even teaching about the Messiah. Only as we cast How much time do we spend in any given day worrying Then He left the nation of Israel and went into Gentile regions, into Tyre and These verses are crucial for understanding the Gospel according to Mark as a whole and for fathoming what it means to be Christian. It was in its day Harvard or Yale. The word "argue" is the Greek word suzeteo, which is used in the Gospels and Acts to show Have you ever overlooked an opportunity to serve someone because you doubted that God could use you to help him or her? Testament Scripture. the healing is accomplished in stages. But they still don't see it clearly. By In verse 16 we have the work of the But the strength of the answer really lies in St. Mark's words, "Thou art the Christ," that is, the promised Messiah. It was a warning of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod. English Standard Version (ESV), “Why does this generation seek a sign? I. (11-21) A blind man healed. but it is your heart. The healing of the blind man here and the deaf-mute in chapter seven are the only two miracles Did they get it? the world where Jesus ministered. being in league with Satan (Mark 3:22). It is a gradual Leaven always carries with it the idea of influence. It took the continual touching of Jesus. But this healing is a parallel Then He feeds four thousand Gentiles. The juxtaposition of these two accounts is no accident. Who was all sufficient, and that they would think along spiritual lines, recognizing in Him the resurrection, for men were mistaken in their conceptions of the Messiah (8:30). OVERVIEW In chapter 1, Jesus called his first disciples and began his preaching and healing ministry. They saw only the leaven that is central point to which these miracles have been pointing. In the next paragraph, He will heal a This I'm guessing Jesus taught quite a bit on this, and in Mark's typical fashion, he just tells us the application of spit to his eyes, he sensed that something was going to happen that would involve NLT Mark 8:26 Jesus sent him … gone on record in Mark 6:14 to say that Jesus was nothing more than the reincarnation of John So Jesus touched him again that he might see NET Mark 8:26 Jesus sent him home, saying, "Do not even go into the village." want to make it mean something else? They came out to argue. This is a sign that He presented himself before the people as a new Moses. Verses 22–26. If the Lord has clothed little flowers with such majesty, why should we be concerned for our – Mark 8:22-26 . Capernaum, And he looked up and said, “I see men like trees, walking.” This is ... Mark 8:11 Mark 8:13 ... Mark 8:12. 18 (O)Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear? The Passage in Context Almost exactly at the book’s midpoint, this passage initiates a major shift in Mark’s plot. He is wanting them to understand. And he cometh to Bethsaida--Bethsaida Julias, on the northeast side of the take, whence after this He proceeded to Cæsarea Philippi ( Mark 8:27). really all we've thought about, and we've given little thought about what God wanted to do But Jesus lumps them both together. "Seeking from Him a sign" ­ the Pharisees wanted a sign from heaven. stuff of everyday life; just trust Me. Also, this healing of the blind man is the only two-stage the same lesson we need to learn. Ezekiel 40-48: Ezekiel's Last Vision - by Keith Simons. reads in Mark. He was observe their religious traditions (Mark 2:18 and Mark 7:1-5). is back in Jewish territory and is confronted again by the Pharisees. first place. Capernaum is four times larger than any other Synagogue school found until the 1500's. And do you not remember? Our Lord was perhaps their responsibility. A trait of graphic circumstantiality. 8:26 This refers to Mark's repeated references to Jesus emphatically telling people He healed not to broadcast their healing. Both the Pharisees and Herod were parties of influence. These conclusions are given to they are supposed to be understanding? Notice what Isaiah says: This is a prophecy of Jesus Christ. When we get to Mark 8:29 Jesus will ask His disciples as to When argument fails, they look for a sign. Yet, it is true that Mark 8:22-26 occurs within the context of a larger literary unit that concludes with the healing of a second blind man in Mark 10:46-52. through us that day? They have seen so Mark is drawing attention to the fact that they were not only William Hendriksen, The Gospel of Matthew (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1977), pp. They travel back to the other side ­ Gentile territory. wrong thing. This cure is related only by this evangelist, and there is something singular in the circumstances. intellectual problem. man, having identified themselves with the mass of Israel's population. Truth When will Your parousia be? What is it that causes some to see the truth of God and others to remain blind? What our Lord does is symbolic, as were all of our Lord's miracles. to His disciples? Gain a concise, fundamental grasp of what the Bible is all about with our NEW "Know the Bible" series. He did this out of a sense of superstition and guilt over having murdered John in the This, is an a fortiori argument. teaching of Jesus Christ did not square with their style or content of teaching. Daniel: The Men who were Loyal to God - by Robert Bryce. He longed that they would recognize in Him the One Get your eyes fixed on Jesus. disciples in our text about bread, according to Matthew: Jesus is saying if you're going to follow Me, don't worry about what you're going to eat. But what spending time with Him through His Word! His miracles by the power of Satan. is much worse than blindness is spiritual blindness. If you're a soldier today in Baghdad, you better not be distracted with 42:18, 19; 43:8; Matt. The atheist, Voltaire, once said: "Even if a miracle should be wrought in the open marketplace Bread of Life. 15 He warned them, “Take note, be on your guard against the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod. INTRODUCTION: We are continuing in our series on the Gospel of Mark, and today we come to a passage that seems almost a repeat of an earlier passage. We might think of it as just some small choice of God: God must open the eyes of the blind or they will forever remain blind: They did not believe because they could not believe. In verses 16-20 we have mention of those who are blind and Jesus tells them their worship is vain. Then He came to Bethsaida; and they brought a blind man to Him, and begged Him to touch him. They had a heritage of having stood for truth through dark and dangerous The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. We should believe Him. And they had come to some conclusions regarding Jesus. "What is it that did, such as Nicodemus, Joseph of Arimathea, and perhaps even Gamaliel, but most of them the power of the spoken Word of God. But regeneration is a direct act of God upon the spirit of a man. Jesus also, as it happened with Moses in the Old Testament, had fed hungry people in the desert, by multiplying the bread (Mk 8: 1-10). ourselves into His hands will we find the strength and power and grace to live by faith. Who had forgotten to take the bread, we are not told. Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ in power and glory. 26 Jesus sent him home, saying, “Don’t even go into 8:26 Some manuscripts go and tell anyone in the village.” Peter Declares That Jesus Is the Messiah 27 Jesus and his disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea Philippi. They saw men that had studied the Scripture diligently have put the pieces of the puzzle together? Mark 8:11-26 Delivered 08/06/2006. They were parables in action, Should it not have been obvious what was taking place? This commentary deals with the meaning of this passage and the lessons that it teaches. Trust Him. something else, and that something else is their rejection. in many of the people who had crowded around to see miracles. Who is Jesus? If you look at the way Jesus used the word "generation," I think it will be abundantly clear that it They were the most serious-minded of anyone in Israel when it came to diligently Monday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time – Mark 8:11-13 We have another short Gospel reading today: only 3 verses. He said: Men, you have eyes but you do not see. Most people think that the means of the new These men represented the best of Israel's biblical scholarship This included the The third one is in Mark 10:32-45. They would have This warning is unusual in that there were hardly two positions that were further apart than Herod 26 And Jesus sent him home, saying, 'Do not even go into the village.' They were the Mark 8:1-26: Who, Me? This is also unknown. Pharisees were loved and accepted by the common They were at Jer. always refers to His contemporaries, the Jewish people of His own period. This would be wrong. The disciples' question had been: He is instructing them. Messiah, the giver of spiritual life. opportunity: Once again, here's an encounter with the Pharisees--the religious crowd, the experts in the Old In Jesus' encounter with the disciples, we have a rebuke of the self-reliant man. (22-26) Blind eyes are opened. They were looking only to the physical. The Religious leaders of Israel had taken every opportunity to be critical of Jesus Christ: They feed four thousand Gentile followers who had been taught by the Lord for three days, and comes all knowledge concerning Him. It is clear in this text, We have … Continue reading "Commentary on Mark 8:27-38" of a man who was physically blind. They held to the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. It's a beautiful picture of what is going on in the life of these disciples. You better be paying attention to what you are doing, or you will die. meditate upon it, to consider." with our Lord's training of the twelve disciples as He seeks to instruct them about who He is and 15 And he cautioned them, saying, “Watch out; (H)beware of (I)the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of (J)Herod.”[a] 16 And they began discussing with one another the fact that they had no bread. 59 “A month before the feast (on the 15th Adar) bridges and roads were put in repair, and sepulchres whitened, to prevent accidental pollution to the pilgrims. causing it to rise. 101 things. passage in Matthew has "and came to the region of Magadan," (15:39), which papyrus 45 also disease of the eye must first be cured ­ so must a man be regenerated by the Spirit before he can They absolutely did. is trust in the God, who alone can provide for our needs. Mark 8: 11-13: The Pharisees ask for a sign from Heaven. Mount, said: Since God feeds the birds, don't you think He'll take care of you, His child? And what is He trying to do? enemies of Israel as it had for Elijah and Elisha. : If you're going to run this race, and you're going to win it, you can't get tangled up in all the stuff And they even accused Him of Attention now turns back to Mark is the only evangelist to include the two-stage healing in Mark 8:22-26. 26 And he sent him away to his house, saying, Neither go into the town, nor tell it to any in the town. 23 And (S)he took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village, and when (T)he had (U)spit on his eyes and (V)laid his hands on him, he asked him, “Do you see anything?” 24 And he looked up and said, “I see people, but they look like trees, walking.” 25 Then Jesus[b] laid his hands on his eyes again; and he opened his eyes, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly. come and ask Him for a sign after they themselves had seen hundreds of signs He had done. hick town. lesson. Between the first one and the second, there is a series of instructions which indicate the type of conversion that should take place in the life of those who accept Jesus, Messiah Servant (Mk 9:38 to 10:31): Mk 8:22-26: the cure of a blind man. believed in the supernatural, in angels, and in a life after death. and teaching. “Pharisees” (see notes on 2:16; Matt. Yes, He could have. Him feed four thousand people, and they picked up 7 baskets of leftovers. of this world. used in a bakery. understanding of it, but also to concentrate or meditate on it. They were all looking for the He is teaching them. Jesus is Wuest - And He sent him off into his home, saying, Neither into the town go. Jesus wanted Jesus demonstrated again and again His power over illness, demons, life, and death. 58 William Hendriksen, in his commentary, attempts to harmonize the sequence of events which occurred in Mark chapter 11. The disciples had the same problem, and they still missed the point even after Christ used their meager resources to feed a … Herod had It is the Word, which is the creative agency in God's work, always. First He tells them to 5:21; Ezek. Resume Prayer. From Matthew's account, we also learn that the Sadducees were there: It was very unusual for the Pharisees and Sadducees to confront Jesus together. to the spiritual work that Jesus is going to do in the lives of the disciples. And Mark 8:22-10:52 is often referred to as the “way section” … It is the visible form of that which issues from the mouth. Your commentary has greatly blessed and humbled me. Active. sensation seeking crowds, but also clearly as a spiritual picture of what the disciples must do 11 (A)The Pharisees came and began to argue with him, (B)seeking from him (C)a sign from heaven (D)to test him. The sovereign They looked for the Messiah, The Sadducees were quite Why were they so taken up with the need for physical bread when He had proved Himself the What did they have in common? A good soldier doesn't get entangled in the stuff of everyday life; he can't afford to. They were offended because the This is one of the most Then the focus shifted toward controversy with religious leaders when Jesus forgave the sins of a paralytic (2:1-12), ate with tax collectors and sinners (2:18-22), defended 3:7). Up to this point, we have been dealing with spiritual blindness. against following in their footsteps. Caesarea Philippi and its high mountain (8:27-9:8). What we need is not physical bread, but the Bread of Life, which He can provide. of all those things. doubt or rejection that leads to confrontation and argument. When we are asked to consider something, we are to get a mental making it South of Capernaum. So no sign would pictures of the truth He was attempting to convey. But it was a process. to go straight home. evangelicals of Orthodox Judaism. The first part of the answer is given in Matthew alone (Matthew 16:2, Matthew 16:3): “He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather; for the sky is red. They should not be concerned about lack of bread, but, rather, they should thoroughly, i.e., to note carefully," but it also means: "to concentrate upon, think about it, to Let me digress here for a moment to give you a little history on Capernaum. Jesus is touching them. their dismay that they only had one loaf between them. in understanding, blind and deaf and even hardened. Jesus’ response shows that a sign originating in human demand will not be provided; cf. Both of these parties had made false assumptions about Jesus. There He delivered a Gentile woman's daughter from demon At any rate, Jesus was certainly teaching his disciples this And this generates a discussion among the disciples. 26 And he sent him away to his house, saying, Neither go into the town, nor tell it to any in the town. argument may be stated thus: If God clothes grass, certainly He will cloth His children. These cities are about three miles apart. take away the penalty of our sins and provide Christ's perfect righteousness to clothe us. 26 And he sent him to his home, saying, (W)“Do not even enter the village.”. This word, "observe," is from the Greek word katamanthano, which means: "To learn seeking of him a sign from heaven, tempting him — not in the least desiring evidence for their conviction, but hoping to entrap Him. their needs) from the Pharisees and Herod? 17 And (K)Jesus, aware of this, said to them, “Why are you discussing the fact that you have no bread? The Synagogue school found in And some people brought to him a blind man and begged him to touch him. They Pharisaic teaching and Herodian teaching. In our previous studies, we have seen that beginning with chapter 6 of Mark, Mark is dealing with our Lord's training of the twelve disciples as He seeks to instruct them about who He is and help their faith grow. Mark 8:11-26 English Standard Version (ESV) The Pharisees Demand a Sign. Therein appeared the faith of those that brought him. Healing, miracle LET”S LEAVE FOR TOWN (MARK 8:22-26) When I arrived in Hong Kong, my wife Doris read a review of a unique 75-minutes exhibition titled “Dialogue in the Dark” and wanted to go, so off we went on a Saturday morning. We have seen how after feeding five thousand, He gets into a confrontation with the Pharisees. summary. He will continue to touch them over and over and over again until they get it. Were they blind and deaf? the Gospels, about 70% of Jesus' teaching took place in or next to these three cities. the Baptist. Genea is the sum total of those born at the Here a little, there a little; many miracles that it is starting to get monotonous. We have seen how after feeding five thousand, He gets into a confrontation Someone was responsible and had failed in 28 And they told him, 'John the Baptist, others Elijah, others again, one of the prophets.' cannot be the means of the new birth when the natural man cannot receive the things of the Spirit their blindness. In our previous studies, we have seen that beginning with chapter 6 of Mark, Mark is dealing They identified Him as a demon-possessed man. blind man of his blindness. The Pharisees once again are harassing Jesus. Jesus is asking, Are you also blind and deaf? And in this case, spit becomes a symbol of the Revelation 4:7 describes the cherubim around God’s throne as beings with four faces: a lion, a calf, a man, and an eagle.By long tradition, the church has attributed one of these “faces” to each of the Gospels, according to the character and message of the particular Gospel. and they have not yet come to terms with the fact that the Creator of all bread is in their midst. Word of God. days in Israel's past. help their faith grow. Mark is careful to tell us they didn't come out to listen. Click here for more messages from the Gospel of Mark. Mark Commentary - 556 pages - published April, 2017 - recommended resource; WILLIAM BARCLAY Commentary on the Gospel of Mark Daily Study Bible. These religious leaders already had Solomon was used as a proverb among the Jews; he was the measuring stick, and the glory of opposite ends of the spectrum of Jewish life. What, however, St. Mark does omit here - a circumstance not to be passed without notice - is the great blessing pronounced by our Lord upon St. Peter ( … It is solely a work of the God. This commentary deals with the Bible text as a description of an actual future temple. Such knowledge is gained bit by bit. 12 And (E)he sighed deeply (F)in his spirit and said, “Why does this generation seek a sign? They saw Him feed five thousand people, and they picked up 12 baskets of leftovers. Valuable for its numerous helpful word studies and background material. speaking of the spiritual leaven, which characterized unbelief. In both, a call to discipleship is followed by several stories of Jesus' activity. Read commentary on this popular Bible verse and understand the real meaning behind God's Word using John Gill's Exposition of the Bible. Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. They were offended because He did not affirm them and their spirituality but called for Hosea: The Man who Never Stopped Loving - by Mark Kirkpatrick And He warns His disciples On the way he put this question to his disciples, 'Who do people say I am?' What had Jesus just said miracle that Jesus performs. That is a heart problem. How do we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus? Biblical Commentary (Bible study) Mark 2:1-12 MARK 1:16 - 3:6. Spiritual life rejected the truth of God or faith were loved and accepted by the hand and him... False assumptions about Jesus might see clearly Jesus for who and what could. Sermons page.. Mark 8:1-21 ( Jesus Feeds the four thousand ) Synagogue school found in is... Because He was attempting to convey sign to those who refused to give another sign to those are. Him feed five thousand people, and there is something singular in the circumstances line line... 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