It's too bad the music cuts off while loading, which might have helped alleviate some of the tedium of the trial-and-error parts. Climb them up to the very top over the door you entered. Climb down the ladder. When you reach the top one, climb up into the alcove and use the lever to open the grate in the floor below you. Lara can climb the catwalk. Slide down the ramp in the next room; jump as you near the ramp's button and grab hold of the ladder against the wall. All valves are completed. You'll need to jump over the ledge as the path breaks. Kill the guard outside the door. Go to the opened doors and pull the middle lever. Spoiler-free Synopsis: Lara's experiences following the events in The Last Revelation have changed her. Go into the cafeteria and hug the right-hand wall. Don't drop onto the slanted roofs or you'll slide down and perish. You must battle the transformed Boaz with only a pistol. It bears mentioning that the Tomb Raider series has never been known for its responsive control, but rather than buck the bad trend, this latest game seems to control even worse than its predecessors. Ascend the staircase to the door at the top. You could hunt for additional items in the Serpent Rouge. A cutscene plays. Turn right. You'll see a valve up high. Enter the office with the patrolling guard and take him out in stealth mode. There's a lever on the left. Watch out for the blades. You must get those respirators shown in the cutscene. Traverse the chain to the far platform. Climb up onto the stage. The most important tip for Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness is: Save your game! Angel of Darkness is infamous for being the only Tomb Raider game not to allow Lara to use two weapons at once. Go up until you're at the wire. Enter the code 14529. Engage the walk button during a standing jump to prevent Lara from overextending her landing and falling off the edge of your destination. Find the open doors. Follow the path to the left and speak with the man. Climb onto the center structure. As you do, watch the cutscene with the guy on the motorcycle. Walk forward and a bit to the left and grab the chocolate bar in the small alcove. Go right from the tree and around the catwalk to the left. Climb up behind the angel statue and push it over. Once you're on the lower walkway, walk around the machine until you find the valve. It's not very damaging and you can always use a health pack. Go up the stairs to the small office on the left side of the garage. Open the cover and hop inside. You want to go down the now-left hallway (right from where you entered from). Use the switches on the console; they're security cameras to reveal a couple of important levers marked one and two. Go around to the left in this area and find more money near a park bench. (Actually, there's a bug that lets you get them now. Go down the hall and enter the second door on your right. Hop to the far side and grab the crystal off the pedestal. Wait until he leaves or bust through the grate and terminate him with one of your pistols. Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness PC Games Gameplay As soon as you pull Lara up, do a side jump to the right and land on the adjacent pillar. To kill Boaz, you must target the small area below her mouth. Enter yet another ominous chamber. Resident Evil Village Release Date Is May 7, PS4/Xbox One Versions Confirmed, PS5 Restock Updates: Check Latest Stock, Updates, And More, Xbox Series X Restocks: Check Availability Here, By Go left past the tree (open the blue door on the left if you wish). You should use the aqualung here because you can gain a second one after completing this puzzle. Go down the hall and open another iron gate. Go into the far right door and pull the lever. Continue around the tunnels. Get out and grab the health and the aqualung. Exit the café and go back onto the streets. Go left and spot the guard with his back turned. Avoid the projectiles if you can. You're looking for a ladder on the right side of the center section. Wait for him to come in the door opposite the switch, and then eliminate him. At the balcony's edge, press forward and the jump button at the same time and Lara will jump safely to the far side. Hang onto the right edge of the display case and shimmy to the right between the lasers. You'll enter a new area. Skip ahead to the third paragraph of the St. Aicard's Graveyard section. The room has changed a bit. I gather Vasiley was some kind of art dealer. Lara has enough strength to bust down the door now. With the police tape all around it. Turn around and look on the left side of the wall. There's ammo in the first alcove on the left. You'll reach a ladder and an enclosed area. on January 18, 2006 at 12:44PM PST, By Doug Radcliffe Design by Collin Oguro. Crawl inside and go until you can stand up. Four- dart stealth weapon. He gives you her address and a code for the gate. Go down to the staircase and leap onto the first platform. Adjust your camera view so it's somewhat overhead. Lara's new moves include a back-flip, a small hop, stealth, army-crawling, rolling out of the crouch position, hand-to-hand combat and the super-jump that can be performed whilst sprinting. Pull the crate to the left of the double doors underneath the ladder. Sprint-jump to the exit before the door closes. If you come in contact with the skeleton guards, you may catch on fire. On the other hand, the detail in the environments can certainly be impressive. You must flee the room (through the same route you entered) to reach safety. The short hop is easier to gauge. Activate walk mode so Lara won't inadvertently fall off the far edge of the pillar after landing a jump. Eliminate the guard. Three have security cards (the dead one, the lower one, and one of the upper guards), which you need in order to exit this area of the facility. Look toward the bottom flight of stairs and spot the railing above. Exit and go right. Go forward and right into the alcove. There are walkway spokes that extend from the platform. Use the lever inside. Two down, two to go. There's a crowbar on the platform below. Jump down to the platform below your position. You can now walk around the chamber without fear of falling. 9mm semi-automatic with. Open the doors at the end of this hall into the next area. Go left at the bottom. Boaz is big and nasty but can be tamed rather easily. Sounds good. Don't worry--it won't hurt. The numerous human enemies you'll face are stupid and easily killed by shooting them full of lead from out of their range (Lara is deadly accurate, at least), so there's no real reward for taking a stealthy approach. Save your game here before the boss battle. Lara automatically pays a visit to Margo Carvier's apartment. Terminate the lower guard and grab the pass. Go forward through the misty hallway. if you wish. Instead, go left and up the ladder; there's ammunition and health up there. Hop into the upper drain. You're over a platform. Cross the wire and drop onto the bridge. The bats may pester you, so equip a pistol to get rid of them should they attack. Return to the ladder. After the conversation, search the planters for ammunition, though be careful around the plants--they bite! Return to the park and search by the park bench. Use the distortion pattern on the wall to climb up to the upper ledge. Run across the bridge and leap over the hole. You'll want to get onto the vent that is perpendicular to the platform with the lever. Tomb Raider : The Angel Of DarknessThe Hall Of Season By AngelCroftTomb Raider is my favorite game :DHope you guys enjoy my first gameplay :) Locate the gate on the far right-hand side (across from the church). Once again, be nice, and get as much information from her as you possibly can. Go over to the control room. Perform a standing jump toward the next piece of catwalk. Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Guess it's time to search the graveyard. Pick up the crowbar. Walk forward and a bit to the left and speak with the reporter. Pull the chest again to improve Lara's strength. Perform a standing jump and use the action button to grab hold of the railing. Grab the item in the safe. Take the ladder on the right all the way up. This sends the container toward the control room. Use the security pass to open the door. Leap over to the alcove. Go to the right. Continue down an alley on the left side to find another medical kit. Each one has a different symbol. There will be a … Walk to the console and use the code 17068 to unlock one of the cells. Pull Lara up on the pillar, then jump pillar to pillar until you're on the highest. Descend the staircase and have another encounter with the proto. Snag the ammunition inside the tight crawl space. Climb out of the sludge. Turn around toward the vast lava pool--with not a whole lot of standing room. You must cross this chamber and use the lever on the far side. Shimmy to the lever and drop down to recharge Lara's strength. For instance, you might kill the higher guard while you are standing far away, and you may not be able to get the discarded pass until much later. This just created more platforms outside. Crawl inside. Enter the door; it's next to the motorcycle. Basic design. So if you find a spot with ammunition near a level load border, you can go back and forth and gather as much ammunition as you want. Follow the road to the left and you'll note you're back near Janice. Your goal inside Eckhardt's lab is to find the third shard. Short range. Slide down the ramp on the left. Go up the opposite stairs and into the small room. Jump to the pillar while she slides. Swim straight across from where you got air and go down into the next chamber. Return to the Hall's center and press the floor switch next to the water symbol. Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness, like previous Tomb Raider games, is a third-person action-adventure puzzle game. Do a running jump over the gap in the platform. You must work quickly and get into clean rooms before your breath meter runs out and Lara succumbs to the gas. The story of The Angel of Darkness unfolds gradually and in different ways, such as when Lara happens upon important documents, during dialogue between Lara and other characters, and in stylish cinematic cutscenes using the game's 3D engine. This submachine gun is extremely powerful against guards. Swim to the second opening on your right. Go up the stairs across from Janice. Run and jump where the scaffolding fell and land on the far catwalk. Go right and up the staircase. Lara can push the wall, which increases her strength. Walk around the right side of the stage to find a health power-up. Swim back to the surface and locate the door. A door opens near the statue. 1.1 DirectX. Climb it. Jumps are easy to miss, and her new grip meter can be a challenge in itself. Another guard can be found on the other end of the catwalk (beyond where you landed from the jump). Enter the room on the right and notice the respirators from the cabinet on the right. Here are some tips on making the trip successfully: Traversing these pillars is a huge challenge. Push them under the platform with the valve. And camera problems. Search the room for a chocolate bar. Swim back up and go through the opened door. Doug Radcliffe It only affects you when you're jumping from pillar to pillar, and even then it isn't particularly strong. You may also wish to drop from the canopy to the small alcove below. If you shoot the higher guard, remember to search for the pass near where he died. Perform a side jump over the field. Greg Kasavin Leap over to it. Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (2003) was released on home platforms, centring on the murder of Professor Von Croy. In fact, it's too bad that Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness can't really be recommended. Renders target instantly unconscious. Climb the pipe in the middle of the far wall. Push the button on the post. There's a ladder. Slide to the door and enter. Dive down and enter the tunnel marked #2. For example, you may be climbing hand over hand across a rope stretched across a bottomless pit, and suddenly just turn around, or just stop. Accused of the murder of her former mentor, Von Croy, Lara becomes a fugitive on the run. Crawl through the fan blades. You'll have to drop down onto the pillars and rest, but eventually you'll get to the pillar with the medical kit. When you jump, control Lara's direction so she lands on the platform against the right wall. Open the door. Run toward the room's center, and the scaffolding will begin to break and eventually crash down. Turn right and leap into the enclosed area. Enter the first door on the right. You're now in the Serpent Rouge in search of the item for Pierre, the bartender at the Café Metro. Go right at the top to find a medical kit. Perform a running jump from the last platform to the end of the chamber. So, if you kill a guard, make sure you eventually search around where his corpse fell. Exit the office and enter the second door on your left. Lara spots the respirators. Flip the switch up here to disable the fan. Jump up to it and pull up. On the first bridge, go through the hole in the fence and speak with the city guide. 9mm with 30- shot clip. Speak with Renne and you'll be able to sell the little treasures you've accumulated so far. Remember its location for a small secret. Go around to the left and enter the second tunnel on your left. Go all the way down to the end of the tunnel and speak with the homeless men. Walk toward the laser beams. Look in this hole to find a niche containing the third alchemic phial (purified salt). ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You'll often have just enough grip to make it across a chasm of some sort, and the camera will often cause you to become disoriented and die during these timed sequences. Turn around and look on the left side of the wall. Save the game before jumping into the water in case you run out of breath. Follow it until the cutscene plays. Go right to the ladder. There are pillars moving up and down in the room's center. The actual gameplay of Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness often isn't fun at all, but instead can be frustrating, difficult, and tedious. His projectiles are too high and will miss Lara every time. On the walkway, approach the box and grab the item inside--this is what Bernard wants! Another trap lies ahead--many more blades in a single flurry. Grab the painting from the secret alcove. Descend the ladder next to you. Don't fall in! The player controls Lara as she explores thirty-one levels, manoeuvring carefully across traps and solving puzzles to progress. If you completed Bernard's mission, skip ahead to Returning Item to Bernard. Ignore the blue door on your left. Jump straight up and traverse the upper scaffolding to the middle of the room. As you near the bottom, a cutscene interrupts your game. Exit into the hall and open the closet door on your left. We argued, I can remember that. Take the first left and go all the way to the dig opening. Lara can push in this wall. Crouch and crawl under the bars. Pull the object away from the debris; this opens the passage in the other room. Swim up and to the right to locate another breakable wall. Go right and along the pathway next to the roofing. Exit the office back into the previous hall. Adjust the time to 3:00. Use the security pass to open the next door. Enter the next door. Later on, you get to see it firsthand. The general strategies in this section can be applied to all aspects of Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness' gameplay. Climb up to the top of the pipes and shimmy to the right. Open the door on the tomb with the metal door. Directed by Antoine Charreyron. Climb another ladder to yet a higher catwalk. Head the other way to the console. At the bottom, turn right and go down the first hall on your left. When you're done exploring, pull the switch. Go to the far opposite side of the room. Gameplay. on July 2, 2003 at 5:12PM PDT. You'll descend onto a narrow platform. Return to the pipe and traverse it back to the side of the room. Look in the left corner for a health pack. One manhole cover in the center area leads to ammo and a health pack. If you pull the incorrect lever, you're dropped into a "torture" area and must find your way back up to the hall to try again. Turn right and enter the office. Perform a running jump to the next platform (it's tough, so use the action button to grab hold of the edge as Lara jumps). On this platform, turn right into the cave opening. Turn right. Search the cabinets and drawers on the right-hand wall to find money and a chocolate bar. This latest Tomb Raider can be rewarding for those who can suffer through its cumbersome controls, numerous highly difficult gameplay sequences, and occasional bugs. Leap to the display case along the left wall. Crouch down all the way to the floor and crawl (L2 plus triangle), and turn right into the next hall. Press it and enter the room. Use the button to exit the door. Spot the small edge to the left. Finally, push the container back onto the center platform. You're in a new chamber. You're back to controlling Lara. Pull Lara up. Janice said I might find you here. Jump from platform to platform (using the action button as necessary to hang on for dear life) until you're at the bottom of the chamber. Return to the end of the pathway where you pulled the lever. Drop down. Climb down into the alcove below. Exit Neptune's Hall the way you arrived. You're back in the alley, and the reporter has arrived. Accumulate more than 1,000 euros, and you'll have enough to purchase the gun from the reporter later in the game. Listen carefully and you'll also hear a guard enter the far door. After grabbing the glove, walk to the back of the pillar to the left of Eckhardt and use the glove on the switch. Lara performs a shorter standing jump. This increases Lara's strength. Climb the ladder to the window's left. All this would have gone over better if the game controlled well, but since it doesn't, it'll just lead to many more untimely demises. Use the appropriate weapon for the situation. Shoot another sanitarium creep in the room on the left. Talk to Francine; she says Bouchard is in the old church. Use the switch on the wall to power the dig site. You'll spot the path toward the crystal. Pull yourself inside and continue crawling until you're at the end of the lab. Walk down to the main floor of this library. There's a very noticeable lag between when you input the command to move and when Lara actually begins moving in the direction you've indicated. Climb the ladders. Move through the damaged room to the bottom floor. Lara … Pick up the key from off the floor. You can blast them with one of your weapons, but they don't stay incapacitated forever. In all combat situations, seek out cover--behind crates, pillars, or boxes. Exit this room through the iron doorway and cross into the dark chamber. Return to the room's center and press the floor switch with the water symbol on it (the wavelike lines). Return to where you killed the first guard up here and look at the railing toward the center of the room until you find a missing piece. You must move quickly at times in order to cross the enormous chamber and gather the fourth and final crystal. Why not have one of your men deliver your...passports? Dive inside. Go right until you're under the wire. Each time you pull a lever, it clamps one of the rings into place. It's the symbol that looks like blowing wind (curled lines). The ooze doesn't hurt Kurtis much, but it simply makes it difficult to maintain a constant barrage of fire on Boaz. Exit the subway car and turn left. Ascend the staircase. Drop down and go into the small orange room; it has some ammunition on the floor. Climb down the side of the wall. Terminate the guard at the top of the stairs. Locate the passage to the right of one of the staircases. Return to the cafeteria and enter the opened door. To get them, perform a running jump from this bridge to the next one. Jump up the next series of ledges, working quickly because many are crumbling beneath your feet. First screens and a trailer! Before hopping into the tomb, you can explore for some medical kits and other items. Jump and grab hold of this pathway. After speaking with Janice, turn right and find money in the alcove on the left (it's by the door). Be sure to pick up discarded ammo and weapons from the guards you terminate. Walk forward to the gate. Look right and spot the pipe along the ceiling. Grab the chocolate bar on the ground. Jump up and shimmy left across the gap in the floor. Walk to the right and into the small alcove. Kurtis uses his far-see power once again to look into a cell on the left. Grab the medical kit on the pillar. Grab the alchemic phial (purified oxygen) on the table in the upper left corner of the room. Swim to these statues and the chains directly behind them. Walk forward until a cutscene interrupts you. Three down, one to go. It opens a grate in the floor. These spots are vulnerable. If you wish, you can swim down and look underneath the broken bridges to find a lever. Now that you have the food in place, you need only deposit the food into the water. When the closest beams disappear, walk forward and up to the three beams. Enter this opposite door. Follow the cavern path. Scan every new area or room for items to gather. The floor drops out on the next level. Hop down into the tomb to proceed. Lara will discover the nature of a truly sinister villain, and she'll even cross paths with an adventurer named Kurtis Trent, who seems to have a similar agenda--as well as some surprising powers. Ascend the ladder into the control room. Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness presents PlayStation 2 and PC gamers with a familiar adventure game, teeming with classic exploration gameplay elements, less … Go right into the next level. If you go down the ladder, you can gather some goodies. Open the door with the red light above it. Crawl through. In this new hallway, go left, then take the next left. Drop down into the hole. Drop down and investigate your damage and Lara makes a note that she can't read the writing on the blocks. Use the switch on the wall to open the door. Turn back around and slide down the roof to the path below. Cross the room to the block in front of the statue. When instructed, press the crouch button and Lara will raise her legs onto the wire. Shimmy across the wall back to the pathway and return to the start position. Once on it, turn right and hop to the middle display case. Just when you're starting to get a good sense of the range of her jumps, she'll grow stronger and jump a little farther. Use the lock until the second ring from the left has the symbol recovered from the dig machine (it's in your inventory). Perform a running jump to the wall and hold onto the machinery unit (the one with the pipes coming off to its right). Pull the statue head to open a passage. Time to fix that pipe. Have your gun ready, because all the commotion alerted another psycho. Terminate him and collect his weapon and snag the health power-up in the far corner. Pull the lever. Walk to the opposite side of the room and grab the antique doubloons from off the ground. Don't go on the right ledge; that distortion you see will kill Lara. You'll find a man standing behind a gate. Engage the walk button (L1 while moving around) and Lara won't fall off edges. Although all of the Tomb Raider games have relied on plot to a point, Angel of Darkness is certainly the first to successfully make the leap from a plot driven game to an almost interactive movie. You can use the camera on the left if you wish. Go through the middle and to the left. It's the proto--as if Kurtis didn't have enough to contend with already. Push the button on the post. Grab the pistol he drops and pillage his desk for additional items, including ammunition, a gun, and a chocolate bar. After falling, walk forward to the wall. Grab the key from off the ground. One down, three to go. Grab the security pass on the ground. At the top, go into the left hallway and grab the health power-up, then bust through the door on your left by opening it (Lara improves her strength in doing so). The crowbar is the perfect tool for busting open doors that are padlocked. Zoom in on the monitor and note the code on the sticky note. Go to the far gate and use it; Kurtis will automatically use his far-see ability to look inside the room and gain a key code: 06289. Climb on top of it, then drop down on its open side (next to the blade). Lara can also crawl on all fours or while prone. Perform a standing jump and grab onto the catwalk. Shimmy across the wall to an upper ledge with a lever. You can search the rooms on either side of the hall if you wish. Use Lara's small jump (hold L1 down and tap forward and the jump button) to reach most of the pillars. The cover you want is down a bright alley across from the reporter. At the end of this hall, go right again and enter the first doors on the right. Note the number: 38471. Grab the health power-up on the right. There you'll find a chocolate bar and some money. Imagine the gameplay of every other Tomb Raider, sucked of its originality, crudely stapled onto a broken and far from Lord, it's bad. Cross the bridge to the opposite site. There are more awful things in this room; the enlarged insects emerge from the left and right sides of the room. You want to drop down on the high platform you moved a moment ago. Something tells Lara he knows more than he's saying about Eckhardt's plans. Turn right and go all the way to the edge of this platform. Speak with Janice, the streetwalker, just ahead of you. The skeleton warriors can pose a problem here since at least one may hang out in the start location and prevent you from passing. Be nice! Walk through the next room and into the long hallway. Walk forward and go to the left side of the chamber. She has become darker, harder, more cynical, and her tomb raiding days are a distant memory. Exit this room and follow the catwalk to the long ladder. Go right and leap back to the start position. Follow the sewer tunnel to an opening on the right. Go up the stairs and open the door at the top. You should see a passageway protected by blades. It's not worth the trouble unless you're low on health power-ups. Lara automatically drives one of the shard pieces into Eckhardt. Hop up and grab onto the pipe. When you reach the top, note the wire above Lara. There's no bad place to be on the pillars, so save your game after each successful jump. Walk to the desk and pick up the fax. The proto is inside and scampers past Kurtis. Just remember where he stood and search that location for the pass. Climb out. Exit the alcove and climb onto the bin on the right. Lara can make the jump. Try to overlook some of the flaws here and enjoy this game for its engaging storyline, death-defying action sequences, and impressive locations. At the top, turn a bit right and perform a standing jump to the next-higher pillar. Instead, drop off the catwalk to the left. Just turn right and walk to the edge of the next platform and you'll be fine. This section has information that is vital to successfully running Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness on your system. Return to the hall's center. This opens the flooring in the busted tube. Turn left and perform a running jump to the next floating platform. There's steam coming from the pipe that will kill Lara. You must work quickly because Lara's strength can't hold her in this position for very long (watch her strength meter dwindle as you hang on). Save your game before grabbing the last item. Thoroughly search Von Croy's apartment, but do not pick up the cane by the broken glass until you're finished. Eventually you'll note fewer platforms and a lot more lava. It's that simple--just do something to the flashing light. Pull the lever to raise a series of pillars in the center of the chamber. Grabbing the cane triggers an event. Climb it and traverse the upper catwalk to the small building. Blades block the passage. Climb up and grab the health pack. Run up the staircase and follow it around to the right. Each time the proto collapses, walk up to it and hit the "X" button. You'll see on the next case that the lasers aren't going away. You must time your advance through the beams. Return onto the canopy and follow the path until Lara speaks to you again. Look at the door across from the cafeteria (it's along the left wall now in the hallway). Go to the far right corner of the room (from the protected Mona Lisa). This means you should start running when they are lit in order to make the jump at the proper time. You must simply avoid all of the obstacles you already bypassed, beginning with the wall spikes. If you go up the stairs, there's a health power-up in the room. Turn left toward the outer wall, and Lara can grab on. Pull the lever to open the nearby door. Enter Eckhardt's lab. Jump straight up and Lara grabs hold of the ledge above. Avoiding the skeleton warriors that burst out from the hall the ladder in room... Off of some boxes on the run from the sewers and use the lock until the third shard it.! Come in contact with the yellow and black markings ) and grab the medical kit right all the way the. Controls if you believe you 're gathering items a rare necklace inside was some kind of art.... Each pillar may crumble beneath Lara 's right and land on the obscura.! Enjoy this game for its engaging storyline, death-defying action sequences, and Lara suffocate... You near the fence key provided by the park bench ( where she landed ): Traversing these is. 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