May God raise up more people like Josiah who tore down the high places and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God until Jesus becomes the only thing worshipped in the church. There are evil people who look like good people. That is stunning. It is in the section entitled, An inquiry begins, about halfway down the page. They were belittled and mocked if they tried to set boundaries or said they preferred not to be hugged. The premise of con- templative spirituality is pantheistic (God is all) and panentheistic (God is in all). These things were the normal and the personal assistants was more than happy to go along. How to build a corporation in 5 easy steps. As I said before, I think people who disbelieve the testimony of victims are the least credible people in these situations. Ok, So Nancy Ortberg was fondled, hugged, touched. Hybels condemned himself. I asked my mom once why she endured physical abuse so long from my father, and she gave me similar answers. My potty-mouth made me do it (Mark Driscoll) These have what I think are some significant parallels from which to consider some larger patterns. Hugging spouse and kids a lot is good. He didnt want to stop and I have some doubts that he took it when all this stuff happened. @ Lydia. I have been doing some background checking into this. Marquet changed the Leader-Follower traditional naval paradigm to Leader-Allocate Control, resulting in success for all. Read the Bible. Since Hybels resigned, a few of the accusers have stated that they did not want it to come to that. But if you read Jodies clever rant, take ortberg name out of the picture and just think about what the culture was like there. So your mind overrides your gut. I think the safest place for interaction is in public. Who are the people our Creator said were His people?, Are you one of those Serpent Seed believers? (2) A face-to-face conversation with Bill Hybels on April 6th. Put it in context and think about such a convo. It never appeared that they were the type of people that would not speak up. Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? And you re-evaluate. Dee, I have going to professional society meeting for over 30 years, and hospitality suites are expected/ the norm. Dee, is Julie a new commenter here? Heinous, but nice. Jesus Christ is the assessory. More than we know. Weve both been busy with writing projects and many other things. Sometimes I wonder if it is not their worst enemy. Bill was asked about his special arrangement with I.T., where his emails are permanently deleted on a frequent and regular basis. Brad, for better or worse, you are an example of the average WCC person to me. The church is doing fine. I absolutely agree that the same exact methods are used on both ends of the spectrum. And dont forget: Jesus takes care of the harvest. I am quite curious what nonsense what posted now, because what?! @ Dee Parsons: Millions of dollars all. Ever. When you read it, I think you might as well. Membership Covenants psychology today says that When we hug or kiss a loved one, oxytocin levels increase; hence, oxytocin is often called the love hormone.. If she ever blew the whistle on his evil-doing, he had prepared in advance the excuse he would give to the elders in his church: I had taken Ambien! . Wow!!! Lets just call it a deviation from the mainstream Christian view of hell. !) called Give Me That Christian Side Hug went near-viral. I think so too. And every word in it, every allegation, is completely irrelevant to the issues that forced Bill Hybels into an early retirement. analytical thinking. That doesnt mean people should be randomly hugging you for no reason, though. I have to think, absolutely have to think, that a courageous leader sure wouldve done things differently in the last month, whether Hybels is totally clean and all of these women leaders in the church and old friends of Bill are part of a vast conspiracy to destroy Bill Hybels, the righteous man, or if Hybels is dirty and all along was an abusive sociopath and terminal liar. Publishing is a major part of a celebritys platform. There was also some sort of one world conspiracy deal. On the surface, an extended hug may seem harmless, even though deep down it creeps you out a little. Exit music: The difference is the internet makes it much harder to try to shame each of us in person individually.. Blogs such as WW are an encouragement to me. It was not the stature of the parities involved that was relevant, but the truth of the matter at hand. Christianity is so intertwined with our society as the religion that the majority, if they dont believe, at least pay lip service to. The invitation to the first Family Meeting stated in the first paragraph that this group wanted to damage the church and the senior pastor! It was always funny to me (sad really) how when Bill Hybels prayed for/about something no matter what it was, that according to Hybels God always answered him immediately or within days. Nothing more. Read the Bible Dee. So pastor rock stars are way more dangerous. After all, there were so many good things that had been done and so many accolades given. We can all learn from this and make sure to teach your kids. Or the colleague. @ Davis and Natasha: He told me to sit down and put my feet up. There are many similar type of things over the years I did not mention. The plastic fish on the car in the church parking lot purchased at the church gift store. Hybels used Yahweh (God) for his own desires and celebrity. Willow Creek needs Jesus and they need to let Him be in control. You were easily manipulated by an evil expert (especially with children). I only hugged a co-worker once. Lengthy quotes rarely get read and can be annoying. Paul spoke up, and evidently appropriate action was taken, for which the Church at large benefitted. Kudos to these two publishers. No idea the the Bible says, Do the work of an evangelist!. A dishonest person disposes everything in the hope that nothing will ever be retrieved that reveals his guilt. @ truthseeker00: LOL I sure never did on the few creepy weirdo hugs I was subjected to! Scapegoats? Status? Really? How is that not normal? The exact same mind control tools create social justice Warrior Churches as are used to create mega seeker churches or the monolithic SBC franchise. To me its a faux and phony culture that cant get over itself. I do believe that there exist genuine sexual perverts, but we err when we naively believe that all who abuse particularly those in positions of power and authority who systematically abuse are merely acting out sexual impulses. The comments from some in the WCC Trebuchet Club has brought this home to me. And, yes, some people dont come forward with their experiences for dozens of years. Learn to be alone with yourself. Dee and Jack know so little. I also think if its true, it minimizes his and his wifes ability to legitimately point the finger at others, and the impact of their words, and that is very unfortunate. I really liked your comment. So what favor did he do you (that you did not tell me about) that made him think that you owed him? Shauna (Hybels) met her husband at Willow Creek before they went to Mars Hill and joined Rob Bells staff. I hope you are right about this. "Willow Creek is known for its health and vitality as a faith community," he said. What BH did is reprehensible. 3:6, but you gloss over that because really, at the end of the day, in spite of all your preening about your great knowledge of the Koine Greek (proud, haughty, so like your master, eh? She also questioned her own judgment in whether he was actually being inappropriate. In my 9 years of writing a blog which deals with abuse issues, I have been deeply upset by the responses of Christians when their celebrity church or pastor have been shown to have clay feet. Dee, my Sister Nancy Beach sent me this today. I love Diane Langberg. Hybels having resigned rather than face his accusers, what will WC do with Jesus and guided by Gods Holy Spirit? Bill Hybels has stepped down from Chicago-area megachurch Willow Creek six months ahead of his planned retirement, in the wake of allegations of misconduct . Drawing as much of the world into church as they can, while still appearing to be Christian. Assuming that Ms. Walle isnt lying whatever her tone or motives Ortberg could go first and model real manhood by addressing her claims directly, owning what is true, and asking for forgiveness, as warranted. .just a minor point of information. I hope you are right about this. Good point. Lets go a little deeper. The church Elders allowed Bill to stay in an unsupervised counseling relationship with her, while neither her husband nor Bill's wife was made aware of the situation. Other WCC members are posting this letter on fb. Its a thing now. Bob Buckner. I outlined above the typical reasons people dont mention uncomfortable incidents with someone they trust or admire. This is kind of my gig, you know. Or, this particular post on my research blog might be of note the Pyramid of Abuse and Culpability/Complicity. Because it was not entirely clear what happened. Do not be the disciple with the sword. She was still hoping that he had changed. Bill Hybels got married to Lynne in 1974. Think about it. If you all think that personal shopping is sex abuse, you need to get real. We do not allow rank condemnation of anyone who has been victimized, even if said person doesnt believe them. * It is about power and control and until people in churches get this, they will be waaaaay behind the culture. No one walks away unascathed. This is ridiculous! We would have food, beverages, snacks, etc. @ JB: I think its more common than any of us think. The Elders reviewed none for content. I am going to add one further post that will be two pictures and then I will allow all these posts to stay for comment. Are Lynn and Bill Hybels still married? As it says in the bible, Who are we to judge? In your view, discussing Hybels behavior is worse than his behavior. For example, I have no problem with a man eating dinner in a public restaurant with a woman who is not his wife . I believe that God is convicting WCCs leadership. Note how often those being accused are the old dogs, gone or soon to be gone from the public eye anyway. I dont have to be a fan of Nancy Ortberg to take her testimony seriously. Tyndale House Publishers is suspending publication of a forthcoming new book from Bill Hybels, and InterVarsity Press is suspending reprint of one of his books. I am so very proud of her and with how hard this has been on everyone. Right. Not that hugs are linked to drugs; I am just meandering. Whats being destroyed is the idol worship of Bill Hybels. It took a long time for her to get past that. Will the newly installed Willow Creek pastoral leadership/management just put a proverbial 501(c)3 band-aid on an open sore and continue business as usual; now that there has been identified a large hole in this churchs ethical, moral and scriptural superstructure? 4 unwanted extended hugs (thats including Nancy Ortbergs latest revelation). What a great article! I have recently become Lutheran. Bill Hybels is a legendary figure in the world of business. Perhaps its just honest ignorance, perhaps its denial. One has nothing to do with the other. There was also some sort of one world conspiracy deal. Bill Hy the Touchy Guy got himself into this and his elders proceeded to dig the hole deeper no devil required. And with Invocation of GAWD subbing for the Ludes and Roofies. *Bill also admitted that the woman alleging an affair had spent many nights at the Hybels home when Lynne was out of town.* (from the Nancy Ortberg post). The women will be able to see the other side of things. Brad, for better or worse, you are an example of the average WCC person to me. Much Prayer as God makes all things clear. 2. Have you any clue how prideful this sounds? They are rarely anything alike. I cannot imagine the pressure that your sister is experiencing. @ jackie: 1 in particular always made flirtatious comments. All about leadership, leadership, leadership. I treated my childhood dog like a doll. Unfortunately, this particular scandal not only impacts specific Willow Creek pastors or employees it impacts the body of Christ and the thousands of people seeking to know Jesus. I cant deny I have been blessed by WC and the GLS. I know, Ive been there. Then I started questioning that after quite a few! That is a huge red flag. I really question what your true intentions are. Church people who want to do that with her at this point are way off base. Here you will get Bill Hybels's net worth, weight, height net worth, girlfriend, educational qualification and complete bio. I also think if its true, it minimizes his and his wifes ability to legitimately point the finger at others, and the impact of their words, and that is very unfortunate. To choose to continue to take a medication in spite of those side effects, when there are so many other sleep aids available, makes no sense. That is not old school. Sometimes theyre letting you know who theyve really been followingand who they havent been. I think it compounds the problem when so many mega churches are unaffiliated with a denomination and/or have sprung up and had only ONE pastor (or lead pastor) for their entire church history. Is it possible that Bill Hybels encouraged the leadership of women in order to increase his own access to women who admired him within the confines of church business, giving him plausible deniability? At the end of the three-day conference a small group of us joined Bill in his hotel room to celebrate a birthday and the conference. They can protect the vulnerable better if they wise up. She was running with him outside. But one thing I know, we have a choice in our behaviors. My bad. Mahaney books. Think about it. However, there are a couple of things we cannot judge and this is what I believe what Scripture is talking about. She had no way of knowing of other incidents and we now see why. Eleven repented and realized their failing at the resurrection. Speak the Word when it is time and serve with love always. I am all for systemic analysis and the big-picture view. She no longer attended church (for at least a year) and she no longer trusted Jesus. Okay, now is my choice to reference David. I wonder if he knows? Where is the scribe? Frankly, I think people went to great lengths to protect Hybels including the women he groomed and hit on. Ive learned how to see the tactics of abusers because Ive been listening to the victims of domestic abuse for years, am a survivor of CSA and DV and spiritual abuse myself plus Ive read many of the statements which perps make when their sins are called out and exposed. In the seeker world, it tends to mean numbers, programs, etc. I hope that someone who knows what they are doing is archiving all of the official statements and documents by Hybels and WC. Whether anyone associated with any of his accusers is a jerk or not, I fail to see the pointunless, of course, the point is to smear whoever accuses him so that people will think twice before bringing forth any more stories. August 7, 2018. Many self/proclaimed Christians dont. Is it that tough for you to give Bill Hybels any redeeming value? Or, for instance, a pastor may be forever fishing to see what his parishioners know as to the latest church scandal, etc., without the trusting individuals ever even know this is taking place. Thus, the cottage industry that often accompanies or is an integral part of their ministry (sic) glides on, and the supposed spiritual.authority who is moving on is positioned to escape consequences and true rebuke. Many self/proclaimed Christians dont. Certainly does not sound like the sort of objective, information-seeking statement one would expect from an informational meeting. This morning, Nancy Ortberg posted Flawed Process, Wounded Women on her website. Actually, hugging creates a release of oxytocin (also known as the cuddle hormone) in the human body, which can artificially create a sense of trust and closeness. Bill asked her to have me call when I got out. Jesus takes care of the harvest. As I said, I dont hug people at work. (none of them did it in a bothersome way, I just wasnt used to it). Dont get me started on how mega churches operate. You want to know the lack of leadership moment that really stood out to me in Hybels own words? @ truthseeker00: Even worse, you can be shamed/shuned, and called lukewarm for your honest questioning of what you experienced/think. Remember all those times we hung out together and nothing happened? Amnon: I WANNA TAMAR! How many times do you think it needs to be posted? I want to express my gratitude to Nancy for coming forward. They did exactly what most ministry people do. Just wondering if theres a way to make it easier to keep up. A brave woman called each person out, which led to subsequent allegations, Differences Some people left, but our church has been transformed. ISBN13: 9780310533719 Release Date: June 1993 Publisher: Zondervan Length: 240 Pages Weight: 0.40 lbs. Try to respond like Jesus might and you will be let through. You would think that wannabe preacher boys would be warned off of that in seminary. Hey WCCC, set up an 800 number with an outside firm so anyone with information can call without fear of being shamed on stage or in the press. Anti-semitic ? Sovereign Grace Ministries @ truthseeker00: 1 comment about arms Go back to JBs April 16 comment. Of course Billy Graham never led anyone to Jesus. If you have to go along with the silliness (never with evil) make sure you are being paid. The information given was half-truths and from the very first email sent out from the elderslacking wisdom and discernment. I would assume these claims are multi million. Hybels, the influential founder and pastor willow creek, resigned in april 2018 after 42 years leading the church. I am absolutely sickened by this situation. Is that one of the reasons Student Centers/University Unions include Mall Food Courts and all the amenities of a high-end cruise ship? I truly hope that WCC reexamines who they are. I think Hybels and Billy Graham lost their beliefs somewhere along the way maybe they never really had them. Given the complexity and amount of ongoing business involved in a multi-million-dollar, multi-campus enterprise, I would thank that their legal counsel would have ensured that documents (including emails) from all board members, staff, and other employees would need to be preserved, in case of legal/criminal issues arising. It would seem somewhat of a legal issue to go around wiping documents and videos, no? This was a joke which proved how few people at WCC understand sexual harassment. Got any other people of substance who would vouch for you? My bad for not being back in touch with you. They dont feel like telling anyone, just swallow it and hold it in. What I see here is a whole lot of wholesale condemnation. I happened to meet the other womans husband, and I suppose the megapastor considered him a type C or D leader and didnt often invite him along. This is largely Christianese. Cherry picking scripture out of context wont convince many here, scare or shame them. As we got up to leave at the end of the evening Bill said to me in front of the group, Nancy why dont you stay for a couple of minutes for us to discuss your ministry work? I immediately looked at the others for how I should respond and one of them smiled and said, Okay, see you in the morning.. I highly recommend it, as well as his book, I dont understand the focus by this and other commenters on when did she tell her husband, When I got to his room, Bill had wine opened and waiting. Some will walk away all together from their faith journey. Then the man of God acts as if nothing happened.. There are films to prove it. The whole church is in our thoughts and prayers. Nancy, like Vonda, believed her experience with Bill was an isolated incident. Since there's been no follow-up on their proposed Sunday morning mention of Hybels, it's safe to assume that multiple sources have told them that they made a grievous error to even suggest such a disgusting gesture. Surrounded by sycophants, who knew better. Instead of turning the other cheek or choosing kindness in the midst of your disappointment, I see anger and a willingness to hurt other people. Hybels, of Barrington, is married to Willow Creek senior pastor and founder Bill Hybels.Lynne Hybels . there will be a pendulum swing away from megachurches. @ Lydia. Hybels led many. . I would add that based upon reactions of his followers here, it becomes more obvious why. There just are. Harvey was condemned by Hollywood while Bill received the proverbial Standing O, I had to read this twice. For the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Dont work for Megas, folks. I think Bill Hybels is an intelligent man. A cheap way to expand. Is that structure really the best way to know Christ? So sad. There are cuddle friends. Learn to value yourself. You just described me. @ truthseeker00: Its time stamped documentation. * Now, it all falls into place: Wow, Im not the only person this happened to. This was real. This was wrong.. How would it be possible to remain as a staff member and not address the issue? Do adults really need to know the details of the sleep-overs or the email content before drawing a conclusion? But is that truthful? Tell your sister that I am standing with her in spirit and in prayer. The entire Gospel is predicated on the fact that we are sinners and that we are going to be sinners until we go home. Bill Hybels married Lynne Hybels back in 1974. Maybe hes just old. Where is the debater of this age? Ive experienced it alsomultiple times. Assuming TWW readers have spent some time absorbing background and details about Bill Hybels and the evidence from the women who came forward with accusations, what do you see as possible points and patterns with that case study, compared with those of Joss Whedon and Lawrence Krauss? I guess what Im saying is that when a pastor is revealed as an abuser, that doesnt necessarily invalidate everything his church has done. Her pastor said that her body belonged to her husband and he could do whatever he wanted to do. Married: Spouse: Lynne Hybels (m. 1974) Son/Daughter: Yes (Shauna Niequist and Todd Hybels) Earning: $95,000 . Be the one who is loving and kind in the midst of sorrow, showing us that you trust Jesus to bring something beautiful out of this pain. Wow!!! Or is this site simply about wholesale condemnation, I am so glad to hear that you are well versed in the Scriptures. Our job is to sow seeds. Invited women to their hotel rooms I allowed links and discussion on Jodis open letter despite the fact that I found it insulting to true victims. I guess you are not aware of the president for whom Hybels was a spiritual advisor. What happened to Willow Creek? I doubt you get the same affect from creepy weirdo hugs. The faith survived the persecutions.It will survive Bill Hybels indiscretions. Testimony of victims and witnesses is not gossip. Looks like THAT Joseph Smith (the founding couple) were lucky enough to have a Brigham Young (the board) to succeed them. Those are, in my opinion, less the goals than the tools used to achieve the real goals, which I am guessing are not the spiritual health of the Body of Christ. No amount of marketing spin can change the fact that if these allegations are true, and they now appear quite credible, that you were following a fraudand quite naturally, are now acting like one yourself. They share two children named Shauna Niequist who is a bestselling Christian author and Todd Hybels Who Is Lynne Hybels Lynne is the co-founder of Willow Creek Community Church and author of Nice Girls Don't Change the World and a columnist for Sojourners magazine. Is lynne hybels still married to bill The new thing i learned from nancy ortberg's post was that bill has personally. The elder board and staff who enabled him are equally bad. I cannot find the comment so let me Some person, purportedly a woman, is blaming the women for going to Hybels hotel room. You are just nailing it. They gain influence or trust first and then use that as cover for another manipulation agenda. Uh oh..then we are in trouble. Sounds like wing ding anti Semitic tripe. Christian vs. Jew Of course not. Like the real estate/mortgage broker years ago who the day before the search warrant came down, backed up an industrial shredder van to their office for an all-day shred-everything party. Ive no doubt that there was irregularities going on at WCC. In the book, Turn the Ship Around David Marquet writes: Leadership should mean giving control rather than taking control and creating leaders rather than forging followers. Power is at the top but information is with the hands-on bottom levels of a hierarchy. She claims Bill Hybels brought up the incident in Hawaii about the ambien. 1 kiss They called people out who were lying, as well as inappropriate practices in the churches.]. You know, Bill Hybels for two decades or more promoted himself as the one with a system that would revolutionize the church and make it relevant. This is so typical mega. The principles are sound, thoughwell enough to be applied to anyone's marriage, especially those looking to place God in the middle. I grew up around some. Very often, as you point out, in times of crisis, people respond in ways that reveal. @ Forrest: Like you, quite a few of us have spent years studying it deeply. Dont ever close the door to the tutoring office if a student is in there *especially female students. but I know you dont have that set up. People so manipulated, though wounded, never quite understand what is causing the pain. The mistake people make is thinking everything can go back to normal. Hybels retired early from Willow Creek in 2018 after he was accused by several women, who worked for or attended the church, of sexual misconduct stretching back more than 20 years. Time will tell whether WC was following Christ or Hybels. Brad may be a Christian, one stunted by being immersed in an environment that had the form of godliness while denying the power, but he also may be one who wouldnt know Jesus if He walked up and gave him a hug. Could do whatever he wanted to damage the church you need to get real 1 kiss called! This group wanted to damage the church at large benefitted even though deep it., beverages, snacks, etc the mistake people make is thinking everything can go to. 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