Over 16 in the past a group of scientists, research engineers and doctors developed a method for creating as stabilizing molecules indigenous to the human body. Whether we make money or not on a given page does not influence the core mission of our writers and medical reviewers, which is to publish content that is accurate and informative. I would give it zero stars but it’s not an option.”, “Have been using for months…really helps my health overall. If you plan to consume this supplement for the longer term, auto-ship might be the better choice. Because, I want to provide you with a genuine review … Note that in order to qualify for the Check Match Bonus, an Asea affiliate must be generating at least 200 PV a month in sales volume. They knew chlorine has a bad reputation in the health community. Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows: Note that GV stands for “Group Volume” and is sales volume generated by an affiliate’s downline. So in closing, the decision is yours. I compare it to, essentially, an electrolyte drink that can be purchased cheaper at a healthfood store or from an online retailer. According to the Cell Signal, though they are common byproducts in our body, increased levels can lead to cell damage through oxidative stress. Further research however reveals that it costs $40 to sign up as a basic Asea affiliate. While drinking Asea Redox, avoid drinking the solution straight out of the bottle. There are tons of new diet products put on the market every day, and Asea Redox is one of them, but is it worth a try? The fact that the company has patents is meaningless, previous scams have held patents for their secret technology. Affiliates who generate over 10,000 Group Volume (GV) within their entire unilevel team also have the percentage paid out pet leg reduced via a sliding scale (up to 50% of the bonus otherwise payable). Quick View. -There are no searchable Patents even though many are claimed to be held. ASEA, sometimes called ASEA Water, is the only supplement in the world to contain stabilized Redox Signaling Molecules, critical to ALL cellular health. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Asea Redox is not sold on the official website, so the price will depend on where you purchase the supplement. Chlorinated drugs break down in the body – but studies show that the chlorine and fluorine in drugs stay deposited in the brain. So successful, in fact, that James retired at an age when most businessmen are just beginning to earn real income. Beth says. When an Asea affiliate recruits a new affiliate who purchases a “product pack” when they sign up, the following commissions are paid out: The product referenced in the above examples are “Asea bottles”. – By electrolysing a saline solution you can create a dilute hypochlorite (bleach) based antiseptic material. $59 .38 per adult. All I know is, it worked for me. Sorry to leave a review like this. The prices listed here are not all reflective of those discounts. So what’s the difference between ASEA Redox ad ordinary saltwater? They basically wanted me to not say that ASEA cured me of anything (a legal thing I guess) but that while I was taking ASEA this happened. US$59.38 per adult. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10840346, Kobus van der Merwe’s bogus Finalmente Global excuses, FTC seeks def judgment against Brandon Frye & Kaitlyn Scott, Just Been Paid 2020 Review: Smart contract Ponzi reboot, Lobto Review: 250% a day bitcoin Ponzi scheme, Future Maker Life Care pyramid shut down in India, IDentityUSA Review: White-labeled identity theft protection. To learn more about this water-based product, we researched its ingredients, customer reviews, and potential side effects. In 2012 Harriet Hall wrote an excellent review of one multi-level marketing company, ASEA, who are basically selling salt water with a load of dubious pseudoscientific claims. thank you ASEA. The only time Asea’s water might work out cheaper is if you’re paying more than $33 in petrol to get to the beach and back. According to many users, despite containing what seems like ordinary water and salt, Asea Redox does not taste strongly of salt. Pure distilled water and sodium chloride are the only ingredients in Asea Redox. Although they do not explicitly describe the process, research suggests that it involves passing some electric charge through the water. Ops… ASEA is in BIG trouble in Scandinavia…. Asea Redox is a dietary supplement that claims to help immune health and repair cellular health. He authored a book The Science of Healing Revealed: New Insights into Redox Signaling by Gary L. Samuelson, Ph.D. Every study provided on the Asea website was conducted inhouse (or at the behest of the company) and has not been peer-reviewed. The Level 2 commission of the AAA Bonus is $250. We aim to provide consumers with helpful, in-depth information about nutrition and weight-loss products. Choosing the right weight-loss system can be confusing and often times frustrating. The Live Coral Habitat is no doubt the most animated section in the S.E.A. I’m going to buy some – because I think it is important for hygiene – and for my medical office – to have some around and learn more about the effects of a product at a concentration that has been used for enough years by enough people to have less of a risk. Waste of money for me. I will never be without these products myself. If you are a network marketing leader in Malaysia and are looking to join a team of ASEA leaders we can help you find the support that will help you in your business growth. Double and Triple Diamond rank criteria must be maintained for three weeks. It is not a product that regular marketing channels sell. A generation in Asea is defined as the finding of a Bronze Executive or higher ranked affiliate in any given individual unilevel leg. if you don’t no nothing about Redox Signaling Molecules and cells in body what this Can do for it why do you Come with your little little knowledge or no knowledge. I’m still not an advocate but I’m not as sceptical as I was a couple of months ago. – Re-sellers and minions cannot handle straight questions and resort to ad hominem attacks pretty quickly. The Asea company is uses multi-level marketing to sell their products. you may ask. 37 likes. Retail commissions are offered but are largely secondary to building a downline. However, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) says that more than 99% of MLM distributors lose money from these schemes. At its most basic, you’re essentially marketing $33 a liter salt water. Yes, that’s literally it. The ingredients in Asea Redox are sodium chloride and distilled water. As for how much is actually paid out via the matching bonus, Asea state. It is, essentially, just saltwater with some electricity buzzed through it. Thanks to ASEA! My testimonial? Guess the next time I have a medical problem I’ll an appointment down at the local aquarium then…. Its Miracle God gift products and bring my life back like 20 years. A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of two binary teams, with two positions directly under them: These two positions form the start of the two teams, left and right. Two tubes of Renu 28 cost $80. Yes it has magic molecules in it but it’s still just salt and water. I had also issues with my gums being inflammated and sensitivity. This was summer, 2014. As a dietary supplement, it is not FDA approved but is FDA regulated. “Jury’s out” has it about right. It looks to me that the Asea reviews on Amazon are pretty negative. I guess if he’s a fraud then so is the product and company…. In order to qualify for commissions, all Asea affiliates must generate a minimum monthly 100 Product Volume points (PV) in orders. – I was directed to a study from the original product which apparently was bought/rebadged by ASEA ( https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10840346 ) it shows basically salt water with pool cleaner compounds. A high amount of very expensive B S! This supposedly dislodges all waste from your colon, killing harmful parasites in the process. The formula contains a four-ingredient proprietary blend. Multipure Review: Drinking water filtration systems, Trevo Review: $59.99 a liter super juice with 127 ingredients. All affiliates who fall between the affiliate at the top of the unilevel and the first found Bronze Executive or higher in any given leg form the first generation. Offsite research reveals that this refers to a case of four 32oz bottles of Asea water. Level 2 commissions in the bonus are unlocked when two of an affiliate’s level 1 affiliates themselves qualify for Level 1 commissions (as above). Honestly if you even think this will help you, you owe it to yourself to try it for a few months. That’s if it ever reaches that point. The AAA Bonus appears to follow a unilevel compensation structure, with personally recruited affiliates placed directly under the affiliate who recruited them. It is the only supplement in the world proven to contain redox signaling molecules—the molecules responsible for your cells communicating with each other. ASEA water bottles list two main ingredients on their nutriton labels: Distilled Water and Sodium Chloride. BitWings Review: BWN token securities fraud, ClearUnited Review: Cell phone privacy for a monthly fee, ClubShop Review: Ecom pyramid & potential token Ponzi, Daisy AI Review: EndoTech launches securities fraud opp, Beurax Review: Daily returns crypto trading Ponzi, QubitTech Review: 250% ROI crypto trading Ponzi scheme, PGI Global Review: 200% ROI Ponzi positions, Solmax Global Review: Equity Token unregistered securities scheme, BitLocity Review: $189,700 buy-in BTC gifting pyramid hybrid, EvoRich Review: Skyway Capital Ponzi spinoff bumbles along, WorldVentures' revenue "decimated", CEO resigns, Associate – sign up as an affiliate and remain commission qualified (100 PV a month), Director – remain commission qualified and recruit 2 affiliates who also maintain commission qualified status, Director 300 – remain commission qualified and generate at least 300 GV in weekly sales volume in your weaker binary side, Director 700 – remain commission qualified and generate at least 700 GV in weekly sales volume in your weaker binary side, Bronze Executive – generate at least 200 PV a month, have two unilevel legs with a Director 300 ranked affiliate in each and generate at least 2000 GV in weekly sales volume on your weaker binary side, Silver Executive – generate at least 200 PV a month, have three unilevel legs with a Director 300 ranked affiliate in each and generate at least 3000 GV in weekly sales volume on your weaker binary side, Gold Executive – generate at least 200 PV a month, have four unilevel legs with a Director 300 ranked affiliate in each and generate at least 5000 GV in weekly sales volume on your weaker binary side, Platinum Executive – generate at least 200 PV a month, have five unilevel legs with a Director 300 ranked affiliate in each, generate at least 10,000 GV in weekly sales volume on your weaker binary side and generate 10,000 GV in total weekly unilevel team volume, Diamond – generate at least 200 PV a month, have six unilevel legs with a Director 300 ranked affiliate in each, generate at least 15,000 GV in weekly sales volume on your weaker binary side and generate 15,000 GV in total weekly unilevel team volume, Double Diamond – generate at least 200 PV a month, have seven unilevel legs with a Director 300 ranked affiliate in each, generate at least 20,000 GV in weekly sales volume on your weaker binary side and generate 20,000 GV in total weekly unilevel team volume, Triple Diamond – generate at least 200 PV a month, have eight unilevel legs with a Director 300 ranked affiliate in each, generate at least 25,000 GV in weekly sales volume on your weaker binary side and generate 25,000 GV in total weekly unilevel team volume, 1 case pack – $20 to the recruiting affiliate, $10 to the affiliate who recruited them and $5 to the affiliate who recruited them, 2 case pack – $40 to the recruiting affiliate, $20 to the affiliate who recruited them and $10 to the affiliate who recruited them, 4 case pack – $80 to the recruiting affiliate, $40 to the affiliate who recruited them and $20 to the affiliate who recruited them, 8 case pack – $160 to the recruiting affiliate, $80 to the affiliate who recruited them and $40 to the affiliate who recruited them, Associate and Director – no binary commissions, 1 case of Asea water bottles and 1 case of Asea water pouches – $250, 4 cases of Asea water bottles and 16 tubes of Renu 28 – $825. You can also email at support@aseaglobal.com. The Singapore All Day Pass 2 or 3-days including Universal Studios. But it could be that ive been eating some rough foods . Hypochlorous acid seems to be able to break down the toughest protein sheath of viruses. Also, we’re so confident that you’ll love our product that we’re offering a free trial offer, which is a good sign. And of course, it had to be “proprietary technology”. Maybe the new chlorine breaks up some of the old chlorine’s magnetic stasis effect on circulation. I reacted with increased thirst and diarrhea. Amazingly enlarged Spleen but very unusual, no tumors. Before heading into the water, you’ll be fitted for a life-jacket that you’ll have to keep on at all times while in the water park. I’m extremely happy with the results. They do this by charging particles in saltwater. Does not taste good, but can deal with it.”. ASEA: Another Expensive Way to Buy Water. ASEA RENU 28 encourages the strength and resiliency of your skin cell reproduction in partnership with your body’s natural efforts to keep your skin healthy. Also note that generations within an individual unilevel leg have no bearing on generations in any of an affiliate’s other legs within their unilevel team. So I take it around dinner time. I will not accept ‘magic molecules’ as an answer. It should not be mixed with anything. This can cause health benefits for the entire body. Maybe in modern times we need more of that. THIS SCHEME I BELIEVE IS A SCAM FOCUSED ON EXTRACTING A GREAT DEAL OF MONEY FROM A SCIENTIFICALLY NIAVE POPULOUS. Click here for assistance Forget your username? The redox molecules in ASEA’s water are created through a patented process that reorganizes molecules of natural salt and purified water into redox signaling molecules. What I cannot find is any published peer reviews which is alarming. Its Miracle God gift products and bring my life back like 20 years. Other Questionable Water Products Vitamin O. Its very intresting when people who is not qualify in science or Doctors has suddly became beter doctors. I feel more energetic. Singapore Universal Studio & S.E.A Aquarium-COMBO One-Day Pass(Shared transfer) US$151.16 per adult. When the bottle is unopened, Asea Redox lasts for 1 year. The Singapore Sightseeing Pass w/ Hop-on Hop-off & Entry to over 40 Attractions. A couple of comments about ASEA – $28M is peanuts for pharma research and development. Quick View. Though some scientific researches exist for Asea Redox, there are mixed reactions to the effectiveness of the product. 1 review. Like athletes and bodybuilders, extremely active individuals can up the dosage according to their level of exertion. © 2009-2021 BehindMLM No pricing are provided. On the regulatory front, earlier this year Asea was accused of selling their products ‘through mechanisms that actually had the sole aim of recruiting other sellers (affiliates)‘. There are also ZERO citings in Pubmed about ASEA themselves (there are 84 entries by a person whose surname was Asea). Instead, use a glass cup. These orders can be an affiliate’s own purchases or sales to retail customers (includes preferred customer orders). 9 Best Kept Secrets Of Queenstown That Don't Include IKEA Or Shoe Shopping . Tried it for 3 months and I never felt different or better (physically and emotionally). People do not need “faith” for any reason. Residual commissions in Asea are paid out via a binary compensation structure. If you want to “try” salt water, head down to the coast with a few empty bottles. ASEA Water Reviews | Amazing Molecules Review Posted on December 22, 2014 December 22, 2014 by whintaked Posted in ASEA Water Reviews | Amazing Molecules Review Tagged ASEA Water Reviews | Amazing Molecules Review Leave a comment I have studied redox and cellular and mitochondrial redox signalling and cannot find anything magic in the product yet. The process of finding a Bronze Executive or higher ranked affiliate repeats itself to define additional generations, up to a maximum of seven in any one given unilevel leg. Asea Redox can be purchased through their Official Site. A company (Asea) uses the quite respectible (sic) scientific term “Redox Signaling” as a marketing tool to promote a multilevel marketing program, with all that implies. Quick View. What is science helps to cells. Asea marked the first involvement in the MLM industry for all three co-founders. Still was using ASEA every day and started BEMER Sessions 1st month of Protocol. Surely the breakthrough of stabilization of Redox Signaling molecules outside of the body would warrant some wider recognition? Renao Global Review: Black living water? And then measure the chlorine concentration in a fresh bottle of ASEA and try to match it. An additional 200 PV in autoship is also required, sourced from anywhere within an affiliate’s downline. The use of an MLM marketing scheme means that the company does not mention the price of the product on their site. You need to be a doctor to understand salt water? You may claim that its a rip off, whatever you want to say. It is a natural process that takes place in the body. The company also sells single bottles directly online for about $40. October 18, 2016 at 11:32 am. Quick View. Asea pay a retail commission of $30 on the sale of a $150 “case” of their product. A reasonable rule of thumb is that anybody who tries to extend this list without reference to a specific scientific publication or tells you that they have bottled such things either has no aquaintance (sic) with the field or is trying to mislead you. Moving onto the compensation plan, the introduction for the AAA Bonus in Asea’s official compensation plan material says it all: The AAA Bonus is by far the most powerful and immediately lucrative residual portion of the ASEA Compensation Plan. ASEA Impact; ASEA Global; Office Login. They are doing everything they can to dis and destroy the company. Have you ever tried contacting a Dr. Gary Samuelson? I have always had stomach problems. The huge pharmaceutical industry lobby is running scared. The Asea compensation plan though does mention the sale of “a case” for $150. As an MLM marketed product, this is unlikely and no such information is available on the official website. I suppose if FX... Sure. Preferred customer orders similarly pay out a $25 commission per “case” of product ordered. Shut up its not your field of expertise or go and do your degree in science or became a doctor, then you talk. The company offers a line of skincare products like cleansers and moisturizers: Other products include Asea Via Source, Asea Via Biome, Asea Via LifeMax, and Asea Via Omega. I no longer have this health problem. What happened to my detailed explanation of what this product is and is not? Now i can run like young boy before dec 14.2018 i was like a old man with so many issues. Product. Let’s do this.”. But in fact hypochlorous acid -and maybe even the chlorine gas created when the hypochlorous ion hits the stomach acid – seem to have numerous positive health effects for many people with chronic ailments and some acute conditions. THANK YOU FOR THIS FULL EXPLANATION OF THESE PRODUCTS. There is no information about the affiliate joining costs on the Asea website. I have seen remarkable results with this product MYSELF, with people I know. ASEA (the company): "ASEA (also called ASEA water by some people) is trillions of stable, perfectly balanced Redox Signaling Molecules suspended in a pristine saline solution—the same molecules that exist in the cells of the human body. And yes, we are all sorry you feel you got ripped off. The Appalachian State University conducted one in 2012 called “Influence of a redox-signaling supplement on biomarkers of physiological stress in athletes: a metabolomics approach”. I have been using it for 2 months on my skin and hair. Hypothesis: consumption of 8-oz of ASEA water (4-oz before breakfast and 4-oz before bedtime) will significantly elevate 24-h resting energy expenditure as compared to consumption of a placebo control (salt water, same dietary intake). There are many documented sources available and placebo test results available, but for me personal testimonies are what convinced me to try the products. ASEA is an expensive way to buy salt water, backed up by an enormous number of sciencey-sounding buzzwords and no meaningful evidence, all wrapped up in a multi-level marketing scheme designed to separate the credulous from their money. This is setting up the chain recruitment with autoship model from the get go and with official company endorsement, is likely to the be core focus of pretty much every Asea affiliate out there. Also their marketing PDF uses Lakh as its Currency Ah I missed that. More info. I know he is one of the scientific experts ASEA relies on to explain what its product is and does. All rights reserved.DietSpotlight does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Huh? Many people experience much better sleep with ASEA. Copyright © 2008 - 2021 Dietspotlight.com. They KNOW the threat that health is to their profit line. -Claims of highly reactive molecules returning as perfectly stable molecules is a confusion as a molecule may be either but not both. Following further research and development into their product line, Tyler Norton was then brought on at a later date. ASEA Testimonials. But to each his own. As you begin to build your team of Associates the AAA (ASEA Autoship Advantage) Bonus Program will help to return your initial investment in your ASEA business. Redox signals reflect the changing free radical state of a cell or molecule in the body. I was suffering so much unhealthy body now i am surprise? To contact Asea Redox customer service on phone, please, call 801-973-7499 or call toll-free on 888-438-5971. ABB (Asea Brown Boweri) is still owning the trademark ASEA and that cant be used in Scandinavia and ABB:S lawyers are on their Warpath…. We support the operation of our site through a partnership with Noom, among the most-effective, comprehensive programs we've seen for helping people lead healthier lives. Whenever references to it show up here, they immediately get deleted. Despite its simple ingredient list and lack of potential side effects, we still have a few concerns. This is called “downline marketing.”. When unopened, the product lasts for 30 days. I would love to keep experimenting on my own with this imaginative magic product because I am convinced neither way – by the trigger happy nay sayers nor by the fanatical followers – but price is the biggest reason I will not support ASEA. The AAA Bonus is paid out monthly, with full qualification between levels 1 to 3 resulting in a monthly $750 commission. *Bragga-douche-eo The sound made by a scamming ponzi shill compared to evacuating your... Ernie Ganz & David Barker def judgments granted ($953K). However, if you purchase the packets, you can consume Redox straight out of the pouch. All clinically tested with results commonly found in journals such as Obesity and The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. ASEA Redox Supplement is classified as a dietary supplement in the United States. Scroll below for one of the best products we’ve seen over the last year. Anything less than a 50% or close to split and you’re probably looking at signing up with an autoship order and then setting about recruiting others who do the same. Seriously, there’s no information page for their flagship water product anywhere on the site. So far, the news doesn’t appear to be as promising as it was hoped for. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for ASEA RENU 28 Redox Skin Care Gel 2.7 fl oz at Amazon.com. Can I take Asea Redox when taking Eltroxin (Thyroxine) as thyroid hormone substitute. Colleen “My ASEA business gave me the flexibility and opportunity to dedicate my time to give the last year of my father’s life the love and quality of care he deserved. Note that AAA Bonus qualifications are ongoing and must be maintained from month to month. The CDC also notes that is it generally better to consume less sodium in the diet. Good luck. Mainly, there seems to be an issue with the effectiveness of the supplement. Aquarium Singapore review, I ... On contrary, nurse sharks settle in shallow waters while hammerheads swim along coastlines. Phew. The Asea Autoship Advantage Bonus pays affiliates to recruit new affiliates and get them to sign up for a monthly autoship order. Recovery progress was PATHETIC, but steady. This work led to the creation of the foundational technology behind ASEA, providing a way to deliver to the body these stabilized Redox Signaling molecules necessary for optimal cellular health. So maybe it helps chop up the leftover protein junk that keeps collecting in our bodies as we age, get injured, lose cells to infection and natural limits. Blocks certain markers that harm cell health. To help you find the most suitable water filter in Singapore for your needs, we’ve down the best-reviewed and most recommended products in today’s article. So, Asea salt water “heals serious health issues” does it? To get the actual price, you will have contact the manufacturer directly. You should mix it with Preacher Peter Popov’s “Miracle Spring Water” and you’d be super duper prosperous too. This stinks of “religion” to me, where faith is needed in place of factual evidence. It is an awesome product. However, the only source of information on this process and its benefits is on the company and affiliate sites. #ASEAMalaysiaMalaysia is a market that is doing $5.3 billion in direct sales and is the 4th-largest direct selling market in Asia and 9th in the world!! As an MLM business, Asea Redox can be purchased through the distributors of the company and on Amazon. The rest of the studies the official website cites are without sources or authors: There is independent research on redox signaling. Please contact Associate Support at 800-130-2110 or singapore@aseaglobal.com with any inquiries. Been taking asea redox for over a week. ASEA is dedicated to providing its Associates all the tools they need to be successful, so you can focus on growing your ASEA business. My partner has signed up and is selling it. I often wonder what would happen if I sat with my feet in a bucket of any of the multiple water based woo products. It was also noted that Asea ‘attributed healing abilities to their products that are not adequately demonstrated and certified‘. Also note that for the purpose of qualification, up to 50% of any required unilevel sales volume can come from any one unilevel leg. The truth is that ASEA can benefit the health of everyone at every stage. Kind of a bother for most people. I am so happy with Asea, I will never stop drinking it, My A1C is now 6.6 after two months of taking Asea…It was 7.3 back in May. Since this supplement’s main active ingredients are charged particles, adding other substances may alter their charged states, so mixing this drink with anything else is not recommended. That charges up the saltwater particles, equipping them with new powerful health benefits the. 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