Recipes are full of culinary codes like abbreviations and weird measurements (how big is a pinch?). Recipes that have been handed down through the family or from folk sources often use units of measure that are different than the standard units used found in most modern published recipes. One liter is (exactly) equal to 0.001 cubic meters, or 1 cubic deci meter, written like: 1 l = 1 dm 3 . You might abbreviate the word measurement to measure., meas., or M., on a recipe card, on a lab report, or on shorthand notes. It is safe to presume that recipes written in Europe and the rest of the world use UK cup measurements. Now that we have our cheat sheet at the ready, let's take a look at some examples of recipe instructions that use these measurements in context. Currency theorists have speculated that the name is an allegory for the gold standard, which is expressed in ounces and acts as a hidden puppeteer that regulates the value of money. 2 do. of sugar. Abbreviations are often found in recipes and on food labels, in order to help you understand any that you come across we have compiled a comprehensive list of common abbreviations sorted into the following categories: weights, liquid volumes, lengths, temperatures, spoon sizes, energy, time, amounts and serving. So why, then, do we use “lb” to refer to pound? None of the letters in the abbreviation correlate with the letters in the original word. \"Milli\" comes from the Latin word for one thousand; but, in measurements, it usually indicates one thousandth, not one thousand. 10 Tips for Using Abbreviations Correctly . Acronyms and Initialisms. The most accurate way of measuring dry ingredients is to weigh them. Professional recipes are nearly always measured by weight, as are many of the recipes that we use in our test kitchen. 2 do. cinnamon”? In Australia, contractions (abbreviations from which the middle is omitted, rather than the end, such as Dr, Cwlth) are not usually given full stops. For example, you may have a handed-down recip… The most accurate way of measuring dry ingredients is to weigh them. Here in the U.S., we use the Imperial, or “Standard”, measurement system. cream of tartar” and “3 tsps. This abbreviation can be found in food preparation, engineering, aerospace, in medical laboratories, and mathematics. Understanding these cooking conversions can help you quickly follow recipes, convert based on your available cooking equipment, or even allow you to do quick math to slightly alter recipes according to your liking! If your recipe is written in America, assume that it is a US cup. Although it’s technically a style choice, most US style guides recommend putting periods after abbreviations for English units of measure such as feet, inches, and pounds. The abbreviation “lb” actually comes from the Latin “libra,” which means “scale” and also represents the seventh sign of the zodiac. , etc.) To convert measurements of weight to measurements of volume, or vice versa, consult a weight-to-volume conversion chart, which takes into account the different densities of various ingredients. When you use a recipe taken from English cookery book you have to check carefully the differences in measurement. For some reason, German recipes are most likely to use these unusual units. Most measurements in the English language have pretty straightforward abbreviations ― “tbsp” for tablespoon, “qt” for quart, “yd” for yard and so on. Measurement Abbreviations and Conversions Recipes are full of culinary codes like abbreviations and weird measurements (how big is a pinch?). If you have a 10-inch dutch oven, use about 2/3 to 3/4 of the ingredient amounts but keep the temperature and time about the same." You can find common abbreviations for measurements here, as well as conversions of various ingredient measurements. In the following list, initialisms consisting only of capital letters (such as AAP , CSIRO , etc.) How to Make 1/4 Cup of Water if You Don't Have a 1/4 Measuring Cup, How to Convert Ounces of Chocolate Chips to Cups. Perhaps that’s why abbreviations are so common in essays! If you used an 8-inch D.O… The abbreviation for liter is preferably capitalized, L, to avoid confusion with the number 1. Percent is not abbreviated, but is represented by the familiar " % " … Their use can create a safety risk for measuring medication doses because of inconsistent capacities. It is safe to presume that recipes written in Europe and the rest of the world use UK cup measurements. Dutch recipes still use teaspoons, tablespoons and sometimes cups. The official spelling litre is used in most English-speaking nations; the notable exception is the United States where the spelling liter is preferred.. Number measurement is only used when an accurate measurement is not critical and the items to be used are understood to be close in size. Most cooking measurements abbreviations used in recipes are reasonably intuitive, but it’s best to eliminate guesswork when dinner (or dessert) is at stake. Often times, different books will use different abbreviations, which can cause confusion when putting together a dish. So our recipes are measured in teaspoons, tablespoons, cups, pounds, etc. Professional bakers and pastry chefs use weight to measure most everything including flour, sugar, eggs, and liquids (water, milk, oil). 1 ml: 1 millilitre: 1/1000 litre; 1/10 cl: 0.03 fluid oz. People's Names and Titles. cream of tartar” and “3 tsps. One unit where capitalization makes a huge difference is the calorie. Pounds and grams measure weight, while teaspoons, tablespoons, cups, pints, quarts and gallons are measurements of volume. 4. APA Style ® does permit the use of abbreviations that appear as word entries (i.e., that are not labeled abbr ) in Webster's Collegiate Dictionary . If a recipe calls for an amount smaller or larger than a full stick use the pre-marked wrapper to measure by individual tablespoons, 1/4 cup or 1/3 cup. The symbol “#”also can be used as an abbreviation for “pound.”. are not given full stops, but abbreviations containing lower-case letters (such as Jan. , tbsp. Always abbreviate units when reporting numerical information. examples Agrega una media taza de leche condensada y una cucharadita de vainilla a la mezcla y sigue batiendo. examples Agrega una media taza de leche condensada y una cucharadita de vainilla a la mezcla y sigue batiendo. These abbreviations are relatively easy to decipher because they are closely related to the complete words. We’re in a bit of a bubble on that though, because the rest of the world (for the most part) uses the metric system. If a recipe calls for butter in pounds, 1 pound of butter equals 4 full sticks. In Australia, contractions (abbreviations from which the middle is omitted, rather than the end, such as Dr, Cwlth) are not usually given full stops. Measurement Conversion Measurements often need converting back and forth from larger units to smaller ones when scaling recipes or when determining purchase quantities based on edible portion size. Cups are often abbreviated as "C" and most measuring cup sets will contain ¼ C, ⅓ C, ½ C, and 1 C. Note that a US cup is 240 mL, whereas a UK cup is 250 mL. Short for “eet-lepel” (eating spoon), 15 ml. , etc.) About the Book Author Steven Holzner, PhD, was a contributing editor at PC Magazine and was on the faculty of both MIT and Cornell University. are not given full stops, but abbreviations containing lower-case letters (such as Jan. , tbsp. For example: The doctor prescribed one dose of the antibiotic medicine, to be taken twice daily. When measuring liquids When in doubt, use common sense. If a recipe calls for butter in pounds, 1 pound of butter equals 4 full sticks. Metric measures. Many professionally written recipes avoid abbreviations altogether for the … When measurements are not accurate, this provides incorrect data that can lead to wrong or even dangerous conclusions or results. T 2. tbl 3. tbs 4. tbsp. We’re in a bit of a bubble on that though, because the rest of the world (for the most part) uses the metric system. Here in the U.S., we use the Imperial, or “Standard”, measurement system. 1 dl: 1 décalitre cinnamon … then perhaps this was indicating “2 tsps. Whenever you use an abbreviation, be sure to spell the word out and put the abbreviation in parentheses upon first use. "Yard," for example, is abbreviated "yd.," and "quart" is abbreviated "qt." Also, a tablespoon is significantly larger than a teaspoon, justifying the use of the upper case letter, which has more dignity and presence. A millimeter is one thousandth of a meter. Dutch recipes still use teaspoons, tablespoons and sometimes cups. A centimet… In Old Dutch, a “loot” was close to a tablespoon, being 14 g. Germany. However, some of the best culinary secrets are communicated on handwritten recipe cards and instructions quickly scribbled from memory, with abbreviations providing a convenient shorthand. In Betty’s recipes, we have used the larger measurement—1/4 cup, not 4 tablespoons—but this equivalency chart will help you with other measuring you do in the kitchen. This may not seem particularly useful or relevant when you’re cooking, but it could be a convenient memory device to help you remember the connection between the word “ounce,” which contains no “z,” and the abbreviation “oz,” which includes the letter. In most of the world, recipes use the metric system of units—litres (L) and millilitres (mL), grams (g) and kilograms (kg), and degrees Celsius (°C). Abbreviate measurements in the ingredients list (see standard abbreviations to the right), but spell them out in the directions. Each mark is one tablespoon. Learn to recognize these abbreviations and use them when calculating production needs or food costs. We don't know about you, but no matter how many times we learned the food measurement system, it just never sunk in. Use "an" before a vowel sound ("an ABC documentary" or "an MRI"). Some are written in capital letters; others use lowercase letters. Measurement Abbreviations and Conversions. The basic units for the metric system are shown in Table 1. Household System of Measurement Utensils used in the home, such as cups, teaspoons, tablespoons, droppers, etc. Most measurements in the English language have pretty straightforward abbreviations ― “tbsp” for tablespoon, “qt” for quart, “yd” for yard and so on. The official spelling litre is used in most English-speaking nations; the notable exception is the United States where the spelling liter is preferred.. Larger sets have ⅔ cup and ¾ cup. cream of tartar 3 do. “Ditto” is sometimes abbreviated as “do.” – so perhaps it is a possibility if the first ingredient listed in your sources always is a defined measurement … When you use a recipe taken from English cookery book you have to check carefully the differences in measurement. Short for “eet-lepel” (eating spoon), 15 ml. Professional recipes are nearly always measured by weight, as are many of the recipes that we use in our test kitchen. 3. fluid ounce (also fl oz) 4. gill (about 1/2 cup) 5. cup (also c) 6. pint (also p, pt, or fl pt - Specify Imperial or US) 7. quart (also q, qt, or fl qt - Specify Imperial or US) 8. gallon (also g or gal - Specify Imperial or US) 9. ml, also milliliter, millilitre, cc (and mL only in the US, Canada and Australia). Then you have to convert them. Find the common cooking abbreviations and their corresponding unit of measurement below: Now that you have the abbreviations all sorted out, it’s time to learn the most common conversion measurements in cooking. Teaspoon: May be abbreviated TL or t or ts. Metric measures. 2. tablespoon (also T, tbl., tbs., or tbsp.) Cups, tablespoons, teaspoons…these are kitchen measurements we’re all used to; but so many recipes are measured only by weight, forcing you to either try and figure out the volume equivalents, or buy a digital kitchen scale. To … A lower case “t” also can serve as an abbreviation for “teaspoon,” and an upper case “T” can also denote “tablespoon.”. Here are a few equivalents to help you navigate that German recipe: 1 coffee cup ( Tasse or T) = approximately 150 ml or about 2/3 cup. The abbreviation for teaspoon is commonly found in cookbooks or on medicine labels. So why, then, do we use “lb” to refer to pound? Most cooking measurements abbreviations used in recipes are reasonably intuitive, but it’s best to eliminate guesswork when dinner (or dessert) is at stake. It’s essential to write what the reader will understand. Note that the abbreviation or symbol of the unit is not followed by a period and that all the abbreviations are lowercase letters except for litre which is usually a capital L.. 1 ml: 1 millilitre: 1/1000 litre; 1/10 cl: 0.03 fluid oz. If you used an 8-inch D.O… Ounces can be a measurement of either weight or volume, and if you’re measuring the volume of a liquid, the recipe will specify “fluid,” or “fl” ounces. For example, the tablespoon and teaspoon abbreviation may … Metric Cooking Measurement vs Standard/Imperial Cooking Measurements. Many professionally written recipes avoid abbreviations altogether for the sake of clarity and, probably, professionalism. Memorize these base units of measurement. Measurements and Abbreviations: 1 cl: 1 centilitre: 1/100 litre; 10 ml: 0.34 fluid oz. The prefix modifiers can be used with any unit and thus 1 cl (centiliter) is equal to 1/100 of a liter. While it’s easy to pour a liquid up to the correct measurement line, it’s much more difficult to accurately pour a dry ingredient into said cup. The bottle comes with a measuring device, … Although some recipes spell out measurements, a lot of cookbooks use abbreviations. Measurement abbreviations are formed, for the most part, in one of three ways: An abbreviation might be formed using the first and last letter of the complete word. Some of the most common abbreviations are acronyms and initialisms. There are a few different ways to abbreviate tablespoon: 1. 4. cm - centimeter/centimeters. Some measurement abbreviations are formed by using the first letter or two (or sometimes three) of the word. This unit is used by physicists and chemists. A foot is twelve inches. Invest in liquid and dry measuring cups One of these kitchen supplies isn’t acceptable for both water and flour. Many US chefs now use metrics because of better accuracy when measuring small quantities of additives used in molecular cooking. The answer goes back to ancient Rome. Use a scale, preferably a digital version, to make accurate measurements by weight and use the appropriate measuring cups or measuring spoons to measure ingredients by volume. For example, “3 eggs” is a common measurement called for in recipes, not just because 3 is easy to count but also because eggs are graded to specific sizes. There is no easy way to remember the abbreviation “lb” for “pound,” although the Latin reference to a scale is useful because a pound is one of the only units of measurement used in cooking or baking that refers to a weight measurement alone. The abbreviation for “cup” is extremely straightforward and unlikely to get confused with any other unit of measurement, but the abbreviation for “pound” seems to come out of left field. To help you out with this, we’ve prepared a quick guide to using abbreviations in academic work. Same goes for dry measuring cups: sets always include ¼ cup, ⅓ cup, ½ cup, and 1 cup. Most liquid measuring cups are 2 cups in capacity, but you may find it helpful to invest in a 1-cup measure, 4-cup measure, or other sizes, depending on how often you use them and what you use … But if you’re going to use abbreviations in your writing, you need to do it right. (2, 3) In general, it's more common to use periods in the US than in Britain. \"Centi\" means one hundred, but just like \"milli\" in measurements, it means one hundredth, not one hundred. Mixing up the measurements causes problems — imagine baking a cake where the recipe calls for 2 cups of flour, but you use 2 liters instead. A calorie (abbreviated cal) is the energy needed to heat one gram of water by 1 °C. In most of the world, recipes use the metric system of units—litres (L) and millilitres (mL), grams (g) and kilograms (kg), and degrees Celsius (°C). Both “grams” and “gallons” start with a “g,” but it’s hard to imagine confusing them in a recipe because a gallon is so much larger than a gram. Abbreviations for Cooking Measurements. This is an area that is changing rapidly. The American Monetary Association: The Wizard of Oz: An Economic Fairy Tale? Do not use the abbreviations S, E, or O for subject, experimenter, and observer. A Web Experience brought to you by LEAFtv, Betty Crocker: Measurement Equivalents and Abbreviations. She founded Patty Pan Cooperative, Seattle's oldest farmers market concession, and teaches regular cooking classes. Teaspoon: KL Short for, “koffie lepel” (coffee spoon), 5 ml; Tablespoon: EL. Accurate measurements are important because precise amounts are required for reactions to take place, for a recipe to turn out and to keep correct records of a measurement. In cooking the old unit Liter (l) is commonly used to measure volume. Now that we have our cheat sheet at the ready, let's take a look at some examples of recipe instructions that use these measurements in context. Measurements and Abbreviations: 1 cl: 1 centilitre: 1/100 litre; 10 ml: 0.34 fluid oz. Most cooking measurements abbreviations used in recipes are reasonably intuitive, but it’s best to eliminate guesswork when dinner (or dessert) is at stake. Metric Cooking Measurement vs Standard/Imperial Cooking Measurements. “Ditto” is sometimes abbreviated as “do.” – so perhaps it is a possibility if the first ingredient listed in your sources always is a defined measurement … 3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon 4 tablespoons = 1/4 cup 5 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon = 1/3 cup In English recipes they use the Imperial measurement system so the terms are quite different than in metric system. Although some recipes spell out measurements, a lot of cookbooks use abbreviations. abbreviate units when you are reporting a numerical value: "The maximum depth achieved by the ROV was 124 m approximately 2.3 km due south of Pt. It is always best to check a dictionary or a style manual to be certain. To … If you have a 10-inch dutch oven, use about 2/3 to 3/4 of the ingredient amounts but keep the temperature and time about the same." 1. In the following list, initialisms consisting only of capital letters (such as AAP , CSIRO , etc.) In English recipes they use the Imperial measurement system so the terms are quite different than in metric system. 3. mm - millimeter/millimeters. This table lists common conversion measurements in cooking. Cups, tablespoons, teaspoons…these are kitchen measurements we’re all used to; but so many recipes are measured only by weight, forcing you to either try and figure out the volume equivalents, or buy a digital kitchen scale. @georgina - At the bottom of each recipe page, it says "All recipes use a 12-inch dutch oven, unless specified. Knowing the difference will help you choose the correct measuring tools and increase your odds of successfully executing your dish. It’s useful to know which unit of measurement is being referred to in a recipe abbreviation, but it’s just as important to recognize which are measurements of weight and which refer to volume. Instead of using cups, tablespoons, and teaspoons, German recipes often designate liquid ingredients with units such as a "soup spoon," or "EL." Then you have to convert them. Teaspoon: May be abbreviated TL or t or ts. So our recipes are measured in teaspoons, tablespoons, cups, pounds, etc. In Old Dutch, a “loot” was close to a tablespoon, being 14 g. Germany. @georgina - At the bottom of each recipe page, it says "All recipes use a 12-inch dutch oven, unless specified. A Calorie (abbreviated Cal or kcal) is actually a kilocalorie — 1000 times the amount of energy of a calorie. Recipe Abbreviations. Check for consistency of names, ingredients, etc., e.g., don’t use “1 c. butter” on some recipes and “2 sticks butter” on others. Unless otherwise noted, singular and plural units are abbreviated the same. Notably, the abbreviation for tablespoon may be easily confused with the abbreviation for teaspoon (tsp). An inch is 1/12 of a foot. For example: Next, add 2 Tbsp. Deciphering between the different cooking abbreviations and their proper unit of measurement can help make sure your dish comes out exactly as planned! The only difference between the imperial system and the U.S. system is in volume measurements. cream of tartar 3 do. Note that the abbreviation or symbol of the unit is not followed by a period and that all the abbreviations are lowercase letters except for litre which is usually a capital L. In the metric system, the basic units are turned into larger or smaller measurements by using a prefix that carries a specific meaning as shown in Table 2. If a recipe calls for an amount smaller or larger than a full stick use the pre-marked wrapper to measure by individual tablespoons, 1/4 cup or 1/3 cup. 10. l, also liter, litre, (and L only in the US, Canada and Australia). Note that not only does the tablespoon abbreviation include an extra “b,” it is also usually capitalized, while the “tsp” abbreviation always uses a lower case “t.” Although they are quite similar, it’s easy to decipher these different abbreviations by remembering that “table” includes a “b” while “tea” does not. More and more chefs rely on weight for measurement today than ever before. Devra Gartenstein is a self-taught professional cook who has authored two cookbooks: "The Accidental Vegan", and "Local Bounty: Seasonal Vegan Recipes". A decibel is abbreviated as dB. of flour, followed by 3 tsp. When measuring liquids 1 dl: 1 décalitre Abbreviations in people's names and titles generally do use periods, but academic degrees and Roman numerals do not require periods. All measuring systems have basic units for length, mass (weight), capacity (volume), and temperature. It is also common to see such abbreviations in headlines or newspaper titles where space is of concern. 1. teaspoon (also t or tsp.) If you're like us, then, this quiz might make you even more confused -- but who knows, it … Many professionally written recipes avoid abbreviations altogether for the … Do not use the abbreviations S, E, or O for subject, experimenter, and observer. If the abbreviation for “ounce” makes you think of “The Wizard of Oz,” that may be no coincidence. Teaspoon: KL Short for, “koffie lepel” (coffee spoon), 5 ml; Tablespoon: EL. If your recipe is written in America, assume that it is a US cup. Abbreviations for Cooking Measurements. Using Indefinite Articles Before Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms: The choice between "a" and "an" is determined by the sound of the first letter in the abbreviation.Use "a" before a consonant sound (for example, "a CBC documentary" or "a U.S. official"). To make it more distinct, it’s common to use the uppercase T when abbreviating tablespoon. 2. in - inch/inches. The answer goes back to ancient Rome. Rather than teaspoons, tablespoons, or cups, for example, you may find quantities specified as knife tip or coffee cup. Cups are often abbreviated as "C" and most measuring cup sets will contain ¼ C, ⅓ C, ½ C, and 1 C. Note that a US cup is 240 mL, whereas a UK cup is 250 mL. Measurement Abbreviations and Conversions Recipes are full of culinary codes like abbreviations and weird measurements (how big is a pinch?). A dictionary or a style manual to be certain rest of the letters in the word... And titles generally do use periods in the original word Cooking classes doses of. 12-Inch dutch oven, unless specified teaspoon ( tsp ) recipes still teaspoons.? ), such as cups, pounds, 1 pound of butter equals 4 full sticks provides data... Are measured in teaspoons, tablespoons, or O for subject, experimenter and! 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