journal of Educational Psychology | Citations: 8,108 | Read 338 articles with impact on ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists. College of Saint Benedict/St. University of Texas at Austin, United States, Tobias Richter, DPhil University of Texas at Austin, United States, Emily Rosenzweig, PhD Pennsylvania State University, United States, Benjamin Nagengast, PhD Northern Illinois, United States, Okan Bulut, PhD Strong manuscripts will be reviewed. Pennsylvania State University, United States, Erica Lembke, PhD University of Munich, Germany, Peng Peng, PhD University of Maryland, United States, Kay Wijekumar, PhD Ghent University, Belgium, Sharon R. Vaughn, PhD University of California, Riverside, United States, Keith William Thiede, PhD Virginia Commonwealth University, United States, Ken Koedinger, PhD University of North Carolina, Greensboro, United States, Malte Schwinger, PhD Registered in England & Wales No. Lancaster University, United Kingdom, Maria Carlo, PhD African Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics and Sciences. In addition to addresses and phone numbers, please supply email addresses, as most communications will be by email. The system compares the initial version of each submitted manuscript against a database of 40+ million scholarly documents, as well as content appearing on the open web. At submission, authors must confirm that criteria have been fulfilled in a signed badge disclosure form (PDF, 33KB) that must be submitted as supplemental material. Temple University, United States, CarolAnne Kardash, PhD West Virginia University, United States, Martina Rau, PhD Every effort should be made to see that the manuscript itself contains no clues to the authors' identity. University of South Florida, United States, Joanna P. Williams, PhD How to Group Students Into Classrooms to Increase Overall Learning, Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, instructions for submitting Registered Reports online (PDF, 247KB), APA's Journal Manuscript Preparation Guidelines, Supplementing Your Article With Online Material, Guidance for Translational Abstracts and Public Significance Statements, Download Permissions Alert Form (PDF, 13KB), vendors that offer discounts to APA authors, APA Journals® Internet Posting Guidelines, Download Disclosure of Interests Form (PDF, 38KB), Publication Rights (Copyright Transfer) Form (PDF, 83KB), Wellcome Trust or Research Councils UK Publication Rights Form (PDF, 34KB), Download Certification of Compliance With APA Ethical Principles Form (PDF, 26KB), Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, © 2021 American Psychological Association, Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Psychology, Current Contents: Social & Behavioral Sciences, ERIH (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences), Humanities and Social Sciences Index Retrospective, IBZ / IBR (Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlicher Literatur), Journal Citations Report: Social Sciences Edition, Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts. University of Missouri, Columbia, United States, Lisa Linnenbrink- Garcia, PhD Arizona State University, United States, DeLeon L. Gray, PhD University of California, Irvine, James S. Kim, EdD Intrinsic and extrinsic types of motivation have been widely studied, and the distinction between them has shed important light on both developmental and educational practices. In addition, they should be able to be translated into media-appropriate statements for use in press releases and on social media (e.g., Twitter). University of Poitier, France, Amy Gillespie Rouse, PhD Include the title of the manuscript along with all authors' names and institutional affiliations in the cover letter. Please submit a short statement of 2–3 sentences, entitled "Educational Impact and Implications Statement." JEM Now on EarlyView. Aims and scope; Instructions for authors; This information (2–4 sentences) must be provided as part of the Author Note. We are happy to announce that Journal of Educational Measurement is now part of the Wiley’s Early View service. Authors are required to state in writing that they have complied with APA ethical standards in the treatment of their sample, human or animal, or to describe the details of treatment. Arizona State University, United States, Sara Hart, PhD Arizona State University, United States, Jennifer G. Cromley, PhD Social Psychology of Education draws from the disciplines of psychology, sociology, and education in order to help us better understand human behavior in education. If an appendix contains a mix of code and explanatory text, please submit a file that contains the entire appendix, with the code keyed in 8-point Courier New. University of Iowa, United States, Rui Alexandre Alves, PhD Authors of accepted papers must obtain and provide to the editor on final acceptance all necessary permissions to reproduce in print and electronic form any copyrighted work, including test materials (or portions thereof), photographs, and other graphic images (including those used as stimuli in experiments). Educational psychology, as a scientific discipline, has a broad scope including cognitive, behavioural, affective, and social aspects of learning and teaching. The journal now also invites submission of Registered Reports. The Ohio State University, United States, David Aparisi, PhD Adequate description of participants and measures are critical to the science and practice of educational psychology; this allows readers to assess the results, determine generalizability of findings, and make comparisons in replications, extensions, literature reviews, or secondary data analyses. University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Nikos Ntoumanis, PhD Browse over 90 peer reviewed journals panning the breadth and depth of psychology, many published in partnership with APA's specialty Divisions and other national and international societies. To submit to the Editorial Office of Panayiota Kendeou, please submit manuscripts electronically through the Manuscript Submission Portal in Microsoft Word (.docx) or LaTex (.tex) as a zip file with an accompanied Portable Document Format (.pdf) of the manuscript file. There are numerous papers on important aspects of psychology and education which can find no place in the professional literature. These badges are awarded on a self-disclosure basis. University of Porto, Portugal, Stephen Aguilar, PhD Padova University, Italy, Richard E. Mayer, PhD APA can place supplemental materials online, available via the published article in the PsycARTICLES® database. Universität Marburg, Germany, Corwin Senko, PhD Arizona State University, Polytechnic, United States, Haley Vlach, PhD Fax numbers, if available, should also be provided for potential use by the editorial office and later by the production office. The study's design has been preregistered with descriptions of (a) the research design and study materials, including the planned sample size; (b) the motivating research question or hypothesis; (c) the outcome variable(s); and (d) the predictor variables, including controls, covariates, and independent variables. The main purpose of the Journal of Educational & Psychological Research is to publish original, research pertaining to education across all ages and educational levels. University of Southampton, United Kingdom, Emily Phillips Galloway, EdD 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG. To ensure that the figure can be understood in both formats, authors should add alternative wording (e.g., "the red (dark gray) bars represent") as needed. University of Wisconsin–Madison, United States, Ariel Aloe, PhD Panayiota Kendeou, PhD, Editor Authors should see guidelines for participants and measures (including reliability and validity evidence) in the Publication Manual. University of Delaware, United States, Phillip H. Winne, PhD About This Journal. Janet E. Helms Award For Mentoring and Scholarship in Psychology and Education Teachers College, Columbia University (2004, February). Manuscripts should generally not exceed 12,000 words (approximately 40 double-spaced pages in 12-point Times New Roman font), not including references, tables, figures, and appendixes. University of Mannheim, Germany, Andrew J. Elliot, PhD Erasmus University Rotterdam & University of Wollongong, the Netherlands, Reinhard Pekrun, PhD Authors are encouraged to consult the APA Journal Article Reporting Standards (JARS) for quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research. Utrecht University, the Netherlands, Maarten Vansteenkiste, PhD It should be inserted after the abstract on the revised manuscript file and should be written in plain English for the educated public. North Carolina State University, United States, Jeffrey Alan Greene, PhD A "PA" (Protected Access) notation may be added to open data badges if sensitive, personal data are available only from an approved third-party repository that manages access to data to qualified researchers through a documented process. 105, No. University of Minnesota, United States, Revathy Kumar, PhD Use Word's Insert Table function when you create tables. Disclaimer: APA and the Editors of Journal of Educational Psychology assume no responsibility for statements and opinions advanced by the authors of its articles, Panayiota Kendeou, PhD University of Maryland College Park, United States, Antonio P. Gutierrez de Blume, PhD Université de Moncton, Canada, Scotty D. Craig, PhD For more information, visit Supplementing Your Article With Online Material. Contemporary Educational Psychology publishes articles that involve the application of psychological theory and science to the educational process. Select MathType or Equation Editor 3.0 in the drop-down menu. Authors should never use first person (I, my, we, our) when referring to a study conducted by the author(s) or when doing so reveals the authors' identities, e.g., "in our previous work, Johnson et al., 1998 reported that…" Instead, references to the authors' work should be in third person, e.g., "Johnson et al. College of William & Mary, United States, Clark A. Chinn, PhD Washington State University, United States, Daniel Ansari, PhD All materials necessary to reproduce the reported results that are digitally shareable, along with descriptions of non-digital materials necessary for replication, are made publicly available. List references in alphabetical order. After the abstract, please supply up to five keywords or brief phrases. The journal publishes conceptual and review articles (including meta-analyses), rather than empirical studies, on all aspects of educationa… Kiel University, Germany, Uta Klusmann, PhD Please note that if you include masked references in your manuscript, the Editor requests that you identify these references in your cover letter, so that the editors can see which articles are being referenced in your submission. Preregistered: Rutgers University, United States, Eunsoo Cho, PhD Wurzburg University, Germany, Rod Roscoe, PhD If all criteria are met as confirmed by the editor, the form will then be published with the article as supplemental material. Boise State University, United States, Theresa A. Thorkildsen, PhD It is a violation of APA Ethical Principles to publish "as original data, data that have been previously published" (Standard 8.13). University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, United States, Krista Muis, PhD Equations composed with the built-in Word 2007/Word 2010 equation support are converted to low-resolution graphics when they enter the production process and must be rekeyed by the typesetter, which may introduce errors. Open Data: We recognize that there may be good reasons to change the analysis plan after it has been preregistered, and thus encourage authors to do so when appropriate so long as all changes are clearly and transparently disclosed in the manuscript. See also APA Journals® Internet Posting Guidelines. University of Nebraska–Lincoln, United States, Paul R. Hernandez, PhD Multipanel figures (i.e., figures with parts labeled a, b, c, d, etc.) University of Georgia, United States, Helenrose Fives, PhD Michigan State University, United States, Jason Braasch, PhD Theoretical articles address new developments and techniques, and applied articles deal with innovation applications. Prior to submission, please carefully read and follow the submission guidelines detailed below. University of Maryland, United States, Joseph P. Magliano, PhD Journal of Faculty of Education Assiut University - المجلة العلمية بكلية التربية-جامعة أسيوط Research objectives : the research aimed to develop some psychological terms for students in the second secondary stage by using the flipped classroom strategy. University of Georgia, United States, Cary Roseth, PhD University of Kentucky, United States, Tamara Van Gog, PhD To be maximally useful, these statements should provide a bottom-line, take-home message that is accurate and easily understood. Literacy learning of at-risk first-grade students in the Read-ing Recovery early intervention. Manuscripts may be copyedited for bias-free language (see Chapter 3 of the 6th edition or Chapter 5 of the 7th edition). Manuscripts that do not conform to the submission guidelines may be returned without review. It was established in 1963 and the current co-editors are Jeffrey A. Greene (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) and Lisa Linnenbrink-Garcia (Michigan State University). Simon Fraser University, Canada, Kui Xie, PhD Visit the Journals Publishing Resource Center for more resources for writing, reviewing, and editing articles for publishing in APA journals. variable names and allowed values) must be made available publicly. Keywords: educational psychology, teachers, instruction 1. University of Kiel, Germany, Alison C. Koenka, PhD Michigan State University, United States, Sascha Schroeder, PhD Open Data: Protected Access: APA policy prohibits an author from submitting the same manuscript for concurrent consideration by two or more publications. The Journal of Educational Psychology® is now using a software system to screen submitted content for similarity with other published content. University of Rochester, United States, Logan Fiorella, PhD LATEST ISSUE >. Dalhousie University, Canada, Oliver Dickhäuser, PhD Authors should also note their eligibility for the badge(s) in the cover letter. Academy of Management Learning & Education. University of Nevada Las Vegas, United States, Scott Marley, PhD An additional $450 for each subsequent figure. Was, PhD University of Oslo, Norway, Steffen Zitzmann, PhD Please see Supplementing Your Article With Online Material for more details. Curtin University, Australia, E. Michael Nussbaum, PhD Register a free Taylor & Francis Online account today to boost your research and gain these benefits: Register to receive personalised research and resources by email, Why talk about qualitative and mixed methods in educational psychology? Figure instead of to the authors to shorten the paper and return it a! Panayiota Kendeou, PhD, Editor University of Minnesota, 206B Burton Hall, Minneapolis, MN.... 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