He eventually established the B.B. As Dr. Thompson perceived over a century ago, Scripture is its own best commentary. Some 2,081 pages are devoted to the Bible, Apocrypha, and study helps from 36 contributors. The notes occasionally have a distinct Catholic flavor (e.g., p. 1969), but for the most part represent a widely acceptable critical approach. We hope what you find here will add to your understanding of and appreciation for the Bible. The triangle symbol that appears next to the topic indicates that this is the beginning of this chain. This Bible also offers a library of additional study resources that allows readers to interpret Gods Word using related Scripture passages rather than consulting other works, making this an all-in-one, self-contained study resource. Edited by Kenneth L. Barker, its 44 contributors (37 of whom were NIV translators) represent a wide denominational spectrum of international evangelicalism. About Comfort Print Since the mid 1980s, the NIV has been the best-selling English Bible in the US; together the NIV and the KJV account for as much as 60 percent of Bible sales.4 Most major study Bibles are available in one or both of these versions. The first choice one must make relates to general theological orientation: conservative, nonconservative, or Catholic. Since then it has released the Zondervan Thompson Chain-Reference Bible in various Bible translations: Learn more by visiting Zondervans Thompson Chain-Reference Bibles website. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible contains a wealth of information for new believers, including information about exploring salvation, building faith, building a prayer life, and everything in between. It's hard to beat the Thompson Chain Reference Bible! He saw the need for a well-organized reference Bible that would be of practical use to the layman as well as a minister. It quickly became known amongst a small circle of people as the most helpful and trustworthy study Bible available. As an example, the entry for Amalek says:[6]. The titles and number of pages alone may reveal how useful they are and how often one might consult them. The larger part of this section is comprised of comprehensive indexes of all the study materials present in the marginal notes of the Bibleagain, almost any topic that one can imagine. The notes of the New Jerusalem and New American Bibles, for example, are noticeably Catholic in certain texts. Critics of dispensationalism feel it cuts the Bible into too many pieces, teaches different ways of salvation, and wrongly expects a literal future fulfillment of prophecies relating to Israel. 336-983-2220; Sign In or Register; Compare ; Recently Viewed Chain topic 3724, for example, concerns the general topic of unity: This topic is divided into the major subtopics of "UNITY of Believers", "COOPERATION", and "STRIFE", each of which is divided into further topics. This pattern continued in all Protestant Bible translations of the sixteenth century. Introductions and outlines differ in thoroughness and length, but introductions can also differ in perspective. Translators sought to create a version that could be studied by the masses. Anthony B. Thompson, Largest Print Size Available in the NASB Translation, Zondervan, In Partnership with Passion Publishing, Releases The Jesus Bible Journals, Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear NIV, Easy-to-understand Chain-Reference System with over 100,000 references, Alphabetical and numerical indexes highlight study materials for over 8,000 topics, each with its own topic number, for exhaustive topical study, An extensive study resource section includes biographical sketches, illustrated studies of the Bible, a concordance, Bible harmonies, and many other helpful study tools, 16-page full-color map section with map index, Two double-sided 3/8-inch-wide satin ribbon markers, Exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface. These materials are indexed in a 30-page Subject Guide at the end of the book. The easiest way to accomplish this was to remove the human element from the equation and allow Scripture to comment on itself. The most specific reference system is in the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, which identifies the topic that is referenced, keys it to a numbered topical index, and sends the reader to the next verse in its chain of references. The Quest Study Bible can be recommended to and used by Christians as well as seekers. This Bible and its study system have been profitably used by millions of students of the Bible over the years as the editors of the study tools have carefully and consistently updated them throughout the decades since its release. The end of the KJVs monopoly was signaled by the British Revised Version of 188185 and the American Standard Version of 1901. By submitting your email address, you understand that you will receive email communications from HarperCollins Christian Publishing (501 Nelson Place, Nashville, TN 37214 USA) providing information about products and services of HCCP and its affiliates. The NIV Thompson Chain-Reference Bibleis printed in Zondervans exclusive NIV Comfort Print typeface for easy reading. Still, I believe this broad categorization is useful to differentiate between study systems that instruct one what to believe and those that take one to the text so one can make up ones own mind. This Bible also contains more than 50 additional features in its eight departments, including introductions and outlines of each book, character studies, dozens of historical and topical charts and diagrams, an archaeological dictionary, and a concordance, all of which are keyed by number to the text and index. Because of its valuable reference system and its availability in four of the top five translations, the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible remains a popular choice. Students can analyze each passage in great detail using the topics found in the marginal references in combination with the information in the Numerical Index. The HarperCollins Study Bible devotes 2,388 pages to biblical text (including Apocrypha) and study helps. The Thompson chain-reference Bible : New International version, the Old and New testament : Thompson's original and complete system of Bible study : a complete numerical system of chain references, analyses of books, outline studies of characters and unique charts, with pictorial maps and archaeological discoveries Item Preview Thompson Chain Reference Bible, B.B. Seventy-three essays expand on key concepts as well as the editors personal emphases. It points you toward the next verse for your topic in this case, Psalm 74:1. This nine-word verse includes three main thoughts or topics: The Lord is my shepherd = we are Gods sheep (3266), The Lord is my shepherd = Christ is our shepherd (3264), I shall not want = the Lord provides for our needs (2905). This work contains a great deal that is speculative and unorthodox, such as Dakes belief in Gods spirit body with bodily parts that goes from place to place (pp. He began work on the system because of his dissatisfaction with the reference Bibles that were then available to preachers: Dr. Thompson believed the Bible should be presented in a simple, but scholarly way. The first English translations were study Bibles in both senses. Also throughout each book students will notice helpful summary statements appear before each chapter. Kirkbride to sell this work. It also features a fresh, two-color design that preserves the original look of the chain-reference system, while making each page cleaner and easier to read. Designed by Philip Yancey and Tim Stafford to provide easy access and useful insights to beginning readers, the New Student Bible starts with a 3-Track Plan for Reading the Bible. Track one introduces the Bible with two-week, one-chapter-a-day reading guides to the Life of Jesus, the life of Paul, and the Old Testament. Again, this provides the teacher with an excellent teaching tool. With over 100,000 topical reference and 8,000 chain topics, this Bible continues to offer a complete study library in one volume. Bruce, The History of the Bible in English (New York: Oxford, 1978), 96. Disciples Study Bible (Broadman & Holman) NIV, 2. Containing 3,738 entries cross-referenced and cross-linked to other resources on StudyLight.org, this resource can be classified as a required reference book for any good study library. Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible (AMG) KJV, NASB, 4. As noted previously, each chapter is preceded by a synopsis of its contents. In 1890, Dr. Thompson began the work he would continue for the rest of his life. How was it organized and distributed? Originally intended for youth, this easy-to-use study edition has been purchased by millions of adults for their own use. Find out more information about the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible and shop for different editions now by clicking here. Their work included working with then family-owned Zondervan Bible Publishers to release the first NIV edition in 1983. The version of 1611 began three centuries of its near monopoly as the English Bible. The Kirkbride Bible Company, Inc., published the first complete Thompson Chain-Reference Bible in 1908 and continued that legacy for over 100 years, adding visual, maps, archeological insights, and over 100,000 references. It not only shows themes in the text, but it makes them easy to navigate. Each book is introduced and outlined, but each section and paragraph is also outlined in further detail in the notes that parallel the text. 8:17; Acts 2). Nineteen articles by 20 contributors fill 197 pages. Check it out here. As in the case of introductions, the notes often betray an alignment with a particular theological or critical approach to the text. Dr. Thompson believed Bible study tools should be presented in a simple but scholarly way. Fourteen Oxford Bible maps round out the features. If you follow the entire chain for God's Sheep 3266, you will end at John 10:3. Its notes are in a question-answer format. That is because What does saving faith in Jesus Christ look like? For example, the topic Christ Shepherd (1) (topic number 3264) can be located in the Alphabetical Index. Fifty-five Focus Notes expand on various topics, such as Two Kinds of Sin and The Terminology of Entire Sanctification. Forty-seven maps, 51 charts, 16 essays, and a concordance round out the major features of this volume. The TCR was licensed to other publishers such as Thomas Nelson, Zondervan, Eyre & Spottiswoode in the UK (which was then absorbed by Cambridge and produced under their brand), Hodder & Stoughton, and others in various global languages. On December 2, 2020, HarperCollins Christian Publishing (HCCP) announced they had acquired theThompson Chain-Reference Biblefrom Kirkbride to be published by Zondervan. The notes often present more than one possible understanding. In essence, the chapter is already in outline form. The 2ndedition was published in 1917, and enjoyed much wider distribution. He saw the need for a well-organized reference Bible that would be of practical use to the lay reader as well as to preachers. About Zondervan [Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible: Where It Came From, How to Use It, and Where Its Going]. If the student discovers the topic Christ Shepherd (1) located in a marginal reference (e.g., at 1 Peter 5:4), they can follow that chain from there. Spirit-Filled Life Bible (Nelson, 1991) KJV, NKJV. 2:1). It enjoys the prestige of having been coedited by Bruce M. Metzger, chairperson of the NRSV Bible Committee. Track 2 samples every book of the Bible, 186 chapters in six months. Ryrie Study Bible (Moody, Expanded Editions) KJV, NASB, NIV, 4. The Quest Study Bible (Zondervan, 1994) NIV. And now, the in-depth Thompson Chain study notes have once again been released in multiple translations, sizes, and bindings. The Dickson New Analytical Study Bible has about 800 pages of well-designed helps. The Bible brand will be stewarded by the Zondervan publishing group. As the cross reference system connects key words, phrases, and concepts through the biblical text, the index or concordance lists such connections in a section separate from the text. The major features of the New Open Bible are its Biblical Cyclopedia Index (a 300-page topical Bible/concordance), lengthy book introductions and outlines, Christian Life Study Outlines in the NT, and concordance. Thompson was born in 1858, in Elmira, New York, and was ordained in 1879. The NJB and the Jerusalem Bible it replaced were both translations and study Bibles from their beginning, featuring introductions, cross-references, and annotations. TheThompson Chain-Reference Bibleis one of the oldest study Bibles on the market today. Locate the one that shows God's Sheep 3266 74:1. This seeks to be a user-friendly study Bible with its extensive use of boxed and shaded graphics, articles, maps, and line drawings in a two-color presentation. At Malachi 3:8-12, for example, the cautious notes by John Louwerse contrast to the Kingdom Dynamics by Frederick Price, who states that if one does not tithe properly one is robbing God, and the law of God cannot work on your behalf. The reader is thus cautioned that this study Bible contains both moderate charismatic theology and more extreme word-of-faith elements. It became known as the most helpful, comprehensive, and unbiased study Bible available. The chain numbers feature prominently in the Thompson system, and the chain topics are listed in numerical order. The first verse in each chain is marked in the margin with the symbol of a triangle (^). His wife was Laura Boughton Thompson. $15.50 + $7.05 shipping. The interpretive scheme, dispensationalism, has also generated most of its criticism. After seeing the notations in his Bible, several parishioners inquired about using those notes in their own study, eventually working with Dr. Thompson to publish the first edition of the Chain-Reference Bible in 1908. The New Geneva Bible takes a nondispensational approach at these texts. Craftsmanship is great and an added bonus is the NIV84 is a great read. Licensing in various translations and other languages opened several unique opportunities over the years. While the Thompson Chain may help spark your creative juices, nothing replaces good solid exegesis. A general introduction to the Bible and a 184-page Bible dictionary precede the text. Zondervan, a worldwide leading Christian publisher of books and Bibles, is part of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc. Its publications include a variety of Bible translations for all ages; books in different genres and subject areas for the general reader; curriculum for individual and group Bible study; books for children and young adults; academic resources including textbooks and reference books; ministry resources; and books on faith and culture. A Bible dictionary, like an English dictionary, defines key technical words of the text. The notes are the most voluminous of the three and also contain 19 in-text maps, 25 charts, 16 color maps, and an index. In addition to its application emphasis, this trend-setting volume has much explanatory and historical information in its introductions, charts, maps, and character studies, and thus should not be overlooked as a research-oriented study Bible. With a patented reference system beloved and acclaimed for more than five generations, the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible is unparalleled in its ability to enrich personal devotions, topical study, and sermon preparation. Say that you wanted to do a study on the topic of Grace. Once you find the Topic Number for Grace, you can look that up in the numerical index and find all the related verses, choosing whichever verse you would like to start your chain from. Were beyond excited to introduce this timeless resource to a brand-new audience of Bible readers through its publication in the bestselling NIV. Thompson Chain Reference Study Bible A. I am somewhat familiar with the Thompson Chain-Reference Study Bible and own the NKJV version. Full Life Study Bible (Zondervan, 1992) KJV, NIV. nase ahora para acceder a este contenido exclusivo para suscriptores de Journal, haga clic aqu para obtener ms informacin. * Dakes Annotated Reference Bible (Dake) KJV, 2. They examined every verse of Scripture in multiple translations and categorized the topics found in those verses into different subject areas. William Tyndale was strangled to death and burned at the stake for the crimes of translating the Bible into English and of challenging the teachings of the Roman Catholic church in his notes. 2. Then, rather than simply sprinkling the margins with cross-references, he lists the specific topics in each verse with their index number, and often identifies the next biblical reference in the chain. This was difficult to do under Methodists Book Concern of Dobbs Ferry, so Dr. Thompson began to look for other options. Nave Topical Bible; Luke; Scofield Reference Index; Luke; Thompson Chain Reference; Luke; Dictionaries Encyclopedias ; Lexicons (author of the gospel) Luke 1:3; Acts 1:1; Colossians 4:14; 2 Timothy 4:11 . As of 2006[update], more than four million Thompson Chain-Reference Bibles have been sold. Book Synopsis The Thompson Chain-Reference Study Bible by : Frank Charles Thompson Unique is their Catholic distinctive, which is often brought out in the annotations to the NAB and NJB. Because of the thoroughness and quality of its features, the NIV Study Bible has sold nearly three million copies and is this writers preferred choice. As Dr. Thompson perceived over a century ago, Scripture is its own best commentary. Book introductions precede the text, as do general outlines which are expanded in detail in the text itself. Relevant verses are identified with a symbol, but have no further explanation. Second, he has noted key aspects of Greek grammar with a system of abbreviations. Additionally, knowing that it was difficult for evangelists to take commentaries with them, Dr. Thompson wanted it to be portable, so it had to fit within the dimensions of other reference Bibles on the market at that time. Five years later, in 1913, Thompson was joined by B. He completed a series of "thought suggestions" opposite key verses throughout the Bible. The system incorporates over 4,000 such chains. Westbow Press Filed under Bible, Bible Gateway Plus, Bible Reference, Bible Study, Editions, Tagged as niv, study bible, Thompson Chain-Reference. These notes became the chain links that make up the Thompson chain-reference system. Cross-references are usually found in a column beside the text, as in The Harper Study Bible; between two columns of text, as in The NIV Study Bible; or in the notes, as in The Companion Bible. Most of Finis Jennings Dakes materials are set in two columns that appear on each page beside the two columns of biblical text. Introductions attempt to capture the essence of each book in contemporary terms and images. Expertly designed specifically to be used for the New International Version (NIV) text, Comfort Print offers an easier reading experience that complements the most widely read modern-English Bible translation. Dakes is the product of 43 years of study and is one of the few study Bibles that has more words in its helps than in the Bible. Recognizing how helpful it was for Bible study and sermon preparation, they encouraged Dr. Thompson to have his Bible published so others could have access to these wonderful study tools. The NIV Study Bible has three dozen charts that gather biblical materials and integrate them with historical and cultural information. Outlines detailing the events of their lives accompany other important facts, but perhaps most helpful are the characteristics noted for each of these individuals. The volume concludes with, among other features, a 42-page topical Bible and a 117-page concordance. The Dakes study Bible cannot be recommended to journal readers, charismatic or not. Concordances. In some contexts it refers to the translation itself, to a version of the Bible suitable for study. Un apologista cristiano responde a la actuacin satnica de Sam Smith y Kim Petras en los Grammy, A Christian Apologist Responds to Sam Smith and Kim Petrass Satanic Grammy Performance. John R. Kohlenberger III is the author or co-editor of 25 biblical reference books including Words about the Word: A Guide to Choosing and Using Your Bible (Zondervan), All about Bibles (Oxford University Press), and The NIV Exhaustive Concordance (Zondervan). Thomas Nelsons Serenity: A Companion for 12-Step Recovery (1990) was matched by Zondervans NIV Recovery Bible and Tyndales The Life Recovery Bible. The information at 1 Peter 5:4, however, does not indicate any of the prior verses of the chain, and specifically does not note the important first verse in the chain. Cross-references link verses and passages on the basis of similar words, phrases, and concepts. 2Bible version abbreviations used in this article: KJV (King James Version); LB (Living Bible); NAB (New American Bible); NASB (New American Standard Bible); NIV (New International Version); NKJV (New King James Version); NRSV (New Revised Standard Version); REB (Revised English Bible); and RSV (Revised Standard Version). Because this unique reference Bible enables you to follow Scriptures teachings on thousands of topics throughout the entire Bible. Drawn from over 30 years of Bible study, Dr. Thompson examined every verse of the Bible to determine their exact meaning. For more information, visit www.zondervan.com. Why has it been so popular since its release in 1908? Connect with the Christian Research Institute. He saw the need for a well-organized reference Bible that both laypersons and ministry professionals could use. Zodhiates has also included three major features of his own. Most study Bibles have special articles on such subjects as how to understand the Bible, outlines of biblical history and archaeology, theological themes, the history of Bible translation, and so on. Dr. Thompson gave the franchise for distributing the Bible to a firm in Lincoln, Nebraska, who hired a young college student named B.B. Methodists Book Concern of Dobbs Ferry, New York published the first edition of theKJV Thompson Chain-Reference Biblein 1908. Spirit-Filled Life Bible (Nelson) KJV, NKJV, 4. This first edition did not include many of the tools available in the TCR today. I received a copy of this Bible (Hardcover Edition) for free as a member of the Bible Gateway Blogger In order to see how the Thompson Chain-Reference System works, begin with Psalm 23. How could he create such an unbiased work? Those written by conservative scholars take the Bibles self-witness at face value. At Revelation 9:11 the Angel of the bottomless pit is identified as Antichrist the Pope, king of hypocrites and Satans ambassador., Small wonder that the first English translation by Roman Catholics, the Rheims New Testament of 1582, would seem somewhat defensive at this point: Others have explained these locusts, in a most absurd, fanciful, and ridiculous manner: they make Abaddon the Pope, and the locusts to be friars mendicant, etc. I have owned the KJV TCR Bible for over 20 years. In 1890, Dr. Thompson began the work he would continue for the rest of his life. He then arranged topical chains from . The designation study Bible can refer to two things. After over 100 years with Kirkbride this. Where Do Verse and Chapter Numbers in the Bible Come From? There may be numerous verses on your topic, and you can use the, Say that you wanted to do a study on the topic of Grace. Once you find the, Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV), Easy-to-Understand Chain-Reference System with over 100,000 topical references, Alphabetical and numerical indexes highlight study materials for over 8,000 topics, each with its own pilot number, for exhaustive topical study, An extensive study resource section includes biographical sketches, illustrated studies of the Bible, a concordance, Bible harmonies, and many other helpful study tools, 16-page full-color map section with map index, Easy to understand Chain-Reference System with over 100,000 references, References cover over 8,000 topics, each with its own pilot number for exhaustive topical study, Complete alphabetical and numerical indices listing all 8,000 topics with corresponding pilot numbers and Bible references, Includes an extensive study resource section that features biographical sketches of some of the most prominent people in the Bible, an archeological supplement, a glossary, a concordance, and illustrated Bible studies that help readers develop their own study pathways, Key Words and Key Verses by every book name point readers to more comprehensive information on each book of the Bible, https://d3iqwsql9z4qvn.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/05/25205453/TCR-Explainer-Video.mp4, https://d3iqwsql9z4qvn.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/04/23184039/Thompson-Chain-Ref-Explainer-Video-Spanish-Final.mp4. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible also offers a library of additional study resources that allows readers to interpret the Bible using related scripture passages rather than consulting a commentary. Thompson Chain Reference Bible GENUINE LEATHER Fifth Edition KJV Large Print. Make the most of. The study tools in this end matter section allow this Bible to be adapted to all types of study and presentations, as these exhaustive features make this Bible an actual mini-library. Thirteen scholars, including general editor Donald Senior, contributed to the 577 pages of Reading Guides that precede the text. 3266 is the Topic Number for the topic of Gods sheep. nase ahora para acceder a este contenido exclusivo para suscriptores de Journal. The Catholic Study Bible (Oxford, 1990) NAB. This easy-to-learn, easy-to-use system enables you to see the breadth of Scripture's teachings on thousands of topics . Kirkbride and Company worked with other English and global-languages publishers to release the notes and study helps in various Bible editions. The TCR in the 2011 NIV, which Kirkbride had not previously licensed, will be published in the summer of 2022. This is the first revised edition of the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible since Zondervan acquired the line from Kirkbride Bible Company in 2020. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible: Where It Came From, How to Use It, and Where Its Going, Forgiving the Killer of the Charleston Church Shooting: An Interview with Rev. Bible Concordances Thompson Chain Reference Luke. Once readers locate a topic of interest, they can start their topical study right from the margin, following the prompts in the side columns and searching the different passages to which each study refers. Denny, A: Decoding Precepts of Oneness Theology. Here it is thought proper, not to enter into any controversy upon that subject, as the inventors of the fancies have been already answered, and fully refuted by many controvertists. The Rheims New Testament also shot back at Protestants and their translations, explaining that it had been developed with the object of healthfully counteracting the corruptions whereby the heretics have so long lamentably deluded almost the whole of our countrymen.. Dr. Thompson began his original research about 1890. Gone are the days when a Thompson or a Scofield spent decades developing study systems. They also wanted to provide guidance to their readers with explanatory notes and cross references. [citation needed], On December 3, 2020, HarperCollins Christian Publishing announced its acquisition of the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible product assets from Kirkbride Bible Company. Features include two- dozen essays, introductions and annotations to each book of the Bible and Apocrypha, 16 full-color maps, and indexes to annotations and maps. Over time and through four generations of family, the curators of the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible at B.B. Not only are there updated editions of Thompson and Scofield, there are their modern heirs: objectively oriented systems such as The New Open Bible, and doctrinally oriented systems such as The Ryrie Study Bible, The Wesley Bible, and The New Geneva Bible. An easy-to-learn, easy-to-use tool for in-depth Bible study. Video: Look Inside the Thompson Chain Reference Study Bible Look Inside: Thompson Chain Reference Study Bible Watch on They wanted to take the text from the tight grip of academics and clerics and put it in the language of the people. New students of the Bible or those who simply want help to understand what they read may prefer an edition that majors in annotations to the text, listed in section I (to the right of this page) on subjectively oriented study Bibles. Once readers know this number, they can refer to the Numerical Index for the initial reference in the chain: Psalm 23:1. But where did it begin? The Spirit-Filled Life Bible is the product of 67 contributors, many of them high-profile pastors such as Jack Hayford (general editor), Frederick Price, and Oral Roberts. Most modern study Bibles fall into one or the other category established by these pioneering works. Expanded editions in 1983, 1985, and 1990 have lengthened book introductions with analytical charts to illustrate their outlines, a 24-page Visual Survey of the Bible, and 40 pages of key word studies. Newer editions added to the number of topics and references, and a more substantial set of reference tools was added in the end matter. 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